Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: Conquer fear


pronounced the spell,

In an instant, Ivan felt the space around him squeeze him, his body seemed to be out of control, and then this feeling disappeared without a trace...

Did you make it?

Ivan turned in a circle, stopped and looked around, he was still in place...

"I failed this?" Ivan said awkwardly.

"Failure is normal. Practicing this magic is not that easy!" Sirius said with a smile.

Ivan quickly adjusted it. Transformation is a very difficult magic to learn. I imagined that it was really a problem to be able to learn it all at once.

Without using academic grade points to cheat, Ivan estimated that his talent and magic affinity were the level of an excellent student under the two bloodline fusion transformations.

During the week before school, it’s not bad to be able to master the apparition successfully and proficiently.

"Well, I will take you familiar with the Phantom for a few times. It should be helpful to remember this feeling." Sirius thought for a while and said.

After finishing speaking, Sirius grabbed Ivan's wrist, waved his magic wand, and used Phantom Change a few times, moving between the two targets.

Ivan tried hard to remember this feeling of instantaneous movement in his heart.

However, when I tried it myself again, Ivan realized how difficult it is to complete a spatial displacement.

also thoroughly understood why in the process of practicing, the most important thing is to establish determination!

Whenever Ivan senses space and shifts, he will feel a great fear surge in his heart. It is a feeling that his body is about to be slapped, compressed, and cut into segments.

There are so many horrible scenes of failure to cast all kinds of spells in his mind, so that he can't think about the destination with all his heart.

After practicing for more than an hour, Ivan stopped tiredly, and at the same time the system prompt in his mind sounded.

[Ding, after a period of practice, your proficiency in transforming shadows has improved, the current progress is 29/100]

"Let's take a break first. If you are unsteady, it is easy to cause splitting when you rush to Apparition." Sirius stepped forward, patted Ivan on the shoulder, and said comfortingly.

Ivan nodded, and the two found a place to sit down.

Sirius patiently explained to Ivan the mistakes he had just cast.

Finally, Sirius also jokingly talked about how he was too impatient when he first practiced transforming shadows. As a result, he was divided into two parts during one practice.

At that time, many students were frightened. Thanks to the professor who was there, he brought his body back in time.

"And then?" Ivan asked curiously.

"I'm so courageous by nature, isn't my body divided into two parts? That can't stop me, so I am the first one of those students to learn Apparition!"

At this point, Sirius is very proud. At that time, James and Lupin were much slower than him, not to mention the mediocre Peter...

Thinking of this betrayer, Sirius’s face is a bit unsightly.

At this time, Ivan asked curiously. "How long did it take you to learn this magic?"

Ivan’s question interrupted Sirius’ memory, he quickly adjusted his emotions and said provocatively.

"Excluding the time for theory class, it took about five or six classes...what? Do you want to compare with me?"

Is it about ten hours or so? so fast!

Ivan thought with emotion, but still accepted the provocation of Sirius. Only when there is pressure, there is motivation!

After a short rest, Ivan continued the practice of Apparition.

While the system reminder sounded constantly in his mind, Ivan was also gradually overcoming the sense of spatial alienation, trying hard to establish a connection between the two places.


A few hours later, the sky gradually darkened. During a spell, Ivan suddenly felt that his body seemed to be squeezed into a small space.josei

The consciousness seemed to be stripped away, and the body was spinning inside, and the fear of being separated from reality gradually came to my heart.

Ivan kept thinking about the location of the pothole in his mind, and shouted in his heart.

I want to go there, right away, right away!

Ivan soon felt that his body was kicked out of that place, and the world was spinning around. When it stabilized, Ivan found that he had reached the target location.

【Ding, Phantom Shift has reached level 1, current proficiency (9/200), and five academic points awarded! 】

As the system prompt sounded, Ivan realized that he had completed a spatial transformation, and initially learned the curse.

Snap slap...

Sirius clapped and walked over and said admiringly. "It looks like you succeeded! Much faster than I thought..."

"It was just a fluke." Ivan shook his head and looked at the darkening sky. He has been practicing for about seven hours.

Although this speed is faster than the five or six class hours that Sirius said.

But Ivan is very clear that this is the progress in the case of one-to-one teaching ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ When Sirius was learning Apparition, there was no teacher to give him a single tutor.

"With this successful experience, I believe you only need more practice to release this magic at will." Sirius patted Ivan on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

Ivan's ability to initially learn this magic within half a day is far beyond his expectations.

The difficulty of learning Phantom Shift Sirius is very clear. In addition to requiring learners to have sufficient magic power and excellent spatial sensing ability, the most important thing is to overcome fear!

Because every time a wizard uses Apparition, he runs through the cracks of space at the risk of being separated.

The stronger the space-sensing ability of the wizard, the more the feeling of fear can be experienced, so determination and self-confidence are so important in the process of casting a spell!

When learning this magic at Hogwarts, there will be one or two days between each class, so students have plenty of time to adapt.

Sirius was prepared before, and spent a few days to practice with Ivan. He thought that Ivan would not be able to sustain it for an hour or two at most.

I didn’t even think that Ivan not only persevered, but also successfully released Apparition!

A successful spell-casting experience certainly did not satisfy Ivan.

But after practicing for so long, Ivan has long been exhausted physically and mentally, and his magic power is almost exhausted, so he can only give up temporarily and wait until tomorrow to continue practicing.

Then Sirius brought Ivan to a long-range apparition and returned to their temporary stronghold.

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