Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 283

Chapter 283: You bother me thinking...

"Of course I know they won't issue two Merlin medals, but they can be replaced with a higher grade, can't they?" Ron curled his lips, dissatisfied with Hermione's dismantling of the stage.

Just as Ron turned his head and looked at Ivan, planning to say something, there was a sudden jitter in the train.

Then the train got slower and slower, and it seemed that it was about to stop.

"Are we there? So soon this time?" Ron touched his stomach, he couldn't wait to have dinner in the auditorium.

"Not yet." Hermione shook her head and turned to look out the window.

When I got in the car before, it was still sunny, but now the outside world is dark, black clouds and fog covering the sky, big raindrops falling down, even the visual range is affected.

"Then why did it stop? Is it because the train broke down halfway and needs repairs?" Harry guessed.

"I've never heard George and the others say that there will be such a situation, should we not be still here?" Ron murmured.

After the train moved slowly for a while, it came to a halt with a chuckle.

Outside the carriage, there was also a burst of noise, and the other little wizards also found that the situation was not right.

Harry and Ron wondered what happened.

Hermione turned her head to ask Ivan's opinion, but found that Ivan didn't care about the abnormality of the train at all. She flipped through the book to herself, frowning, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, the magic light in the carriage flashed and then went out suddenly, and the surrounding area was plunged into a burst of darkness, only a little light was projected from the window.

Harry stretched his head out of the carriage and looked at it. The corridor was also black. Something seemed to be floating in the darkness, and it was a little frighteningly quiet, except for the sound of sliding doors reverberating incessantly.

"It looks like something is outside!" Harry swallowed, then retracted his head back into the compartment, whispering.

"What's that? Did you see it?" Ron became even more frightened when Harry said this.

Ivan's movement of flipping through the book also stopped. The dim environment had already affected his reading. After thinking about it, Ivan guessed that the outside world was a dementor.

But Ivan ignored it, because the other party was ordered to search Sirius, and he couldn't summon the patron saint for the time being. Lupin would always take action anyway.

Ivan took out his magic wand and tapped it upwards, the magic lamp that had been turned off turned on again, and then continued to turn the book, operated Occlumency, and sank into his own world.

The light reappeared, but Harry and Ron didn't feel the slightest sense of security, because the whole carriage seemed to become more gloomy, the biting chill gradually permeating the body from the soles of the feet, and Hermione was also fidgeting.

The next moment, the three of them couldn't help holding their breath, and a black shadow was printed on the window of the compartment, and they couldn't see what it was through the window.

The deep cold air penetrated through the gap of the door, and something was pulled out.

Ron and Hermione just felt a little uncomfortable, and Harry was much more serious. His head was dizzy and his thoughts seemed to be disturbed.


The sliding door was opened a little bit, and a withered, crusted hand rested on the door extension, and the biting cold wind was blowing in from outside the door.


With a nasty push of the door, the sliding door was completely opened, and Ron looked at the tall, weird figure in a ruined cloak in horror.

It seems to be floating in the air, with a face completely hidden under the hood, and the exposed body is rotten.

This reminded Ron of the mummy he had seen in Egypt, which might have been the way the bandage was removed.

Hermione couldn't help but leaned against Ivan.

Harry also wanted to stay away from the ghost, but his body seemed to be frozen and could not move at all. Harry's heart seemed to be held by someone, and someone in his mind was screaming... There was panic and pleading in that voice, but he wanted to do something but was helpless.

The illusory and intangible things were continuously drawn out of Harry, and the dementor was inhaling, making a gurgling noise, and squeezing in through the outside door lightly.

Lupin didn’t know when he had opened his eyes and put his hand into the wizard’s robe.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Get out, you interrupted my thinking..."

Ivan's tone was very blunt, turning his head to look at the rotten, dilapidated figure, all his thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of the dementor.

Although Ivan used Occlumency, what he didn't expect was that closing the brain could not completely isolate the dementors from the influence.

The scene of witnessing the death of Aisia two months ago constantly emerged from the depths of Ivan's memory, and the anger gradually came to his heart, and Ivan's eyes were faintly transformed into orange-yellow vertical pupils.

The dementor's movements paused, and the face under the brim of the hat turned to face Ivan.

The dementor has no eyes, and is naturally not affected by the direct death effect. Instead, it feels that Ivan's suppressed emotions are delicious, and can't help but get close to the body.

The tattered and wide cloak was shrouded in the small carriage, the magic lamp could not bear the pressure and went out, and the darkness pressed in step by step...

Hermione next to her felt all her happiness disappeared, leaving only her empty body.

All the things that Ivan had been trying to forget for a while were all remembered, and the anger had been condensed to the extreme, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

Then Ivan stretched out his magic wand, a dazzling light lit up in the compartment, and the darkness melted in the light...

Countless white fog continued to impact the broken body of the dementor like ocean waves, slamming it into the aisle.

The dementor’s black hood was peeled off directly, revealing its disgusting long face, and its hollow mouth wailed silently in the white light~www.mtlnovel.com~The body was dismembered as if corroded. ...

"What is that thing? You...you killed it?" Ron stammered.

"It's just a dementor! It intends to enter the carriage and do something to me, and no one will care if it kills it..." Ivan closed the book in his hand and his face was very ugly.

Under the influence of the Dementor, Ivan's mind came up with countless scenes where he used the time converter to try to save Aysia after returning, but failed.

This is also the reason why he didn't control the power of Hushen's guard...

Not to mention that the wizarding world has always been the supremacy of wizards, and the statues erected in the lobby of the Ministry of Magic speak this philosophy without any cover.

With a valid reason, a little wizard fights back and kills the dementor, a creature that everyone hates, and he won't be punished.

"No, I mean, what should we do now? It seems that more of that stuff is coming..." Ron pointed to the dark shadows floating outside the window, and said in horror.josei

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