Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 298

Chapter 298: What did you guys do? How could it be like this...

Hermione's white cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She didn't expect that she wouldn't be able to help even a little help...

When communicating with Ivan about the improvement plan, Hermione was even more faltering, and the blush spread from her cheeks to the base of her ears.

Ivan also slowly realized this, and when he thought about it, he didn't feel surprised.

During the summer vacation, he had finished reading the Black family's collection of books and had Snape's research notes. Hermione could not even keep up with his progress.

Ivan thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers suddenly.

"Sir, do you have any instructions?" An ugly house elf suddenly appeared in front of the two.

"Dobby, get the book I asked you to buy before!" Ivan said.

"Yes, sir!" Dobby nodded.

Then, in Hermione's puzzled eyes, Dobby cast an Apparition and disappeared in front of the two of them. When he came back, he already had more than a dozen potions books in his hand.

Ivan is very satisfied with Dobby, who is on call, no wonder many wizard families like to raise a house elf.

But Ivan didn't dare to let Dobby stay for too long. After reading the book, Ivan indicated that Dobby could leave.

Because there may be other time periods when I want to summon it...

"If you want to help, just read these books first..." Ivan took out Snape's "Advanced Potions" and handed it to Hermione.

The research notes left by Snape had long been ripped up by him, and for the current Ivan, it was no longer useful.

But Ivan felt that this book should be of great help to Hermione.

Hermione looked at these books, gently held the time converter on her chest, and nodded seriously.

After Ivan arranged a learning task for the little witch, he plunged into the research of the potion.

Now he didn't expect Hermione to be able to help him, he just found something for her, don't disturb his research.

But Hermione didn't give up on herself. She quietly sat aside with these books and read them, holding a stack of parchment, taking notes seriously, and soon filled with pages of reading notes.

This kind of life lasted for three days, and Ivan was stunned to find that Hermione had read all the books, and while he was studying the potion improvement plan, he was able to make some useful suggestions.

It's like changing someone...

Did you hang up too?

Ivan was confused, but soon noticed the tired look on Hermione's face.

Almost instantly, Ivan thought of the time converter, only feeling cold sweat from behind, and asked seriously.

"How long have you looked back these days?"

"Ask what does this do?" Hermione said with a guilty conscience while holding the book. "Roughly ninety hours in total, right?"

"Are you sure there is only this point?" Ivan frowned. To master the contents of so many potions books, 90 hours is far from enough.

Hermione nodded, but she didn't tell Ivan that the ninety hours did not include the time the two went back together.

"Although the power of the time converter is powerful, it is also dangerous. It is a force we don't understand at all. If it is used frequently in a short period of time, it may cause some harm to the body. And Dumbledore should tell you Too long after a single retrospective may lead to loss of control." Ivan warned.

"I have noticed it. You can use it for up to five hours each time." Hermione retorted softly.

Ivan was still a little worried, and finally took Hermione to the school hospital, intending to let Madam Pomfrey to see if there were any sequelae.

In the school hospital,

Madam Pomfrey was treating a Hufflepuff player for a fall. After hearing Ivan's request, she seriously checked Hermione.

"Miss Granger, how did you make yourself like this?" Madam Pomfrey scolded, frowning.

"Is it serious?" Hermione was a little scared.

Ivan was also nervous, he didn't want anything to happen to Hermione because of his own affairs.

"That's not the case, it's just that because of being in a state of mental tension for a long time, and tired, it will be fine for a period of cultivation." Madam Pomfrey shook her head and explained.

Then, without waiting for the two of them to breathe a sigh of relief, Madam Pomfrey looked at Ivan again.

"It's the same with you, Hals! You are much worse than Miss Granger. You'd better tell me honestly, how long have you not slept well?"

Madam Pomfrey really couldn't understand why the two 13th and 4th children were so exhausted and lacking energy.

They are right at their age when they are most energetic...

It's not a few days since school starts now, what have they done?

Ivan was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that he would bring Hermione, but in the end he implicated himself in it.

However, Ivan is fortunate that the problem is not serious, just need more rest and drink some energy tonics should be able to solve it.

It seems that using the time converter will not cause any irreparable serious consequences to the body.

That's right, otherwise the Ministry of Magic wouldn't give them this thing.josei

A few thoughts flashed through Ivan's mind, and he had to face the black-faced Pomfrey.

Obviously, if you don't give a suitable reason, Pomfrey would not let them go so easily.

"Sorry, Madam Pomfrey, we have too many school tasks recently, so we have less time to rest. This may be the reason, we will pay attention to it in the future..." Ivan said half-truth.

"This is the first time I have seen learning to learn this way." Madam Pomfrey couldn't laugh or cry.

If this is to be said by a little wizard~www.mtlnovel.com~, she would definitely not believe it.

But Mrs. Pomfrey has also heard of Ivan's deeds in the past two academic years, so hard work is worthy of his current achievements.

Hermione is also a top student in all subjects, so this reason is still valid.

Madam Pomfrey quickly boiled two bowls of black potions and brought them over. There were many unknown objects floating in the turbid potion, which made people want to drink at first glance.

Can I not drink it? Ivan was rather helpless. He felt that after he returned, he could just make two bottles of energy tonics by himself, so he didn't have to be so troublesome.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head firmly.

Reluctantly, Yifan could only pick up a bowl of potion and pour it down. The entrance was very bitter, and it felt like a traditional Chinese medicine that had been drunk in a previous life.

After drinking, Ivan felt cold in his brain, and he was much more awake.

Ivan turned her head and looked at Hermione who was opposite. The little witch was holding another bowl of potion, sipping her mouthful, her brows frowned...

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