Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 304

Chapter 304: consult

Not far away, Malfoy also noticed that Ivan had easily tamed a eagle-headed horse-winged beast. He turned his head and looked at Buckbeak with an arrogant expression with an unhappy expression.

Malfoy stepped forward immediately and wanted to stroke Buckbeak's feathers directly.

"Malfoy, you haven't bowed yet!" Gore and Clark hurriedly reminded them next to them.

"Who said you must bow?" Malfoy curled his lips in disdain. He just saw that Ivan had not bowed at all and was recognized by the eagle-headed horse-winged beast. He felt that he could not be worse than Ivan!

Buckbeak grabbed his paws nervously, but Malfoy didn't even notice.

Although there was some fear in his heart, for the sake of face, Malfoy bit his head and slowly approached Buckbeak.

Buckbeak was soothed by Harry for a while. Although he was very dissatisfied with Malfoy's aggressive behavior, it did not happen immediately.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult..." Malfoy saw that Buckbeak hadn't done any extreme behavior, and he was slowly relieved, but on the surface he looked calm and calm, even Turned his head and said to his two followers.

"Look, it's easy to make it surrender, right? I won't bow to an ugly beast like Potter!"

Gore and Clark didn't reply, they looked horrified, and trembled back a few steps.

Malfoy realized that it was wrong. Turning his head, he saw Buckbeak’s orange, angry eyes staring straight at him, his forelimbs raised high, his sharp claws shining coldly in the air. , Swipe down at him!

Malfoy below only felt a chill rushing all over his body, and there was a harsh scream in his mouth...

Hagrid, who was demonstrating to a little wizard, heard the sound, and rushed forward to grab Buckbeak’s chain, but it was too late.

Just as Malfoy felt that he might be killed here, a red light that flew from nowhere hit him.

Malfoy's body was like a kite with a broken wire. He was knocked out, rolled and hit the ground, falling into mud...

At the same time, he was lucky to escape Buckbeak's claws.

"Be honest with me, Buckbeak!" Hagrid had already bound Buckbeak with his brute force at this time, forcibly controlling the angry eagle-headed horse-winged beast, and tied it to the fence.

Then Hagrid ran to Malfoy to check, and he was relieved to see that he was not injured.

"It almost killed me! That **** beast, it wants my life!" Malfoy got up from the ground, still a little frightened, he yelled in anger.

Hagrid seemed a little overwhelmed. He didn't expect to encounter such a bad thing in his first class.

"Enough, Malfoy! We've all seen it, you didn't bow as Hagrid said, or Buckbeak wouldn't attack you!" Harry couldn't help but yelled.

"I would have been killed by that monster if it hadn't been for the curse to save me!" Malfoy yelled loudly, stroking his neck, then he turned his head to look at Gore and Clark.

"You did a great job, who saved me just now?"

From Malfoy's point of view, they are the only ones who will save themselves. Although his two followers are a bit stupid, they are still useful in critical situations.

However, Gore and Clark shook their heads quickly, indicating that they had done nothing.

Malfoy was at a loss. If it weren't for them, who else would it be?

"It was Ivan, Malfoy who saved you!" Ron said with a sneer.

"It's impossible!" Malfoy's face suddenly turned blue and red, and he couldn't help shouting.josei

He looked at other people, and many little wizards nodded. They also saw Ivan draw out his wand to cast a spell.

Malfoy turned his gaze to Ivan's side, flushed, and tried to say something several times, but he never said it.

What made Malfoy most uncomfortable was that Ivan didn't even glance here, nor stepped forward to mock him, it looked like he had done a trivial thing casually.


Due to Malfoy's attack, the entire lesson on the protection of magical animals was forced to end hastily.

After class, Ivan and others returned to the castle together.

"You shouldn't have saved Malfoy! He didn't even have a word of thanks!" Ron mumbled dissatisfiedly on the way, feeling worthless for Ivan's behavior.

Harry also nodded, agreeing with Ron's point of view.

"Or Ivan would watch Malfoy being eaten by Buckbeak? Then Hagrid might be caught in Azkaban!" Hermione retorted.

That’s right.. The two of them only thought of this, and they stopped talking angrily.

Ivan didn't care at all. He saved Malfoy just hoping that the other party would be a little safer this school year, so that Buckbeak would not be executed. Hagrid was heartbroken and involved him again, consuming his time.

Facts proved that Ivan's strategy was still very effective, and Malfoy walked around them for a while, and didn't even mention the Dementors.

This made Harry's mood much better, but such a good mood only lasted until the next day's Potions class, and was completely destroyed by Snape's various deductions.

"Miss Granger, I'll say it one last time. Longbottom must complete the configuration of the reduction potion by himself, because Gryffindor has been deducted five points for your behavior!"

"Potter! You must think Mr. Longbottom's ugliness is very interesting, right? Gryffindor deducts another five points!"

"And Mr. Longbottom! If you can't finish the configuration of the shrinking potion by yourself before get out of class is over~www.mtlnovel.com~ I will deduct 10 points for Gryffindor!"


Throughout the potions class, Snape kept walking around a few people, and most of the points Hagrid added yesterday were deducted by him.

Harry and Ron were so angry that they thought Snape must be deliberate...

After class, Ivan didn't use the time converter to go back to the next class a few hours ago as usual, but blocked Snape who was about to leave.

"Professor Snape! I have a few questions about potions and I want to ask you."

"I thought I was clear enough in class." Snape stopped, looking a little impatient.

Ivan didn't care about Snape's attitude, but asked aloud. "That's not a problem in the book, Professor! I want to know what happens if the person taking a continuous potion suddenly dies while the potion is maintained?"

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