Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 308

Chapter 308: Ivan: I am not a devil either!

Peter's heart became more and more convinced that the little wizard in front of him wanted to torture himself. Otherwise, why would he be wounded with a curse, healed him, and the cycle repeated...

Does this make any sense?

Peter's anger filled his heart, but after seeing Ivan coming over, his anger was instantly extinguished, and he turned into fear...

Ivan did not continue to torture him as Peter expected, looked at the parchment in his hand, and said to him.

"Okay, come here today... You become a mouse, I will send you back later."

Hearing these words, Peter's tears were about to fall, and it was finally over...

What surprised Peter even more was that Ivan was not planning to kill him, but was planning to send him back to Ron.

A hint of gratitude flashed across Peter's eyes, and he immediately converted to the form of Animagus according to Ivan's orders...

But soon, Peter realized that Ivan’s words just now seemed to be wrong.

Wait... That's it for today?

That means there may be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

Thinking of this, Peter suddenly felt his scalp numb, and a chill rushed from his heel to the top of his head.

Before he could think about it, a white light suddenly lit up, and Peter only had time to make a "squeak" and passed out into a coma.

"Forget it all!"

Ivan looked at Peter who was unconscious, and slowly put his wand away.

The Forgotten Curse he learned from Lockhart, he is now more and more handy.

Peter realized that there was something wrong with the memory. Ivan only deleted the experiment tonight. In this case, Peter would only think that he had a deep sleep.

After taking care of the mouse, Ivan once again set his sights on the research notes and nodded in satisfaction.

After adding valerian and a few neutralizing potions, the duration of the compound decoction has almost doubled!

The stability is also much stronger than before, no matter how he casts a spell to cause damage to Peter, it will not affect the effect of the potion.

This means that the research and development of the potion is almost done. With the help of Peter Pettigrew, Ivan estimates that he will be able to find the best potion formula and complete the improvement of the compound decoction in two or three days at most!

At the same time, Ivan feels that during this period, he still needs to find a chance to confirm that every time the time converter turns, the risk increases by one point. What is going on...

Thinking of this, Ivan sighed, grabbed Peter who was unconscious on the ground, and left the responsive room.

Back in the bedroom, Harry and Ron were still lying on the bed and sleeping, Ivan quietly put the gray-black mouse back to its original position.


In the early morning of the next day, a screaming scream suddenly sounded in the closed boys' dormitory, awakening the sleeping people.

After taking a nap, Ivan also yawned and sat up from the bed, and then realized that the sound was coming from Ron's bed.

Ron rubbed his ears himself, also confused. Turning his head, he saw his pet Scabbers curled up in the corner, biting his pillow desperately.

"Scaly.. What's wrong with you Scaly?!" Ron was startled suddenly, reaching out his hand to catch the mouse, but the latter was scared and grinning at him...

In fact, it is exactly the same. When Peter woke up early today, he suddenly found himself sore and physically weak, just like he was secretly beaten up while sleeping at night...

Could it be that Sirius sneaked in last night?

But why doesn't he have any impression?

In Peter's memory, everything was fine last night, he just slept and nothing happened.

Or do you say that you are really sick?

Peter looked suspicious...

After tossing for a while, seeing that it was almost time for class, Ron no longer cared about Scabbard's emotions, grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket.

Ivan watched this scene silently from the side, somewhat strange. He remembered that he had deleted all the relevant memories. Why was Peter's reaction still such a big deal?

But soon, Ivan wanted to understand that Peter was tossed by him all night, even though the injury has healed, but some symptoms of muscle soreness are always inevitable.josei

Since it wasn't the problem with his Forgetting Curse, Ivan was more relieved, and then got out of bed to wash and prepare for class.

After having been busy for most of the day, Ivan didn't remember to care about the current situation of the mouse until he was eating dinner in the evening, so he turned his head and looked at Ron and said.

"Ron, how is Shaban now?"

"It's terrible!" With a worried look on Ron's face, he took out Scaly from his pocket.

This gray-black mouse has lost its full vigor in the past. It is awkwardly lying on Ron's hand, motionless...

"It seems to be really sick. It was like crazy this morning, and he is not in a good state of mind now." Ron looked very depressed.

"I have a bottle of energy tonic here, you can let him take it...it should be better." Ivan thought for a while, took out a reagent from the wizard's robe, and said.

"Okay! Thank you so much, Ivan!" Ron hurriedly took the potion and poured it into Scorched's mouth.

The latter seemed crazy, resisting desperately, and even scratched Ron's skin...

Although Peter lost his memory of last night under the influence of the Forgetting Curse, as long as he saw the reagent containing the potion, he still had some psychological shadows. He always felt that there must be something wrong with the potion, let alone that the potion was still Iraq. Anything given to Ron.

Peter is even more reluctant to drink...

However, he is just a mouse now, even if he fights desperately, it will not help.

Ron was very resolute, beckoning Harry to come and help hold Scab~www.mtlnovel.com~ He opened Scab's mouth and poured the potion in.


Peter's scream was terrible, which reminded Ivan of Peter's scream last night that lasted for a long time.

Ivan is very helpless. This potion is just a potent euphoria that adds some tonic effects, not a poison...

After a while, Peter suddenly stopped screaming, and his body relaxed.

Because Peter found this potion, it seems to be quite sweet...it doesn't seem to be poisonous either.

After drinking, a natural happy mood flooded into Peter's heart, his body seemed to be washed, his stubborn expression slowly relaxed, his exhaustion swept away, and the corners of Peter's mouth were filled with a smile. .

Peter looked around and saw everything that was particularly pleasing to the eye. When he saw Ivan, he couldn't help but feel that he had always misunderstood him before?

This little wizard may really care about himself or maybe...

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