Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 344

Chapter 344: Are you really a dragon knight?

The next day, in the morning, Ivan woke up from bed with a yawn.

opened the curtains and glanced at the clear sky outside, Ivan's tense mood for a long time was completely relaxed.

"What should I do today?"

Suddenly, Ivan was a little uncomfortable. He had been busy for a few months before, but today he let go of the burden. Apart from the need to make a Veritaserum medicine later, there seems to be nothing urgent to do. Up.


The closed door was opened, and Ivan turned his head and saw Hermione appear outside the door, greeting him happily.

"Ivan, come out for dinner!"

"Well, good!" Ivan also smiled and nodded, and walked out with Hermione.

Halfway through, Ivan also asked about the state of the time converter on Hermione, and asked her to tell herself when the time converter was slightly hot.

Once the power of the time converter fails, it will kick the user back to the original point in time, but the location will not change, which means that they will return to Knockover Alley three months later.

Ivan doesn't matter to him, he has enough strength to protect himself, but for Hermione, it is still very dangerous to be alone in Knockdown Alley.

In the hall outside, Fren, Walker and others were sitting on chairs and eating breakfast. Several werewolf wizards touted the appearance of killing all quarters in the magic shop yesterday, which drew bursts of laughter.

After seeing Ivan coming, Walker waved his hand and said hello. Ivan nodded, then glanced left and right. He unexpectedly didn't see Dougert's figure, and asked strangely.

"Where is the Dougte?"josei

"He went to the Ministry of Magic early in the morning and said he was looking for a few friends to get the news." Aisia put his polenta and a bowl of bacon omelette on the table and explained aloud.

Ivan is right to think about it. With so many things happening last night, it is necessary to find a way to understand the situation so as to avoid any accidents.

In this way, while eating breakfast, Ivan was chatting with Aysia about the homework, asking about what happened to Knockdown Alley after he returned to school, and occasionally talked about some interesting things he had experienced in school.

Hermione sometimes adds a sentence or two.

While talking, Ivan realized that Hermione and Aysia were talking very happy, and put himself aside.

What makes Ivan most helpless is that most of them talk about their own affairs.

Aisia may want to understand his life at Hogwarts from another angle, so she frequently asked Hermione.

Hermione proudly talked about how Ivan killed a troll that was about to attack her when Ivan was in the first grade, then rode a dragon back to Professor Chino, and saved the Forbidden Forest Watcher Hagrid...

The little witch’s cheeks flushed, she did not hesitate to praise her, and mentioned that many professors believed that Ivan was the best student ever...

Ivan who was listening to the side was a little embarrassed himself, and then suddenly remembered a lot of things Hermione had said he had never mentioned to Aysia, and hurriedly coughed a few times before interrupting Hermione's words.

"What's wrong? Ivan?" Hermione turned her head and asked strangely.

Ivan raised her eyebrows, winked at Hermione, and signaled her to say something interesting, not to mention those too dangerous experiences...

Hermione blinked blankly, unable to understand what Ivan was trying to express. When Ivan was about to be more obvious, she was hit by a spoon on her head.

Ivan covered his head and realized that Aysia was staring at him. There was a slight warning in his eyes. Ivan only sighed and ate his meal honestly.

Hermione looked at Ivan with some anxiety. She was as smart as she had guessed something from the actions of Ivan and Aysia. She seemed to have said something that she shouldn't have said.

After glaring at Ivan, Esiah smiled again and said to Hermione.

"Leave him alone! Let's talk about ours, you continue to talk about what happened? How did you deal with the three-headed dog? Did you get the Philosopher's Stone?"

When Ivan came back last time, I told her that every day at Hogwarts is to read books, listen to classes, and quarrel with classmates and other leisurely life. It is very safe, but he has never mentioned giant monsters, fire dragons, and three-headed dogs. Something like that!

Just as the little witch was fumbling to deal with Aysia's interrogation, Ivan felt that the corners of his wizard's robe were pulled by someone, and when he looked over, he realized that it was Walker.

"Hals, have you really rode a dragon? Did it look vicious? The kind that spit out fire? How did you tame it?" Walker asked excitedly.

Fren and others looked at Ivan curiously. They weren't because of the dragon, but Ivan's experience at Hogwarts was too legendary. It's hard to imagine that a first-year little wizard could experience so much.

But they can't say anything to doubt. Ivan has done more exaggerated things these days. In contrast, tame a dragon and kill a giant monster is nothing.

Ivan remembered the scene of training Norbert specifically for the purpose of drawing dragon blood, shook his head funny, and said.

"Actually, dragons are nothing special. You can find a big lizard with two wings and zoom in. If you train the dragon... well, it's actually not difficult. If you are not obedient, you can just eat a few meals and feed some grilled fish. almost..."

Walker has some doubts whether Ivan is fooling himself~www.mtlnovel.com~ but he heard that dragons are powerful and grumpy creatures that are difficult to tame...

Immediately after hearing Ivan talk about many interesting things about his raising Norbert in Hogwarts, Walker dispelled his doubts and couldn't help speaking with emotion.

"If only I could get into Hogwarts!"

Walker is very envious of Ivan's wonderful campus life, somewhat longing, and after thinking about it, he laughs at himself. "But I don't think there will be a werewolf wizard recruited there, right?"

"That's not necessarily! As far as I know, there is a werewolf wizard who graduated at Hogwarts and made some good friends there." Ivan said with a smile.

This is also what he admires Dumbledore. The elderly Dumbledore can really do not discriminate against any student. Draco Malfoy in the original time and space is the best example.

Dumbledore knew at the time that Draco and his parents were Death Eaters, and the old Malfoy had deliberately targeted him again and again in the previous years.

Even so, Dumbledore still tried to save Draco Malfoy's soul at the end of his life, believing that Draco was not evil by nature.

"What you said is true?" Walker was a little unbelievable. As far as he knew, no school was willing to accept a werewolf student. He was able to enter the Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or deliberately concealed his identity. He was expelled immediately after being exposed. Got out.

"Of course!" Ivan nodded, and talked to Walker about Lupin's past.

While the two were chatting, the door of the mansion was suddenly opened, but it was Dougt who walked in from outside...

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