Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: Dougt: I had guessed that he had a big picture!

"is this real?"

The werewolves cast their eyes on Ivan, their eyes full of expectation.

After seeing Ivan nodding again, the werewolf wizards could no longer restrain their emotions, and suddenly burst into tears.

Although Ivan also knew that the effects of the new potion would be helpful to these werewolf wizards, he didn't quite understand why they were so excited.

"Thank you, Hals! You show us the hope of being truly accepted by the magical world!"

At this time, Fren, who had changed from a werewolf form back to his original appearance, came up with emotion and patted Ivan on the shoulder and spoke.

Noting the puzzled look on Ivan's face, Fren quickly explained it to him.

The reason why wizards in the magical world fear werewolf wizards so much, in addition to losing their minds and running away every full moon night, more importantly, they are afraid of being bitten by themselves

After all, there is no cure in the magical world today. Once attacked, it will inevitably be infected and transformed into a new werewolf!

And the werewolf wizard in normal form is not absolutely safe, and still has a slight transmission ability, so few wizards are willing to be friends with werewolves.

The improved potion that Ivan has developed now undoubtedly allows them to see the possibility of being accepted by the magic world... If all werewolves can take this potion regularly, then it will take a few years for the magic world to have an attitude towards werewolves. Greatly changed!

After a while of collective excitement, Furen and others soon realized a very important question, that is, how much does this improved potion cost?josei

Can they afford it?

The werewolf wizards once again looked at Ivan eagerly, waiting for his answer.

"I still need to continue to study and improve this version of the wolf poison potion, so I won't sell it for the time being." Ivan shook his head and explained.

The modified wolf poison potion is different from the original version of the wolf poison potion. It can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the werewolf wizard. Of course, it is impossible for Ivan to let it flow into the market.

Just like this time, a werewolf wizard chose to collude with Bok to attack Esiah in order to obtain the recipe of the wolf poison potion. After Voldemort's resurrection in the original time and space, he also attracted a large number of werewolves to join the Death Eater army, so Ivan would not add obstacles to himself. Potential enemies increase their combat power!

But for Fren and others, of course Ivan will not restrict them from obtaining improved wolf poison potions, so I plan to provide them with a bottle every fifty days, which is regarded as a welfare for their employees.

"No! Hals, you have done too much for us, and researching potions always requires funding. Let's buy them at the normal price!" Fren said sincerely.

He didn't agree with Ivan's idea of ​​providing wolf poison potions for free. He felt that Ivan had helped them a lot, and Fran was really embarrassed to accept Ivan's kindness with the shame.

Walker and others have the same idea. Since Ivan provides them with a stable job, they are more willing to use their own salary to buy it!

Seeing Fren and the others insist on being so persistent, Ivan's face is a little weird, but he can't say anything.

A potion of improved wolf poison is not cheap.

Although he promised to pay Fren and others with the treatment of Dijiao Alley employees, in fact, the salary of Dijiao Alley employees is generally not high. Compared with Knock Down Alley, it appears to be more. Buy a bottle of modified wolf poison. The medicine will cost 60 to 70% of their salary.

In other words, he only needs to spend some time every fifty days to boil a few bottles of potions for them, and give them some money to eat, so that they can work for themselves, and Fren and others have to thank themselves in turn...

Thinking of this, Ivan inevitably feels that he is an evil capitalist desperately squeezing employees.

But soon, Ivan put this illusion behind in the gratitude of the werewolf wizards...

Evil capitalists and exploiters can't get the compliments from employees...

At the same time, Dougert, who was watching this scene silently, couldn't help but exclaimed with emotion. "Little Ivan really surpassed my expectations... he was able to develop such a powerful potion for improvement!"

Aisia also nodded secretly in his heart. In this way, Fren and others not only increased their strength, but also expressed gratitude to Ivan.

What surprised Esiah even more was that Ivan did not covet the small profit to sell the improved wolf poison potion, but chose to hold this potion tightly in his hand, becoming a bargaining chip to attract many werewolf wizards to come and take refuge. Control their foundation.

This method is not smart, but it is extremely effective.

If you get used to the power and convenience of taking the wolf poison potion regularly, those werewolves might say that they are reluctant to leave...

"Dougt, do you remember what you told me last time?" As he thought, Acia turned her head to look at Dougt, and said.

"You mean?" Dougt was stunned, then looked at Esiah in surprise.

Of course he knows what Asiah is talking about,

As early as the summer vacation of the last school year, Dougte keenly noticed that Ivan's plan was very big, and even saw that person's shadow in Ivan's body!

So he discussed it with Aysia privately, but Aysia didn't really believe his rhetoric at the time, saying that he would consider it after Ivan became an adult.

"Now I understand that you are right! If I hadn't used Veritaserum to learn a lot from Bok~www.mtlnovel.com~ I am afraid he has been kept in the dark." Aisia sighed. , Spoke out.

"Little Ivan has always had his own thoughts. If he deliberately conceals one thing, it is normal that you can't find out..." Speaking of this, Doug shook his head. Many of Ivan's recent behaviors are even somewhat elusive for him I can't see through.

For example, this time the improvement of the wolf's poison potion, Dougter doubted whether Ivan had already developed the perfect wolf's poison potion last year, which could completely cure the werewolves.

just kept secret, and deliberately made some defective products, but they are taking them out one by one...

used the lowest-end wolf poison potion for sale to earn gold gallons and increase fame, gaining the favor of most werewolf wizards.

The improved version of the wolf poison potion is used to improve the combat power of the werewolves who are loyal to him.

The remaining ones are used as bait, and one of them is taken out every few years. In short, these werewolf wizards have been hanging around so that they can't betray the idea.

If it weren't like that, how could Ivan be able to make the effect of the wolf poison potion qualitatively improved in just one year?

You must know that Ivan spends most of his time in class, and he has not lost his strength and alchemy.

So... this is the only possibility!

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