Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Return to Hogwarts

The next morning, Ivan, who had had breakfast, took Hermione out to return to Hogwarts.

Before leaving, Ivan turned his head and said to Aisia and the others who had come to send him.

"Mom... Dean Dougert, then I'll go back to school first! And Fren, Walker... If you have anything, remember to write to me!"

A group of werewolf wizards patted their chests and promised Ivan that they can rest assured!

Ivan nodded. A group of werewolf wizards who can transform freely are an extremely powerful force in Knockdown Alley, enough to deal with most of the troubles.

And Bok is dead, the black wizards who slipped through the net were killed completely, and no one else in Knockdown Alley would deliberately target Esiah.

Thinking of this, Ivan no longer cared, and said to Hermione beside him.

"Let's go, Hermione!"

"Hmm!" Hermione replied, holding Ivan's wrist tightly.


Ivan chanted the spell and waved his wand, accompanied by a burst of light and shadow, the two figures seemed to be sucked into the whirlpool, and disappeared before everyone's eyes in an instant.

Hermione only felt the world spin, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar wood. A retro station can be seen in the distance, which is vaguely familiar. It seems that they travel to the Wizarding Station of Hogwarts every year.

"Where is this? Aren't we going to Hogwarts?" the little witch asked aloud in confusion.

"Hogwarts is equipped with anti-phantom shifting magic, we can't go there directly... and we have to take a big guy back with us, if it's still here." Ivan explained casually. In a word, he looked around, sensing the tracking magic previously set.

Since two full months have passed, Ivan found that the magic he had set had become very vague, and he could only sense the opponent's general direction. After a day or two, this magic would probably be completely ineffective.

Hermione was confused, and she didn't understand what Ivan meant. When she was about to ask, Ivan suddenly looked towards the sky and spoke.

"It's coming!"

Who? Who is coming? Hermione followed Ivan's gaze, then her eyes widened.

In the sky, a reddish-brown behemoth was swooping down towards them with its wide wings stretched out, and the beautiful feathers shimmered in the sun, appearing extremely dazzling.

"This is the eagle-headed horse-winged beast? But why is it here?" Hermione's brown eyes were full of surprise, and she quickly recognized that this big guy was probably in Hagrid's class. The one I saw above.

"Of course I brought it from the forbidden forest, so now I have to take it back with me!" Ivan said with a smile.

The two of them chatted about this time, the red-brown eagle-headed horse-winged beast had already shaken its wings and landed in front of Ivan, actively leaning over the huge head, and licking Ivan with his tongue. On his cheek, he leaned into the pocket of Ivan the wizard's robe and sniffed for something.

"Good buddy, it seems that you have a good memory!" Ivan stretched out his hand and stroked the eagle-headed horse-winged beast's head, but immediately noticed the opponent's movements and continued with some helplessness.

"Don't look for it, this time I don't have the vitality potion."

Perhaps after he understood Ivan's words, the reddish-brown behemoth raised his head with disappointment in his eyes, but soon his attention was attracted by Hermione again, and looked at her with a little caution.

Noting the closeness of the eagle-headed horse-winged beast to Ivan, the clever little witch quickly understood that Ivan had already tamed this behemoth.

It's no wonder that in the magical animal protection class, the other party would take the initiative to lean in.

"Are we going to ride it back to Hogwarts this time?" Hermione was a little worried. She had never tried riding a eagle-headed horse with a winged beast to school.

"Yes! But you have to get its approval before that..." Ivan said with a smile. "You haven't forgotten what Hagrid taught during class?"

"Of course! You need to bow to it and wait for the other person's response. In the process, you need to stare at the eyes of the eagle-headed horse and winged beasts. This helps to gain their trust..."

Hermione gushed and repeated what Hagrid had said in class, but she was a little nervous when she really faced the behemoth.

She suddenly remembered that in Hagrid's class, this big guy didn't seem to like herself very much, so she was worried that she would not be recognized by the eagle-headed horse-winged beast.

However, under Ivan's encouraging gaze, Hermione remained calm, staring at the red-brown behemoth in front of him, and bent down and bowed.

The eagle-headed horse-winged beast slapped its nose and let out a crisp eagle cry from time to time, examining the weak witch in front of him, unwilling to lower the proud head.

Hermione didn't give up, looked at her with her slightly sour eyes, and bowed again later.

Perhaps it was the sense of Hermione’s sincere attitude that the eagle-headed horse-winged beast’s attitude softened, and Ivan was soothing by the side, and it didn’t take long to bend its scaly front knee to face Hermione Bowed.

The little witch was so happy~www.mtlnovel.com~ cautiously approaching a few steps, seeing that the eagle-headed horse-winged beast did not react too much, she stretched out her hand and stroked the red-brown feathers.

The eagle-headed horse-winged beast also responded positively, enjoying Hermione's petting, and licking Hermione's palm with his tongue.

Ivan was a little surprised to see that the eagle-headed horse-winged beast was so close to Hermione.

He also remembered that this red-brown behemoth was not friendly to Hermione when he was in the magical animal protection class, so Ivan even managed to appease the eagle-headed horse-winged beast by himself, allowing it to temporarily allow Hermione and himself The idea of ​​riding together.

Just like Harry in the original time and space as a rider, he can take Hermione and Sirius to fly together.

But things went smoother than he expected, or it was beyond his expectations...

"Come on!" Ivan didn't think much, and quickly leaped to the back of the eagle-headed horse-winged beast, and then stretched out her hand to pull Hermione up and let her sit in front of her.

After the little witch sat down, the eagle-headed horse-winged beast flapped its wings spiritually, brought up a cloud of smoke, and flew straight into the sky!

Hermione was taken aback, holding the feathers on the back of the eagle-headed horse with winged beasts in both hands. This was the first time she rode this behemoth. When Malfoy was almost attacked in class, Hermione did not There was no chance to ride a eagle-headed horse-winged beast into the air like everyone else.

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