Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 373

Chapter 373: When are you going to let us change to a new professor?

After dinner in such a hurry, Ivan returned to the Gryffindor lounge with everyone.

entered the bedroom, Ivan slapped his head and remembered something, and then took out the invisibility cloak that had been coming back from Hermione.

"Harry, your invisibility cloak! Thank you, this thing helped me a lot!"

Speaking of this, Ivan is also a little emotional.

If it were not for the help of the invisibility cloak, it would not be so easy for him to solve the group of invading dark wizards and Bok and others.

It seems that he had underestimated the power of this Deathly Hallows before. When the other party did not specially prepare targeted props, few people could prevent them from sneak attacks and assassinations wearing invisible cloaks.

"So what you have to do is done, so fast?" Harry took the Invisibility Cloak over by accident. He remembered Ivan only borrowed it from him last night, and there seems to be no sign of going out today.

"Well, it's just to deal with some small things." Ivan didn't want to mention the time converter, so he said vaguely.

Harry saw that Ivan was unwilling to say that, although he was still a little curious, he finally shook his head and didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Ivan put his gaze on Scabbard's body, and the gray-black mouse was still dozing off Ron's bedside.

Perhaps he felt some malice. Peter Pettigrew suddenly woke up from his sleep. He looked around suspiciously and found nothing unusual, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

can't do it, I want to...

When Peter Pettigrew was thinking about it, the whole mouse was suddenly stunned.

咦... Have you already said this sentence yourself?

In the middle of the night, Peter Peter, who was secretly trying to sneak out, was caught upright again.

Ivan pinched the gray-black mouse that had passed out and touched his chin. It was strange. He clearly didn't need the "little mouse" to do the experiment now. Why did Peter run out so actively?

Isn't he addicted to being a guinea pig?


The next day, in the afternoon,

After finishing a potion class, Ivan and others walked towards the classroom of Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

Along the way, Harry and Ron were discussing the college points Snape had deducted in class, and they were a little bit happy for some reason.

"I guess when Snape was deducting points, he must have not thought that we had no credits to deduct." Harry said with a smile. He was deducted by Snape today by twenty points.

Ron was grinning too, he wanted to know what Snape would look like when he saw the empty scoring pool in Gryffindor.

Ivan looked weird and looked at the happy appearance of the two of them. Is this still something to be thankful for?

After everyone arrived in the classroom and sat down, it took a long time for Lupin, who was the teaching professor, to arrive late and walked in from outside.

I haven't seen him for half a month, Lupin's complexion is much better than before, but he is still in that ragged clothes. After raising his hand and placing the tattered old box on the podium, he smiled and said.

"Good afternoon, everyone! I am your new Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor, you can call me Professor Lupin!"

At this point, Luping paused. He looked around and saw that all the little wizards were holding thick textbooks in their hands, and then said again.

"Today we are going to take a practical class, so please put the textbooks back in your schoolbags, you only need to bring your magic wands!"

"Come with me now, let's go to a wider venue!" Lupin picked up the old suitcase on the table and motioned for everyone to follow.

The little wizards underneath are expecting and worrying. If they can wave their wands, no one wants to sit in the classroom and listen to the class.

But Lockhart really had a very bad start last school year, and it messed up everything, leaving everyone with a psychological shadow.

"I hope he doesn't be like Lockhart..." Seamus whispered to the little wizard next to him.

However, Lupin turned his head abruptly as if he had heard it, and Seamus was taken aback and his face turned pale.

Lupin just smiled at him without saying anything, and then led a group of little wizards through the empty corridor, around a corner, and arrived at the door of a classroom.

But Pippi, who likes to play pranks, is blocking the door, hanging upside down in the air, and stuffing chewing gum into the keyhole closest to him.josei

It wasn't until everyone was very close that Pepigui realized that it was wrong. He raised his head and looked at Lupin, who was close at hand. The smile on his face became worse. It floated into the air, clapping his hands and singing loudly.

"Fuzzy Lupin, crazy fool..."

Seeing that Pippi had the guts to provoke the new professor, everyone was very surprised. They all looked forward to Professor Lupin's reaction and wanted to see how he would deal with the annoying Pippi!

"Pippy! If I were you, I would take the gum out of the keyhole!" Lupin was still smiling, and he said happily, "You are like this, Mr. Filch can't get in and get the broomstick. Up."

Pippi ghost pulled out a grimace regardless, it and Filch were already at a loss.

The reason why Filch’s attention is drawn to Filch when he occasionally catches students who violate the rules is only because he prefers to tease the little ghosts~www.mtlnovel.com~ Seeing them panicked, And enjoy a game of peekaboo.

Pippi glanced in the crowd, and when he saw Ivan's figure, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he yelled loudly while pulling his throat.

"And you, Hals! Can you tell me something? When are you going to let us change to a new professor this time?"

Lupin's face changed slightly, and he looked at Ivan subconsciously.

Ivan is also a little tired of Pippi, so he suggested.

"Professor, I think your first lesson, how about teaching us how to deal with a troublemaker? I believe everyone should be very interested!"

Hearing Ivan’s words, a group of little wizards looked at Peppy ghosts unkindly. Most of Gryffindor’s little lions have been tricked by Peppy ghosts.

"Of course, no problem!" Pippi's previous words made a gentleman like Lupin also a little angry, so he followed Ivan's words and said to everyone. "I know a very useful little spell that can be used specifically for this situation."

The triumphant Pippi's face became very ugly at once, it yelled, and then hurriedly flew outside.

But it was too late, Lupin quickly raised his wand with his right hand, pointed it at Pippi, and shouted loudly.

"Wadi Wasi!"

The gum in the keyhole flew out with a swish, and with a "swish", it stuffed it into Pepigui's left nostril, staggered it, and ran around the corridor in a panic.

The rest of the students also learned the same way, raising their wands aloft and making a sound

"Wadi Wasi!"

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