Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 376

Chapter 376: Don't pretend, I'm showing off! actually, I....

The blond little wizard who was opposed to Ivan banged on and put on a flower top hat and lace skirt, with a look of horror on his face.

The students behind suddenly burst into bursts of laughter,

Ivan was stunned when he saw this scene, right? Why has it become like this? Do I subconsciously think that I look funny in women's clothing?

"Funny!" Ivan could only make another shot, actively thinking about the changes in his heart.

The    women's version of the blond little wizard suddenly turned into a short circus clown, dressed in a strange way, wearing a pair of roller shoes, holding a few colorful **** in his hand and constantly tossing, he couldn't stop in a hurry.

"Very good presentation! Gryffindor adds very much!" Lupin applauded and spoke with satisfaction, and then asked aloud: "Bogut seems to have become like you just now? Can you tell me why? ?"

Lupin looked at Bogut's abnormal situation before, and he clearly saw that Bogut was interrupted by Ivan when he was about to say something, so he was very curious.

Maybe I think this is a bit of an invasion of personal privacy, and Lu Ping deliberately added: "Of course, it's okay if you don't want to say it, I just think some people are afraid that they are strange.

All the little wizards also looked at Ivan one after another.josei

"No, there is nothing to say!" Hearing everyone's gaze, Ivan shrugged indifferently, coughed a few times, and continued with a serious face.

"I'm sorry, I have to show you something!"

Ivan's serious expression made everyone more curious, but Ivan heard it with emotion.

"Actually, I am not a genius, I just spend all your playing time on studying, so I have always been afraid of being discovered by you!"

Hearing this, Harry and the others rolled their eyes together, they didn't even know where to complain!

Lupin also shook his head helplessly. He remembered that when he first arrived, because of the chance encounter on the train, he had asked several teaching professors about the past of the little wizard Ivan.

I learned from them that besides learning well and being motivated, what impressed their professors the most was that they liked to do strange things and say strange things, which seems to be the case now.

Thinking of this, Lupin stopped struggling with this question. Turning to look around, put his eyes on Neville, the worst performer after Bogut rushed out just now, and beckoned him to come forward to replace Ivan.

"Me?" Neville shrank into the crowd with a surprised expression. He couldn't believe that Lupin would touch him.

After repeated confirmations, Neville tremblingly approached Bogut.

At this point of delay, the magic applied to Bogut has become extremely weak, so when Neville walked in front of him, Bogut began to change again.

After a while, Professor Snape, wearing a black robe with a gloomy face, appeared in front of everyone, staring at Neville with eagle-like eyes, and walked towards him step by step.

"Ah!" Neville was so frightened that his face became pale and blue, and he backed away again and again.

"Quick! Spell!" Lupin reminded him from the side.

At this moment "Snape" had already walked to the front of Neville, a face almost stuck in front of him, Neville screamed in fear, and raised his hand tremblingly. "Snape" was poked with his wand. Face.


With a crisp sound, "Snape" lifted his head and flew out, fell into a dog, and finally got up from the ground but his body changed.

The black robe on    has turned into a lace-up dress, with a tall hat on top of his head, a vulture that has been eaten by insects on the hat, and a big red handbag in his hand.

Snape turned into Bogut seemed to have discovered this too, awkwardly covering his lace skirt with a big handbag.

The little wizards all around laughed. They had never seen a gloomy Snape dressed up like this, making such a twisted movement.

Nawei's magic really made them sulking, so all the little wizards looked at him with admiration.

Nawei relieved his fear at this time and smiled happily.

Ivan shook his head secretly in the back. Poor Neville might have to suffer for the next potions class...

But looking at the women's version of Snape, Ivan also found it interesting. Although it's boring to look at his own women's clothing, it's interesting to see others.

Next, Lupin asked the little wizards to face Bogut one by one, casting spells to overcome the fear in his heart. Poor Bogut was played with by everyone, and the tossing was enough, and finally he was on the spot with loud laughter. The explosion turned into scattered smoke!

Of course, for some special reason, Lupin didn't let Harry deal with that Bogut.

So even if Lupin casually found a reason to add 10 points to Harry at the end of the course, Harry was still a bit aggrieved!

At the end of the course, Lupin clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention~www.mtlnovel.com~ and said:

"Okay, let's stop here for our first class! Each of you did a great job! This far exceeded my expectations. As for your homework, please read the textbook about Borg The special chapter, let’s summarize it in simple words... due on Monday!"

While speaking, Lupin remembered his previous promise again, and continued to speak.

"In addition, the best performer in this class is Mr. Hals! He not only released the spell most calmly, but also helped other students overcome their fear... Then I will honor my promise and give him an extra 30 points!"

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Ivan's mind.

【Ding, the course of Defence Against the Dark Arts is over

This comprehensive class evaluation: satisfied

Evaluator: Lupin

Reward: academic points*0

Additional bonus points: academic points *40]

Seeing the course evaluation in the system column, Ivan was very satisfied. He got a full 50 grade points for one class, which is the most rewarding one for him!

When other little wizards heard Lu Ping say that the course was over, they were still a little bit unsatisfied. They thought this was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts class they had ever taken. It was novel and interesting.

So that after leaving the classroom, he was still discussing interesting things in the class in twos and threes. In the corridor, Seamus kept trying to tell everyone how he subdued the horror ghost girl Bogut became...

Ivan recalled Bogut’s performance in class, and suddenly realized that the abilities of this magical creature seemed pretty good...

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