Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 380

Chapter 380: Who is the prefect of Gryffindor?

Ron, who was on the side, saw that the pet he couldn't imagine was about to jump was rescued by Ivan with a flying curse. He slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried forward to take Shaban from Ivan.

"What's going on with it?" Ron noticed that the fat mouse in his hand seemed to be unconscious, and no matter how he swayed, he didn't have a clear consciousness. He immediately asked with some worry.

"It's okay, it's just too excited. I'm worried that it can't think about it, so I think it's better to let Shaban go to sleep first!" Ivan casually explained.

"Thank you so much, Ivan!" Ron said very moved.

Ron feels that Ivan is the person who treats Zebra best besides himself. Not only does he often feed and care about his current situation, he even considers the mental health of Zebra. You must know that even his own master can't do it. at this point!josei

Ivan waved his hand and said that this was what he should do. He looked at the mouse in Ron's hand, but his frown did not let go.

Although he has already imposed an oblivion curse on Peter Pettigrew to make Peter forget what happened tonight, Peter will always hear the news of Sirius sneaking in from other places.

Peter’s frequency of planning to escape will definitely rise sharply!

Ivan knew that he might have to resolve the splattered matter as soon as possible and vindicate Sirius, otherwise it would be no good if something happened with such delay.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, the various noisy sounds outside the door kept getting louder and louder.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"Who hit me? Who is he? Someone rushed out!"

"Which **** doesn't sleep in the middle of the night? What is the name of the ghost?"


Because Ron and others’ screams were so violent that the little wizards in the entire Gryffindor bedroom were awakened. A large number of courageous little lions went out to check the movement, and soon gathered to Harry’s place. In front of the bedroom door.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Among the crowd, Percy Weasley, as the prefect, squeezed into the chaotic crowd, trying to maintain order, but it was too messy here. Everyone was guessing about what happened just now, and no one listened at all. his words.

Ivan, whose thoughts were disturbed, saw this, and used his magic wand to bless himself with a loud and loud curse, and said loudly.

"be quiet!"

blessed more than ten times the sound and instantly overwhelmed those noisy sounds, shocked a group of little wizards covering their ears, and looked towards Ivan...

Ivan lowered the volume and explained, "It's like this, a stranger sneaked into our bedroom just now..."

"It must be Sirius, he's here to kill Harry!" Ron interrupted eagerly before Ivan could finish.

The little lions in Gryffindor were in an uproar and panicked. All eyes were placed on Harry, looking at him with a worried and worried look, as if Harry was about to die soon. same.

Everyone looked at Harry, confused.

Although he saw from the Daily Prophet that Sirius was chasing him, Harry still doesn't know why Sirius did it.

"Cough cough..." Ivan coughed slightly, re-attracting the attention of the little wizards, and said comfortingly.

"Don't worry, everyone, Sirius who sneaked in has been taken away just now, as long as you don't stand alone, there should be no possibility of being attacked again!"

Ivan knew very well that Sirius would not attack anyone, but other people would definitely not believe it. At this time, it was inconvenient for him to help Sirius say good things.

Noting the panic and horrified look on everyone's faces, Ivan sighed and continued.

"As for now... we can go to the Gryffindor lounge together to wait for the professors to come over. It is more spacious and can accommodate all of us!"

Ivan's words were accurately conveyed to everyone's ears under the effect of the loud curse. Because of the sudden incident of Sirius attack, the little wizards who were at a loss suddenly calmed down.

It’s better to have someone directing what to do now than flying around like a headless fly.

What's more, Ivan has done a lot of things that even adult wizards can't do over the years, so they are still very convinced, not to mention that Ivan's suggestions sound quite reasonable.

"Strange, where's the prefect?" After seeing everyone calm down, Yifan looked at the crowd in confusion. These things should have been done by the prefect.

Gryffindor's little lions stepped away, letting in Percy Weasley who was blocked in the doorway.

"Percy, why are you here now? Forget it... You take a few senior students to find Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore! Remember to be safe!" Ivan remembered the need to find Someone informed the professor and simply threw this task to Percy. As the prefect, of course, he would do the most dangerous thing.

恩.. At least it’s dangerous to go out to find a professor at this time when others are watching...

"Me?!" Percy pointed to herself in a daze~www.mtlnovel.com~ and looked at Ivan strangely.

No, who is the prefect of Gryffindor?

Just as he wanted to confirm his authority, he suddenly grabbed his shoulders with one left hand and one right hand, dragging him away.

"George, Fred...I order you to let me go in the name of the prefect!" Percy reprimanded loudly, but George and Fred didn't care at all, but said to Ivan with a smile.

"Come on, Hals! Let us take Percy there! Remember to protect Harry..."

Ivan nodded, and then took the students of Gryffindor to the lounge.

When he arrived at the destination, Ivan waved his wand to point at the fireplace, and the hot flames suddenly burned in the fireplace.

The cold of the night, when the billowing heat dissipated, calmed the chaotic mood of the students a little, and they discussed in twos and threes in a low voice.

After a while, the door of the Gryffindor lounge was opened with a "bang", and Professor McGonagall, with an anxious face, walked in with Percy and the others.

After looking around, she set her eyes on Harry, and when she saw that he was okay, she was really relieved and turned to Ivan, asking very worriedly.

"Hals, George and the others just came over and told me that Sirius had just sneaked in, was that right? No one was hurt because of it, right?"

"Everyone is here, everyone is fine!" Ivan said aloud first, and then continued.

"In addition, we did see a stranger sneaking in in the bedroom, but he has escaped now..."

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