Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 383

Chapter 383: Techniques for batch deformation

"Professor McGonagall, where's Principal Dumbledore? Has he not come yet?" Ivan asked strangely. It is impossible for Dumbledore not to come forward with such a big event.

"Albus, he had something to go out in recent days..." McGonagall explained aloud. At the same time, he was a little helpless. Sirius just sneaked in at this time. Coincidence made her wonder if Sirius was from Where did I hear the news.

Hearing this, Ivan confirmed his previous guess, but in this case things would be more troublesome.

Ivan originally wanted to go to Dumbledore with Scabbers. He said that when he was looking at this map accidentally last school year, he found Ron Mouse with a person's name on his head, and happened to meet Sirius during the summer vacation and figured out the truth. ...

In the end, he can easily throw this troublesome thing to Dumbledore to deal with, and stay aside to watch the show at ease, just waiting for the extra points!

Only Dumbledore has enough prestige to convince everyone that Sirius is innocent, and vindicates Sirius under the pressure of the Ministry of Magic!

"Then do you know when Professor Dumbledore will be back?" Ivan sighed and asked.

"It should be soon. I have sent an owl to inform him...Don't worry too much. Although Albus is not there, there are professors in various subjects who can protect your safety, if something happens. You can tell me!" Professor McGonagall comforted.

Ivan shrugged. He was actually not worried about safety, but hesitated to explain Sirius to Professor McGonagall.

In the end, he stopped talking and decided to meet Sirius first and discuss it.

Ivan hadn't read the note that Sirius handed him, but he thought it should have clearly stated the time and place of the meeting.

After all, it is impossible for Sirius to explain to him in the dormitory about many things. It is too dangerous and easy to be heard by others, so finding a place outside to discuss slowly is the right choice!

Ivan kept thinking in his mind, and unknowingly followed the crowd to the auditorium.

McGonagall swept the obstructive table aside with his magic wand, vacating a large area in the middle.

However, McGonagall couldn't wave his hand like Dumbledore and turned into hundreds of sleeping bags. In order to save a certain amount of magic power against the possible attack on Sirius Black, McGonagall turned his head after thinking about it and faced Ivan. Said.

"Hals, come and help me, we need hundreds of sleeping bags..."

Ivan nodded, walked forward and took out his wand and nodded. Some small objects such as cups and saucers flew over from the long table in the corner and landed on the clearing.

Then, Ivan thought of the sleeping bag in his mind, and these small objects twisted and changed one after another, elongated, extended, and expanded. In a short while, a dozen blue sleeping bags appeared on the open space.

At the same time, Ivan was also exhausted, and it was the first time he tried to deform so many objects at the same time.

"Very good, your recent transformation spell level has improved a lot..." Professor McGonagall looked at Ivan's deformed sleeping bag with a very surprised expression.

She asked Ivan to assist herself, but she did not use this opportunity to teach Ivan.

However, Ivan's growth has far exceeded McGonagall's expectations. It can be said that every school year has undergone some earth-shaking changes.

She has never heard of such a speed of progress, it's too fast...

Professor McGonagall couldn't help sighing that if one or two years passed, he might have nothing to teach him.

But soon, Professor McGonagall sorted out his emotions and said to Ivan:

"Halse, it seems that you have no experience in batch deforming items before, and there are still some lacks in this aspect. This is actually skillful.

Your mind only needs to focus on one of the items that needs to be deformed, and then separate a trace of mind to use magic to drive the others. You will find that it is not difficult to practice a few times..."

Professor McGonagall waved some small objects, explaining the details that need to be paid attention to when deforming the batch, and demonstrated it to Ivan. In a short while, seventy or eighty crimson sleeping bags appeared on the field.

After doing all this, McGonagall is still calm and relaxed, not at all tired, not to mention the exhaustion like Ivan's...

It's just that Ivan can sense the delicate surface of these sleeping bags, but he doesn't really care, and he will be beaten back to his original shape if he lasts for at most one day.

Obviously, this was done by Professor McGonagall deliberately. This kind of temporary deformation does not need to be made too fine, and the magic is wasted.

Wanting to understand this, Ivan tried again following the instructions given by Professor McGonagall, this time deforming fifty objects at once!

A large number of dishes, candlesticks and other objects quickly deformed into sleeping bags under the action of magic...

Although the number of deformed objects has tripled this time, since Ivan doesn’t need to do as much as the first time, he only makes inferior products that can only last for more than ten hours. No matter, the consumption of magic power is basically the same as before.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the system also appeared in Ivan's mind.

[Ding, after a period of practice, your transfiguration level has improved, the current level is 6]

Ivan was very pleased. It has been a long time since his Transfiguration technique was promoted to the sixth level. He did not expect to increase his proficiency so much after some guidance from Professor McGonagall.

It seems that McGonagall's polymorphism is higher than he thought...

When Professor McGonagall saw that Ivan was able to integrate the knowledge he taught so quickly, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com nodded with satisfaction.josei

For such a student who is active in studying and can understand with just a little bit, which professor would not like it?

Then, under the joint efforts of the two, hundreds of sleeping bags were neatly placed on the open space for half an hour. After all these were fixed, a mess of footsteps came from the entrance of the auditorium.

Ivan turned around and found that students from several other colleges had arrived.

"Professor McGonagall, what happened?" After seeing McGonagall, the prefects of several colleges hurried forward to ask about the situation.

When they received the notice, they ran over and informed their dean to save time and only talked to them about it, and asked them to pay attention to safety when they came, and did not say too many details.

"It was Sirius who sneaked in..." Professor McGonagall explained the process in detail to the little wizards, and then comforted them so that they don't have to worry too much. The professors will take this matter. Dealt with!

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