Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 392

Chapter 392: 1 forget everything

Shaban, who had been hiding in Ron's pocket, poked out his head quietly, listening to the conversations of several people.

"So you support me to find Black for revenge?" Harry also recovered from his surprise, and said happily.

Ivan didn't nod or shook his head, but asked seriously. "Then are you really ready to fight the opponent?

Let's not mention failure for the time being. Assuming you successfully defeated him, what would you do if the betrayer was standing in front of you now? "

Harry fantasized about this scene, with a hint of delight flashing across his face, and when he was about to speak, he heard Ivan continue to speak.

"Cut off his hands and feet, and then cut them into pieces? Or use a heart-cutting curse to watch him wailing in pain until he died..."

Ivan talked about the cruel punishment one by one, and Harry was stunned, looking at Ivan in fear.

Scabbard hiding in Ron's pocket, his two paws pulled hard at the mouth of the bag, and was trembling with fright. Would you like to be so cruel?

"I... Of course I wouldn't do this... I'll catch Black and send it to Azkaban... Let the Dementors deal with him!" After a long while, Harry ended. Baba said.

Ivan couldn't help sighing that there was no meeting with Tom Riddle in the second grade and the experience of facing the basilisk. Now Harry is more naive than him in the original time and space, so he couldn't help but reminded him.

"But you should be very clear that if you lose in the battle with the other party, it is possible for the other party to treat you this way, isn't it?"

"So what? As long as I have a chance to kill Black, I have to try it!" Harry gritted his teeth.

"But what are you going to rely on for fighting? Disarming Curse? Stupefying Curse? Petrifying Curse? Be sober...you have no chance of winning at all!" Ivan shook his head.

Reality is not a fairy tale drama, just like in the original time and space, if Voldemort was not obsessed with the content of the prophecy, he insisted on killing Harry himself every time, and because of the protagonist’s halo, all sorts of sorrows continued, Harry would even be Ten lives are not enough to die!

Harry fell silent. He wanted to retort, but in his heart he knew that Ivan was right. He couldn't be Sirius Black's opponent with his own strength.

But it was impossible for him to sit back and watch Black, who had betrayed his parents and caused them to be killed by Voldemort, was so free, but he did nothing, which Harry couldn't bear.

After learning what happened from Malfoy before, the thought of revenge eroded his heart like a poisonous snake.

Obviously his father, James, trusted Blake so much, regarded him as his best friend, and chose to make Blake the secret of his hiding place.

However, this shameful betrayer did not hesitate to betray his parents and fell into the arms of Voldemort!

Harry couldn't imagine that his parents thought they were safe hiding in the refuge, only to be attacked by Voldemort, and how disappointed they would be when they figured out that their most trusted friend betrayed him. ..

Ivan saw the change in Harry's expression in his eyes, and roughly guessed what he was thinking, and then he thought of the sentence and said.

"Harry, I've said that I didn't mean to stop you from taking revenge, but we must at least have a plan instead of going to death excitedly, not to mention that you don't even know where Black is, don't you?"

Speaking of this, Ivan was also a little helpless. He didn't expect Harry to learn about these things at this time. With the preconceived impression, it would be more troublesome for him to defend Black again.

The questions he asked just now, in addition to encouraging Harry to stay in school well recently, waiting for his own plan, also had a sense of temptation.

It turned out that Harry had no intention of killing his father and enemies indirectly because of his age and kindness, but his prejudice against Sirius Black was already deep.

Ivan even suspected that he was able to quickly gain Harry’s trust by revealing the identity of Peter Pettigrew. Ron would definitely protect his mice, and refused to admit that the pets he had raised were actually a bald old man who became a bald old man. ...

And in everyone’s impression, Peter Pettigrew is now an out-and-out hero, the winner of the Merlin Medal of the First Class!

Even if he reveals the identity of Peter Pettigrew, this guy will most likely pretend to be a victim and find a chance to bite him back.

At that time, there will definitely be a riot that will attract many students and professors. Even if he can talk to the Confucianists and convince everyone with the black mark on Peter Pettigrew, this matter cannot be hidden!

Then the next day, people from the Ministry of Magic rushed to imprison Peter, and on one night, Peter Pettigrew died unexpectedly because of the “out of control” behavior of a dementor. Even a little harder might even make the corpse inexplicable. Missing...

So it's better to find a secluded place in Hogsmeade Village, gather Harry, Sirius, Lupin, Peter and others together, put the facts in front of them, and then slowly explain them.

After getting Lupin, Harry and the others, consider whether to try to persuade McGonagall and others...

While Ivan was thinking about things in his mind, Ron, who had listened for so long, finally realized that Ivan was persuading Harry not to act rashly, and hurriedly agreed.

"Ivan is right. You can't fight Black! Remember what we saw in the Daily Prophet? Black used a spell to blow up a whole street, killing ten Many Muggles! Even if we are tied together, we can't beat him!

In addition, tomorrow is the first game of Quidditch. Think about these normal things. Wood and the others are still waiting for you to catch the Snitch and get this year's trophy together! "

Ron was very witty to think of Harry's favorite Quidditch game, and emphasized that Harry, as a seeker, has assumed the hope of the entire Gryffindor Academy and must not lose the chain!

Although Harry has no intention of playing, as Ron said, the Quidditch game is not his work alone. If Gryffindor loses the game because of his personal problems, then he is the sinner of the academy. !

I'm even more sorry for the other players who have worked so hard during this time...josei

Thinking of this ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Harry stopped thinking about finding Black for a duel. Instead, he devoted part of his energy to the upcoming Quidditch match, working hard to adjust his state so that he could play tomorrow. Time will not affect performance because of distraction.

Ivan and Ron were relieved to notice that Harry finally stopped being stubborn, and after a while deliberately deflecting the subject, they went to bed and prepared to go to bed.

Lying in the bed in a daze, Ivan always felt as if he had forgotten something today. He tilted his head just to see a mouse with his eyes open and motionless by the window, as if lost in thought, and then he remembered what he was going to do.

After waiting until late at night, after confirming that everyone was asleep, Ivan slipped out of the bed quietly, came to the window, and raised his wand.

"You know too much today... forget it all!"

After Ivan finished speaking, there was only a light "squeak" in the silent bedroom...

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