Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 395

Chapter 395: That day the dementor recalled the fear of being dominated by the patron saint

"Do you think the sky seems to be getting darker?" Not far away, a little wizard in Gryffindor looked at the sky and asked with some confusion.

Hermione thought about it, and suddenly remembered the scene that she and Ivan had seen in the sky above Hogwarts, which was very similar to now.

Thinking of this, Hermione felt a chill in her heart. She already understood what those things were surging in the dark clouds.

"It's dementors! They are in the sky! Harry is in danger... let him come back!" Hermione shouted loudly.

"What?" Ron was still at a loss to understand what was going on, but the next moment he saw Harry's figure trembling high in the sky, and then suddenly fell from the sky.

Hundreds of little wizards throughout the Quidditch arena watched this scene in horror, and what made them panic was that a large number of dementors suddenly floated down from the sky, and the darkness was heavy, like a dark cloud...

That dilapidated and rotten body caused countless little wizards to scream harshly.

"It's really a dementor!"

"How dare they come in?!"

"Harry... Harry fell from the sky, who will save him!"


For a while, the Quidditch arena became very chaotic, and various shouts and screams continued.

Ivan stood up all of a sudden and looked at the dementor floating in the sky, not surprised.

He knew very well that the dementors broke into the school. In the final analysis, it was the negligence of the Ministry of Magic. They did not consider the food of these dementors at all, and put the dementors in Hogwarts, where there is "food" everywhere It’s strange if nothing happens!

Suddenly smelling so much happiness in the Quidditch arena today, these dementors naturally couldn't help it.

But Ivan doesn’t worry much about the dementor, because this farce will soon be ended by angry Dumbledore...

Huh? Dumbledore?

Ivan suddenly realized a problem, and that was that Dumbledore didn't seem to be in school at all!

Thinking of this, Ivan's face changed drastically, and he drew out his wand as quickly as possible to use the slow fall technique to save Harry.

It was just that before he could do anything, Harry's rate of falling from the sky had slowed down.

Ivan glanced around and saw that Snape, with a gloomy face, was wearing a raincoat and standing on the Slytherin stand. It was obvious that the slow fall technique was released by him just now.

Quidditch is of course impossible without a professor taking care of the order...

Ms. Hooch, who was the referee, rushed to Harry as soon as she recovered, and picked him up and flew towards the ground...

The dementors who lost their target were very angry, but fortunately, they soon had a new target-all the students in the Quidditch arena!

Snape frowned and raised his wand in disgust to cast a spell, but in the end he hesitated for a while and didn't do it...

At this point of delay, the dementors are getting closer and panic is spreading.

Several senior students shouted loudly and released their patron saint. A buffalo, a few moles, a crow and other fluorescent creatures bucked the trend, trying to stop the dementors from moving forward. pace...

But the number of dementors is too much, there are hundreds of them, and the defenses built by these patron saints can't play any role at all.

Seeing Snape standing still, Ron was suddenly furious, and he cursed loudly.

"Why didn't Snape get rid of these **** dementors? Do you want to watch us get attacked by dementors to be happy!"

"Maybe Professor Snape wouldn't call God's guard, maybe!" Hermione guessed. Of course she didn't believe Snape dared to make any small actions in the public.

Besides, there are Slytherin students here. Snape would never stand idly by if he could handle it...

Hermione once saw in the book that people whose minds were corrupted by black magic could not be protected by the gods. She thought this might be the reason why Snape was unable to expel these dementors.

But how could Professor Dumbledore let a person whose mind was corrupted by black magic come to teach them potions lessons?

Ivan also set his eyes on Snape, knowing that Snape could summon the patron saint, so he was even more puzzled as to why Snape was so reluctant to do it.

The puzzled Ivan keenly noticed the struggling color on Snape's face, and suddenly remembered something, and realized that Snape probably didn't want to reveal his patron saint curse, let alone reveal his patron saint!

After all, most Death Eaters cannot release the patron saint. At the beginning, Dumbledore was willing to trust Snape's words. One of the important reasons was that Snape summoned his patron saint, the deer... The patron saint exactly like his beloved Lily...

If the patron saint's appearance is rashly exposed to everyone's sight, it might make someone think of something, which will have a certain impact on the possible future espionage work and increase the risk of death.

"Ivan, you can get rid of these dementors, right?" Seeing that the dementors were about to rush down, Ron panicked thinking of Ivan who had expelled a large number of dementors on the train, and hurried. Asked aloud.

The rest of the little wizards of Gryffindor also seemed to have grasped the last straw, looking at Ivan expectantly, no one wanted to have a close contact with those disgusting dementors...

"Of course it's okay!" Ivan nodded, knowing that the emergency is not a time of concealment, so he held up his wand and shouted loudly.

"Hushen... guard!"

The next moment ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the dazzling light spread across the dim Quidditch arena, and the little wizards who had been flustered and at a loss all cast their eyes in the direction of the light.josei

Not long after, an invigorating neighing sound rang in everyone's ears, and the light and white fog spreading in the air gathered together in a short period of time and turned into a unicorn.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this sacred and proud unicorn. The fear of just looking at the bottom of my heart gradually faded, and a calm and peaceful mood gradually poured into my heart...

It screamed again and stepped on the white fog, behind which was flickering light and shadow, rushing straight to the dementors gathered in the sky...

There are so many dementors like a black wave, but when the two sides touch the battle, the battle is completely one-sided. The powerful and terrifying dementors are no different from the paper in front of the shadow of the unicorn...

The shadow of the unicorn rushed all the way, dispersing the body of a large number of dementors, and fleeing wildly. The weird cries were constantly resounding in the air. It was the angry and helpless wailing of the dementors... .

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