Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 410

Chapter 410: Dementors are never slaves!

After hearing Ivan's hoarse cry, countless dementors gathered around him and asked about the situation.

"what happened?"

"As soon as I came...I saw...you...being beaten..."

"It's... the Ministry of Magic... the wizard..."


A large number of dementors gathered together, and the whirring wind echoed in Ivan's ears, transformed into intermittent words.

Facing the enquiries from the dementors, Ivan pretended to be angry and replied: "Why else? Because of our previous private intrusion into the Quidditch stadium, the special investigator sent by the Ministry of Magic prepared to The harshest means to punish all of us!"

As soon as Ivan's words came out, the surrounding dementors were in an uproar and became very panicked.

Although they directly forgot the Ministry's rules when they first violated the rules, this does not mean that the dementors are not afraid of the Ministry's methods.

On the contrary, they knew that they could not be the opponent of those wizards.

It is also based on this that the dementors are willing to obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic. The occasional loss of control is only due to their chaotic nature and their desire to absorb happiness temporarily overwhelming their fear of the Ministry of Magic.

Looking at these panicked dementors, Ivan was speechless. Since he was so afraid of the Ministry of Magic, why did you go?

However, in order to cause some confusion and make it easier for him to run away, so as not to be caught, Ivan shouted loudly.

"Be quiet! Everyone, please listen to me!"

All the dementors who fell into chaos and panic stopped one after another and looked at this strange kind. They had never seen a kind with such clear thinking before, so they all looked curiously. Ivan.

Ivan continued to shout loudly.

"Should we always accept the oppression of the Ministry of Magic like this? I hope everyone hasn't forgotten, that incident is not our fault at all!"

"It is the Ministry of Magic that restricts our personal freedom and forces us to carry out meaningless patrols. Have they considered our feelings? No! They never care about our thoughts, and are not even prepared to provide us with any food... ."

"Obviously it was the mistake of the Ministry of Magic. They didn't reflect on it but wanted to punish us with the harshest means!

We will be punished if we resist! You will be punished if you don't resist! Then why don't we choose to stand up and resist? Rights have always been won! "

Ivan looked at the dementors listening carefully, knowing that they were all attracted by his own words, and cleared his throat and continued with impassioned expression.

"I have a dream! I dream that one day every dementor will be able to travel freely in the magical world and spread fear to all beings...

Dreaming that wizards, dementors, elves, and many intelligent creatures can mingle with each other..."

"I announce... Starting today, the dementors are standing up!"

"The orcs will never... Bah, the dementors will never be slaves!"


Ivan was full of nonsense, babbling the preaching words he heard from various places in his previous life, and put them together, and then sent them to these dementors.

If this is replaced by a normal-minded wizard or Muggle, he might be knocked off the stage...

But these dementors, who are already low in IQ, have ever heard such passionate words?

Under Ivan's loud slogan, more and more dementors recalled the experience of the Ministry of Magic not giving them food to make them work for nothing, and became extremely angry.

The dense black fog suddenly spread the entire sky into terrible black...

Although the voices of the dementors talking to each other seemed to outsiders to be nothing more than the whirring of the cold wind, Professor McGonagall frowned when he felt the malice that was coming from the sky.

But soon Professor McGonagall stretched his eyebrows and looked at Umbridge playfully.

She believed that Umbridge would no longer stubbornly feel that these dementors were actually harmless creatures that had been tamed.

Noting that these dementors were getting closer and closer, Umbridge suddenly panicked, and he regretted his rash actions...

Umbridge stepped back faintly, and scolded in angrily.

"What do you want to do? I'm a senior investigator appointed by the Ministry of Magic! Don't you all go back to patrol me!"

Umbridge moved out of his identity as an investigator of the Ministry of Magic in an attempt to scare away these dementors.

It's a pity that under Ivan's flicker, the surrounding dementors were either dazzled by anger, or they were inspired by Ivan to fight for the benefits of the race, so they didn't even care about Umbridge.

"Attention, our enemy is the short fat wizard below, the one who beat me just now. Don't call the wrong person... the other wizard is very powerful, and we can't deal with it anymore!"

As the troublemaker, Ivan considered that his combat effectiveness in Dementor's form was very mediocre, so he didn't plan to play in person. Instead, they floated in the air to cheer for their "companions", and guided these dementors to avoid McGonagall to attack Umbridge next to him.

Of course, Ivan is not worried about the safety of Professor McGonagall, but just reminds the dementors not to die at will!

Regardless of the large number of evil creatures, as far as Professor McGonagall is concerned, at most it is more troublesome to deal with...

But Ivan is not worried that Professor McGonagall will interfere.josei

Ivan listened to the conversation between Umbridge and McGonagall just now. He knew very well that McGonagall should be very dissatisfied with Umbridge. He would probably take this opportunity to fish for a while and let Umbridge eat it. After a lot of hardship, consider the rescue.

The black pressure swallowed down like a wave of dementors, turning the surrounding space into a cage of black mist, where no sunlight can be seen, only the biting cold and pain...

Umbridge's expression became very hideous~www.mtlnovel.com~ The wand held high, shouted angrily.

"ExpectoPatronum! (Call God to guard)!"

Under Umbridge's full effort, a dexterous cat leapt out from the top of the wand and knocked the nearest dementor into flight.

But there were too many dementors here, and just after one was driven away, a few more dementors gathered around.

Umbridge only managed to disperse the power of the Patronus Curse, transform it into a shield to block him, and then let the cat-shaped Patronus attack, so that he could barely resist the attack of these dementors.

However, this shield did not last long, and it collapsed into a white mist under the impact of many dementors...

The seemingly powerful cat-shaped patron saint was also torn to pieces by the dementors who came on the skin...

Thanks to the book friend Zichuan Shenying for rewarding 10,000 starting coins, and the 200 starting coins rewarded by Wanshiwu.

(End of this chapter)

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