Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 420

Chapter 420: Encounter at the Duke of Honey

Harry, Ron, and Hermione climbed up the steps one by one.

"Where is this?" Harry patted the dust on his body and looked left and right. It looked like a cellar, surrounded by crates and other wooden boxes, with various date-written notes on it. .

"The basement! To be precise, we are in the basement of the Honey Duke's shop!" Ivan explained.

Hermione looked at Harry and reminded him. "Harry, hurry up and put on the invisibility cloak! Don't be seen by others..."

"En..." Harry nodded, put on the invisibility cloak, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Then Ivan led them out of the basement quietly.

Originally, Ron and others were still very nervous, for fear of being discovered.

After all, they sneaked out of someone else's basement, and it would be over if they were caught directly.

But after they really came out, Ron realized that no one would even notice where they came from.

Because it was so lively here, it was crowded with senior students from Hogwarts, and all kinds of laughter and noise were endless.

All kinds of delicious candies are placed on the shelves on Thursdays and Mondays. The large custard nougat, the sparkling pink coconut sorbet, the honey-colored toffee, and dozens of hundreds of flavors of chocolate are dazzling.

Especially a few shelves against the wall, there are magic candies with special effects placed on them.

For example, the pepper urchin who can spew a ball of flame after eating, the explosive filling gummy that will explode after a bite, the lollipop with a thick **** taste...

The variety and novelty made Harry and Hermione who came for the first time couldn't look away.

Harry never knew that candy can make so many tricks. Looking at the above introduction, he was very excited. He was ready to buy each one and taste it.

Except for the local tyrant Harry, Hermione and Ron are entangled in making choices. They have limited pocket money and can only buy a few to try.

Looking at their excited and tangled appearance, Ivan couldn't help but shook his head secretly. Candy is really attractive to children, even the little wizard who knows magic.

Considering that there is no shortage of time to see Sirius, Ivan is not good at forcing them to leave here, so I just let them be happy for a while...

"The **** lollipop looks terrible. No one likes vampires like this... Can Pepper Naughty really spew out a fire after eating it? How does the mint ice cream taste?" Min picked out a few candies, hesitated to put back some uninterested ones, and turned to Ivan and wanted to ask him his opinion.

Ivan shook his head. He hadn't eaten this stuff before, and when he was thinking about what to say, he felt a pat on his shoulder.

"Are you looking for candy that can breathe fire if you eat it? We have it here!" George and Fred joked together, their hands still holding an unbranded candy.

"This is our latest research result. It's definitely more interesting than the candy here! How about it, do you want to try it? It's free!"

Seeing the two of them, Ivan felt a little surprised, but he didn't expect such a coincidence.

However, Ivan always thanked Bumin for the Weasley brothers' mischievous candy, and shrugged and refused.

"We don't want to be your little guinea pigs...you should keep the tricky others to go!"

"That's really a shame! If you want to buy it next time, you will have to pay..." George shook his head disappointedly, then glanced at Ivan and the others, and said unexpectedly.

"By the way, where's Harry? Didn't he come with you? Still trapped in the castle?"

"Oh, what a poor boy. Didn't you tell Harry about the secret road? We see that he is quite unhappy lately, so you should take him out and stroll around!" Fred also sighed. His expression, tut out his voice.

"Harry is safe to stay in school, you know..." Hermione glared at them dissatisfiedly and said in a high tone, but soon realized that this might be heard by a fugitive. He lowered his voice and said word by word. "Know that Sirius Black is still chasing him!"

"What are you afraid of, isn't Ivan still here? I think his level of magic is no worse than some Aurors. If Black dares to come and catch him... Hahaha, maybe Ivan can still give him the Merlin Medal. It’s one more level."

As George said with a grin, he tore open the candy wrapper in his hand and threw it into his mouth.

However, this square candy stopped automatically beside George's mouth in horror. It just hovered in the air, moved slowly, and disappeared in front of them bit by bit...

The sound of "crack craze" chewing candies came from a place with no one nearby...

Damn it?

George was taken aback at once, and Fred's face also showed a look of uncertainty.

No, ordinary ghosts can't do this.

Hermione and Ron were holding back a smile, of course they knew what was going on.

Harry, who was hiding in the Invisibility Cloak, swallowed this candy, and soon felt that his throat was so hot as if he had been burned by fire, it was very choking!

Harry couldn't help but raised his head and sneezed. A scorching flame spewed out of his mouth and almost burned to the next shelf.

In the seemingly empty place, a few coughs soon rang, and then Harry complained.

"This thing smells too bad, you should improve it!"

George and Fred listened to the sound from nowhere, and stepped back uncertainly until they heard Harry's voice. They were relieved.

They couldn't understand that Harry was tricking them, but they were even more curious about how Harry did it.

"Is it a phantom spell?! Harry, you actually mastered this!" George suddenly thought of the phantom spell, guessing in surprise.

"We have always wanted to learn, but we haven't mastered this spell yet!" Fred also couldn't believe it.

"No, I don't know how to use such advanced spells, this is the effect of the invisibility cloak!" Harry lifted the invisibility cloak a little bit, exposing his face, and then put it on again.

"Cool! That's so convenient!" George and Fred exclaimed. The price of an invisibility cloak is not cheap. If they had this thing in the first place, it would be much easier to go out for a stroll.josei

Maybe they can still go to some places they have always wanted to go but dare not go...

Thinking of this, the faces of George and Fred showed envy.

Hermione broke the cheerful atmosphere seriously, and said, "Harry, you shouldn't do this. If someone sees you, it will be over!"

"Don't worry, no one was looking here just now. George and Fred won't talk about it!" Harry shook his head nonchalantly. He didn't think there would be such a coincidence.

"Yes, yes! Our mouths are very strict!" The Weasley brothers made a shut-up gesture together~www.mtlnovel.com~ and promised never to speak out.

The people laughed and talked for a long time, and then George and Fred separated from them. Ron and others also selected the candies. Because it was inconvenient to show up, Ivan had to pay for the bill instead of Harry.

Immediately afterwards, the enthusiastic Harry, Ron and Hermione took Ivan to the Zoke joke shop to buy many interesting prank goods...

After more than two hours of playing like this, Ivan found that he would take them to a place that was said to be very interesting.

At first, Harry and the others didn't doubt their trust in Ivan. As the road went more and more remote, they felt something was wrong...

"Ivan, what are we doing here? It just looks like there is nothing..."

After walking through a small forest and entering a long-abandoned house, Hermione finally couldn't help but asked.

Harry and Ron also looked at Ivan suspiciously.

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