Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 425

Chapter 425: Poor innocent and bad peter

Peter's tragic situation did not arouse everyone's sympathy, and Sirius still managed to endure the murder before leaving Peter's life.

Lupin looked at Harry and the others in touch. He didn't expect that he had revealed his identity as a werewolf and they were still willing to trust him.

In order to completely solve this misunderstanding, Lupin and Sirius told Harry the causes and consequences of the whole thing in detail. Except for the inconvenience of the Order of the Phoenix, they have almost no reservations...

Harry almost cried and listened to it all. It took him a long time to stabilize his emotions. He looked angrily at Peter, who was bound to the ground and still had a nosebleed, and asked in a puzzled voice.

"Why did you suddenly choose him to be the secret guard at the time?"

In the descriptions of Sirius and Lupin, Peter is timid, cowardly and incompetent, and it is useless. Even if the secretaries need to be changed, Lupin should be the one who should take care of him!

"You should have heard what Peter said just now. At that time, a traitor appeared in the camp against Voldemort and sent a lot of information to the mysterious man.

Because of Lupin's identity as a werewolf wizard, I once doubted him, so I excluded him when selecting the secretaries..." Sirius explained, and looked at Lupin apologetically.

"Please forgive me, Remus."

"It doesn't matter, I doubted you at the beginning! We are even..." Lupin shook his head.

After that, the two smiled bitterly at each other. It is this level of suspicion that the identity of the confidential person will fall to Peter. Among James' friends, Peter is the least suspect...

Usually undercover agents need to have a high degree of courage and a good mentality, and Peter does not meet any of them.

This was originally the safest move, but who knew it would push James and Lily to hell.

"Anyway, it's all my fault... Harry! I'm sorry, but I took the initiative to suggest that James change the candidate that caused it all." Sirius looked at Harry very reproachfully and said.

"No, you are not wrong!" Harry shook his head and said with certainty. "The mistake is Peter Pettigrew, who has betrayed the trust of you and my father and betrayed his friends!"

All the people present were silent for a moment, only Hermione thought of the most important thing to do now and reminded him.

"Now that everything is clear, let's go and tell Professor McGonagall now, let her notify the people at the Ministry of Magic and clear Mr. Black of suspicion!"

Harry nodded hastily, he didn't want to wait for a moment.

"This can't be done! It's not the time yet." Ivan stopped them.

"Why?" Harry looked at Ivan in surprise, with a puzzled look on his face. "Also I've always wanted to ask, since you already knew it, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Of course I am worried that the people from the Ministry of Magic will get in the way..." Ivan sighed, and then explained to Harry and the others, emphatically explaining the stakes.

The Ministry of Magic will not slap themselves. If they face such a major scandal without external factors, they will only choose to conceal it as much as possible, and they will be wrong, and they will never take the initiative to admit it.

"It shouldn't be it? That's the Ministry of Magic... and we've caught Peter Pettigrew. The evidence is solid. Just give him a little Veritaserum to make everything clear?" Hermione pursed her lips, hesitating. Said.

All of what Ivan just said was impacting her three views, which made Hermione, who had always been accustomed to observing the rules, a little unacceptable for a while.

"The Ministry of Magic is not as fair as you think, Hermione! For many politicians, the truth of the matter is not important, they only care which result is in their favor! What they do best!"

Ivan cruelly shredded Hermione's fantasy and placed the cold facts in front of the thirteen-year-old witch.

Harry and Ron were also reshaped of the Three Views, and they could hardly imagine that the Ministry of Magic would reverse black and white.


Sirius coughed slightly and attracted the attention of Harry and the others. He felt that this kind of thing is not something that a child of Harry's age should understand, so he spoke.

"We have made a decision on this matter. Just wait for Dumbledore to come back and leave this matter to him to solve it."

"Then when are we going to wait? What if Professor Dumbledore doesn't come back for months?" Harry frowned and said with some concern.

Ivan shrugged, and he couldn't answer. Generally speaking, Dumbledore, as the principal of Hogwarts, shouldn't have been out of school for several months.

"Soon!" Lupin said aloud.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him in surprise, and Lupin said truthfully without concealing it.

"I just received the news today that Professor Dumbledore should be back tonight! Be safe, we just have to wait here for one night, and we can see him early tomorrow morning!"

"Really? That's great!" Harry said happily.

Hermione, Ron, and even Sirius breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news, as if some big rock had dropped in their hearts.

The same is true for Ivan. Although he has always been reluctant to meet with Dumbledore, he still has to admit that Dumbledore can always bring people a wonderful sense of security.

As long as he is there, there is no need to worry about anything...

Thinking of this, Ivan looked at Peter Pettigrew, remembered something that needed to be confirmed, and said to everyone.

"Peter has taken refuge in a mysterious person. There should be a Dark Mark on his body. If Veritaserum cannot be used in the court by then, this will be enough to prove it!"

If he remembers correctly ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the first thing after Voldemort's resurrection in the original time and space is to use the Dark Mark on Peter to summon the Death Eaters.

But before his resurrection, Voldemort, who had lost his power, had a high probability of not giving Peter the ability to imprint the Dark Mark.

It is only possible that Peter had been inscribed when he took refuge in Voldemort thirteen years ago!

Sirius soon thought of the Death Eater logo, with a grin on his face, and walked towards Peter Pettigrew step by step...

Peter's face was full of horror. His body was squeezed into the corner, and his mouth kept crying and praying, like a weakness who could not resist the invasion...

He naturally has the mark of the Dark Demon that Ivan said!

This is the commendation that he won after completing the undercover work and betraying James and Lily, and it is the proof that he has gained the trust of the Dark Lord!

But the things that took so much hard work in exchange for him have now become his urging talisman!

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