Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 427

Chapter 427: Ivan: Malfoy, how many people did you call? (2 go...

In fact, Sirius was indeed going to settle accounts with Peter, who just took advantage of the chaos that Peter wanted to escape made him very angry.

Ivan suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly looked at Snape and asked.

"By the way, Professor Snape, where is the Malfoy now? Didn't he come with you?"

After Ivan's reminder, Lu Ping realized that there was still a problem that had not been resolved.

Sirius' attention was also drawn to the past, so that the punishment of Peter was temporarily put on hold.

Snape looked at everyone with a sneer, and didn't mean to speak.

"If you don't want me to use some special methods...better tell me honestly!" Sirius grabbed Snape by the collar and pressed his wand against his forehead. He was worried that he had no reason to retaliate before Snape. The act of stunning yourself.

"Calm down, Sirius, we have had enough trouble..." Lupin stopped Sirius's excessive behavior, and then said to Snape.

"Severus, we really have no malice. We just don't want to widen the misunderstanding. If possible, please tell us how Malfoy told you in the first place, and who did he tell this news?"

"Don't be hypocritical, Lupin!" Snape said sarcastically.

Although he has guessed from the follow-up words of Ivan and others that these people may not lie, in front of two dead opponents, he can't be subdued anyway!

Sirius was about to punch him viciously, and Lupin stopped him again.

At this moment, Snape stared at Sirius, half reminding and half laughing.

"It's okay to tell you. When Malfoy came over to inform me that Lupin was going to go out suspiciously, I guessed that Lupin would come to see you!

Just in case, I had already asked Malfoy to notify the other teaching professors and let them follow the marks I left, and those who counted the rest of the time should have arrived! "

As soon as Snape's voice fell, there was a noise outside.

The faces of Sirius and Lupin suddenly changed, and Ivan frowned.

The professors who can work in Hogwarts usually have extremely high magic standards, which are not easy to deal with, let alone get together this time!

If Snape waits and talks gibberish again, so that they can't explain it, it will probably be a fierce battle!

The corners of Snape's mouth curled slightly, but he was hesitant to wait for McGonagall, Flitwick and others to arrive, whether he wanted to remind...

However, his eyes turned to the open door, and the expression on Snape's face suddenly changed, because only one person or a goblin had broken in...

"Severus?!" Flitwick looked around at the fastest speed.

At first sight, Snape was tied up, and Ron and Hermione hid in the corner tremblingly because they avoided the fight.

Black, the wanted man in the Ministry of Magic, was standing with Lupin, seemingly ready to do something to Snape.

Reminiscing about what Malfoy had told him, Flitwick made a judgment immediately, he was late!

After he heard Snape talking with Lupin, Sirius and others outside, he rushed over as quickly as possible, in order to be able to support Snape in time.

Unexpectedly, Snape had long been defeated, and he was tied up...

The extremely rich duel experience made Flitwick understand that in the case of great disparity in combat power, he must give priority to the shot, reduce the number of enemies, and it is best to save Snape first.

"Faint!" Flitwick simulated several combat plans in his mind, and resolutely took the lead in attacking Lupin and Black.

The beams of the spell flashed intertwined in a small room...

After a fight, Flitwick was **** and tied to Snape.

"So why did you come alone? McGonagall and the others?" Snape said angrily while looking at Flitwick with a hatred of iron and steel.

Flitwick’s expression was very embarrassing. He was outstanding and worried that Snape would not be able to handle it alone, so he took the first step...

"Don't worry too much, Severus! I have asked Malfoy to notify the other professors, and they will be there soon!" Flitwick said comfortingly.

Snape's face is very strange, why do these words sound so familiar? I seem to have said the same just now...

Ivan looked at the **** Flitwick, feeling helpless. What are these things?

It seems that there is one more object that needs a good explanation.

More importantly, if other professors saw this scene, the misunderstanding would be even greater!

"Harry, come and explain to Professor Flitwick!" Ivan said to Harry, who was a little bewildered by standing aside the whole time.

It’s better to let Harry, the client, explain than outsiders like them...

Flitwick noticed that Harry was here, and he was alive and well. He faintly realized whether there was any misunderstanding. He turned to look at Snape, but saw that Snape was closing his eyes and rested. Yourself.

Harry nodded, but he felt a little uneasy. They actually **** the professor. Is this really okay?

Ivan didn't care about this, as long as he clarified the misunderstanding clearly, the professors at Hogwarts were not so careful.

After all, it was too troublesome to explain while typing, especially since they didn't know when the next professor would arrive, and Snape's attitude was open to question.

On the contrary, it is better to disarm the opponent first in a four-to-one situation with an absolute advantage, and then let Harry slowly explain it to be more convenient.

Based on this concept, in just over ten minutes, the professors rushed over and were arrested one after another.

Hooch and Trelawney came together, but even so they couldn’t escape, because Sirius directly used the invisibility cloak that Harry had brought, making the battle process extremely smooth, and it didn’t cost much. Kung Fu is done.

The captured professors finally formed a half circle and listened to Harry telling stories together...

"So who can tell me what happened?" The newly arrived Mrs. Hodge was confused.

She had just received the news from Malfoy, and followed the clues left along the way to find this place, and then Ivan, Lupin, Black, and Dobby were overwhelmed by the forces of Ivan, Lupin, Black and Dobby.

After seeing Snape, Flitwick, Trelawney and others who were also arrested, Hodge couldn't hide the shock in his heart, almost thinking that Hogwarts would be finished tomorrow...

But something strange is that everyone doesn't seem to be very nervous.

"That's it, Mrs. Hooch, Sirius wanted by the Ministry of Magic is actually innocent. I have to talk about it from thirteen years ago..."

Harry had forgotten that he had said this for the first time, just to help Sirius clear his grievances, he still held back his boredom.

"Potter! I suggest you skip the previous words and start directly from the important points! I have listened to it several times, and you can't start from the beginning every time someone comes!" Flitwick couldn't help but interrupt. After Harry's words, he said unhappily.

At the beginning of this story, Flitwick was tired of hearing it, but until now he has not fully figured out what happened that year...

Because Harry often hasn't said a few words, when he gets interested in a key place, someone will suddenly come in and be caught in a few seconds, and then Harry has to say it again from the beginning...

Harry naturally had no opinion, but the other professors obviously didn't think so.

"Filius...you can't just look at yourself! I just came here...you have to figure out what happened!" Madam Hooch retorted Flitwick's words, and then asked a little strangely.

"By the way, who made Malfoy notify us?"

"I asked Malfoy to inform you, but I didn't ask you to come in batches!" Snape couldn't help the anger rising in his heart, which was completely different from what he expected!

At this time, Trelawney, who had not participated in the discussion, suddenly said mysteriously.

"Shhh~ don't make any noise, why don't we guess who will come in next? I saw a sign from the gap in the wall, our savior will be the fourth person to cross the threshold..."

"Then why didn't you expect that you would be arrested?" Snape mocked.

Trelawney choked suddenly, she stared and mumbled for a long time. "How do you know that I didn't predict it? I'll be arrested, maybe it's also a sign of fate..."

Ivan looked at the professors who were chatting together and sighed. He wondered if Malfoy would invite all the professors he could find.

After all, most of the professors in the school are here...

Thinking of this, Ivan even wondered if Malfoy was the legendary leader. If he and Sirius really had a plot, wouldn't he be able to kill Hogwarts in one go?

But it is also right. Two elites from the Order of the Phoenix, a house elf who is different from a wizard, a deathly hallow, plus oneself, such a lineup has mental arithmetic and unintentional, few people in the magical world can escape. ...

Harry on the other side was talking endlessly. He had already talked about how Sirius had planned to change someone to serve as the Secret Guardian, so as to confuse Voldemort...

When Hooch and Trelawney were in a trance, someone broke into the screaming shed again, and Flitwick was speechless. He knew he was going to listen again!

Everyone turned their heads and looked over. This time it was Ravenclaw’s Dean Pomona Sprout. Before she could do anything, Sirius, who was hiding in the shadows in an invisibility cloak, held her with a magic wand. The neck...

"Relax, don't think about resisting, what will I do to you?"

Sirius confiscated Sprout's wand very skillfully, and finally did not tie her up. He just motioned to Sprout, who had lost his weapon, to accompany Snape and the others. Listen to Harry's explanation...

Flitwick sighed helplessly and moved to the side to make room for it...

Sprout couldn't figure out the situation for a while, but when he saw that Snape and the others were disarmed, he was a little bit horrified.


The proficient Sirius put on his invisibility cloak and was waiting for the next visitor. At this time, there was some noise outside.josei

"Anyone else?" Sirius looked at Sprout sharply and asked.

Sprout pursed his lips, trying to shake his head, but Malfoy's panicked voice rang not far from the door.

Sprout suddenly turned his head and shouted loudly.

"Malfoy! Run... Go and invite Professor Dumbledore!"

She had already realized that there might be other people lying in ambush in the screaming hut, and Malfoy who had come with her must have been found.

However, Malfoy could not escape and he was quickly caught by Dobby.

"Dobby, you dare to do something to me, I should have let my father kill you!" Malfoy crossed the threshold cursingly, and was pushed into the room by Dobby.

But seeing the professors in a circle in the room, Malfoy was dumbfounded.

Snape, Flitwick, Hooch and others stared at Malfoy. If it weren't for Malfoy's information, they would not have gathered here today.

"The people you notified are here, right? Malfoy! How many people did you find?" Seeing that the master was finally caught, Ivan asked silently.

"I...I also notified the people at the Ministry of Magic that there will be a large number of Aurors coming soon... you better let us go right away!" Malfoy's eyes rolled and said sharply. .

"Tell me the truth! Or are you tired of living?" Ivan drew out his wand, deliberately frightening and condensing a black glow.

Malfoy mistakenly thought that Ivan was going to cast a curse on himself, so scared that he didn't care about anything, he shook his head repeatedly. "No more... no one else, all here!"

Ivan forced the question several times and confirmed that Malfoy had not lied. Then he put away his wand, waved his hand, and told him to stay there and listen to the story.

"It looks like it's finally over!" Lupin listened to the conversation between Ivan and Malfoy, secretly relieved.

When dealing with Hogwarts' colleagues, Lupin's heart pressure was not small, and more importantly, he had been worried that Malfoy would promote his identity as a werewolf wizard everywhere and make everyone known.

Fortunately, things weren't that bad. Apart from Malfoy, those who knew about it were limited to the professors.

"Well~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then just wait for Harry to explain clearly to the professors, there should be no problem!"

Ivan nodded, and after tossing for so long, he could finally relax.

"You may need to explain to me, Hals!"

The sound behind him frightened Ivan, and he subconsciously released a coma spell with his backhand.

The visitor stretched out his wand and tapped it lightly, and the crimson light beam disappeared.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Ivan then saw clearly the appearance of the incoming person, and said a little excitedly, and then some worried that his subconscious attack might cause the other party to misunderstand him.

After a long time no see, the centenarian still looks the same, wearing a purple-red robe casually, and the lack of care of the white beard looks a bit messy...

He strode across the threshold. Even when he saw the disarmed professors and Sirius who had escaped from prison, he didn't make any moves. It seems that these are not worthy of moving him...

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