Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 429

Chapter 429: Schrödinger's principal

When they returned to the castle together, everyone split up.

According to the instructions given by Dumbledore, the professors of the major universities informed the students, and Ivan and others walked towards the principal's office.

In order to prevent any panic, Sirius has transformed into the form of a **** dog.

Although a **** dog walking in the castle seemed a little weird, but with Lupin and Ivan by his side, the little wizards encountered along the way did not come up to inquire, so they reached the front of the principal's office unimpeded. .

"Professor Lupin, do you know the password for entering and exiting?" Ivan turned to see Lupin and asked.

"I know one, but Dumbledore hasn't returned for a while, and I don't know if the original password will work..." Lupin hesitated and tried to speak.

"Pile of cockroaches!"


The heavy guardian statue slowly turned up, slowly rising to let out the passageway it entered.

Lupin breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that Dumbledore hadn't changed his password.

Ivan took the lead and walked into the principal's room with the mouse. Compared with the last time, it was a lot more empty, which seemed indirect and refined.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a thick letter on the table in the center, and the glittering time converter presses the envelope.

The wall behind is covered by a piece of cloth. Fox with beautiful feathers usually stops on the olive branch, squinting his eyes and dozing...

Dumbledore was sitting behind the table at the moment, his eyes under the half-moon round glasses looked at the two things in front of him, seeming a little lost, and did not notice their arrival...

"Professor Dumbledore!" Ivan reminded.

The old wizard with white beard nodded slightly, glanced at the crowd, and stretched out his hand to indicate that it was time to speak.

Ivan nodded, and started talking about the name of Peter Pettigrew on the map of the point of life last school year, and talked about how he found out the truth based on various clues...

Ivan has practiced this statement countless times in his heart, and there are basically no loopholes. Those things that are really unclear, he dumped on Peter.josei

Sirius reverted to the form of a wizard, and occasionally made some additions when Ivan explained.

Harry, Lu Ping and others also opened their mouths to testify for them.

Dumbledore listened quietly, nodding his head from time to time, there was no change in his expression, as if he had expected it, and even a hint of impatience.

Ivan keenly noticed Dumbledore's strangeness, and doubts arose in his heart. Could it be that the old principal has been monitoring what happened in the school during this time?

And unlike the previous contact, Ivan did not have the urgency that he had before when he met Dumbledore this time, but felt a little familiar and kind.

Ivan frowned. He didn't quite understand if this was his own illusion, because Phoenix Fox was here, and the old magic wand was in the other's hand.

A few thoughts only flashed through Ivan's mind, and he kept talking on the bright side, and quickly explained the matter clearly.

After listening, Dumbledore showed a slightly sentimental expression on his face. He looked at Sirius and said in a deep voice.

"Sirius, I'm sorry, this was my mistake... If I trusted you more then, after that happened, I would go to Azkaban to meet you, maybe I won't let this misunderstanding. Continue to this day."

"Don't say that, Professor, it's not your fault!" Sirius didn't mean to blame Dumbledore.

At the beginning, he made his own claim to let James temporarily replace the candidate, without telling anyone, and indirectly killed James and Lily, so the result today is completely self-inflicted.

"Thank you for your understanding..." Dumbledore sighed, stood up, and said to the crowd.

"Then, I think it's time to solve this misunderstanding, and go to the auditorium with me!"

"Great, Sirius, you finally don't have to hide anymore!" Harry suddenly turned his head to look at Sirius, his face full of joy.

Sirius was also very happy. He was tracked by the Ministry of Magic before, and it was difficult to worry about being afraid every day.

More importantly, after getting rid of the status of the fugitive, he can meet Harry with integrity!

He heard from Ivan that the uncle's family who adopted Harry was not good to Harry, and he might be able to let Harry move in to live with him at that time...

The only one who was unhappy was Peter. Although he was still in the form of a mouse, his body was already weakened. The whole mouse looked sluggish. He knew he was completely finished...

Afterwards, Dumbledore greeted everyone to go to the auditorium, but when he was about to go out, he suddenly looked at Ivan.

"Hals, you stay here. The letters and things on the table are for you. After you finish reading the letters, you will come to the auditorium to gather..."

"I think you should understand what's going on!" Dumbledore added, blinking at him before leaving.

Ivan watched the crowd go away, confused.

He looked at the letter and the time converter on the table, thought for a while, first picked up the time converter and put it in the pocket of the wizard's robe, and then opened the envelope.

Inside the envelope, there is a list, a few letters, and a small bottle with a pinch of white hair...

Ivan became even more puzzled. After checking one by one, some names were written in the list, and the titles were specially marked below. They were all high-ranking officials of the court and the Ministry of Magic who had a good relationship with Dumbledore.

And those letters only signed Dumbledore's name at the end, the content was blank, only one letter was written...

Ivan had read the contents of the letter in a temper~www.mtlnovel.com~ His complexion became more and more ugly, and he almost slapped the table and scolded his mother with anger!

Dumbledore stated in the letter that he had known what happened here through the time converter, but now he was doing a very important thing and could not get out of it for the time being.

In view of the fact that Ivan has done very well before, Dumbledore is very pleased, so he said that Ivan will be asked to deal with school matters temporarily, and he believes that Ivan can handle it properly.

When necessary, Ivan can borrow his identity to act.

The old professor applied magic on the remaining few letters. Putting the magic wand on the blank envelope could convert the contents of his mind into words, and he had already signed the names in advance.

During this period, Fox will obey the command and use it to send letters to those old friends and get some help.

Finally, at the end, Dumbledore bluntly said that he would come back to see when the court started.

By the way, Ivan will bring a surprise...

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