Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: Debunking Peter Pettigrew

Hearing Dumbledore directly naming the man's name, the little wizards on the court suddenly panicked.

But thinking that the person the Dark Lord feared the most was standing in the stands at this moment, they felt a lot more relieved, and turned to discuss who the shameful betrayer was.

"It must be Black!" Percy immediately thought of Black who was running away, and suddenly said loudly.

More and more people have guessed this, and they are angrily speaking against Black, all thinking that he is a shameful villain...

"Yes, many people thought so in the past, including me!" Dumbledore paused when he said, and his tone became elevated, he continued.

"However, after my investigation, the betrayer was someone else. The Ministry of Magic made a very wrong decision. They imprisoned Black directly in Azkaban without trial!"

"Based on this, I need to apologize to Mr. Black, because this is also part of my mistake!" Dumbledore added at last.

After Dumbledore's words were over, there was a dead silence on the court. All the little wizards were surprised and speechless. They even wondered if they had heard it wrong?

Is Sirius wanted by the Ministry of Magic actually innocent?

How is this possible?

Obviously Blake sneaked into the castle a few days ago, intending to kill Harry...

Countless questions shrouded in my heart, and the students present were all talking about it, even if this was from Dumbledore's mouth, there were not a few people who questioned it.

After all, the notice issued by the Ministry of Magic had brainwashed them for several months, and this inherent impression would be difficult to change for a while.


Seeing the scene getting more chaotic, Dumbledore cleared his throat and once again attracted everyone's attention.

"I know this news is too shocking, and you may have a lot of doubts, but it is a bit inappropriate to explain it to me, so I think it is better to let the person concerned come up and explain it!"

As he said, Dumbledore clapped his hands, and the closed door of the auditorium was suddenly opened!

Shi Shiran, Sirius wearing a black robe, walked in from the door and walked step by step from the aisle in front of the long table of the four colleges to the front, still holding a frantically struggling mouse in his right hand.

Harry followed him nervously.

Although Sirius at this time was different from the embarrassed appearance on the notice, but combined with Dumbledore's previous words, there were still many clever little wizards who guessed it all at once.

"He's the fugitive Black!" Seamus who was sitting in the front row couldn't help screaming in surprise.

The walking Sirius couldn't help turning his head and glanced at him. Seamus suddenly shivered, but Seamus soon realized that Sirius just smiled gently at him, and didn't say anything...

Seamus was relieved now.josei

The rest of the students were also afraid of the sudden appearance of Sirius.

Fortunately, many interested people also noticed Harry's existence, and a series of voices soon sounded underneath.

"That Black was with Harry. It seems that what Professor Dumbledore said should be true..."

"Is the Ministry of Magic really wrong? They actually imprisoned an innocent person in Azkaban for more than ten years? He is wanted now?"


In the midst of everyone's discussion, Sirius and Harry were already on the stands, Dumbledore leaned to the side and gave up the center position.

Harry stepped forward nervously, and said courageously in front of everyone.

"What Professor Dumbledore said just now is true! I used to be the same as you. I thought Blake was an out-and-out murderer and hated him for revealing the whereabouts of my parents to Voldemort..."

Harry spoke more and more smoothly, and the words revealed by his true feelings were very contagious and won the approval of many people.

"So... Sirius is not only not a murderer, but a hero who has resisted Voldemort and Death Eaters! The real betrayer is Peter Pettigrew, another friend of my father's.

In order to confuse Voldemort, Sirius is willing to act as a decoy on the surface to attract the attention of the Death Eaters, but privately, he agreed with Peter to replace the secret person's identity! "

Harry told everything he knew in one go.

"But Peter Pettigrew is dead!" A little Hufflepuff wizard stood up suddenly, retorted, and continued.

"My mother once told me that he was very incompetent but brave at the critical moment. After that happened, he went to chase Black by himself, and was killed by Black!"

"No, it's not like that... kid!"

Sirius, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. He looked at the little Hufflepuff wizard and felt that the other party was probably the heir of an old friend, so that he could understand the past in this way.

But this is not the time to think about it, so Sirius quickly replied. "Peter Pettigrew did not die, but hid silently. Now I have caught him, he is here!"

Sirius threw the mouse in his hand, and then waved his magic wand, and a dazzling light hit the spotted body.

The rat screamed wildly, and then quickly transformed into a short and bald middle-aged wizard in front of everyone.

The little wizards sitting nearby squeezed behind in fear...

Dumbledore waved his magic wand to tie Peter up and said, pointing at him.

"As you can see~www.mtlnovel.com~ Peter Pettigrew is an undocumented Animagus. He concealed himself from the sky by transforming into a mouse, confusing the Ministry of Magic and all of us! And hiding in one In the wizard’s family for more than ten years, he eventually became Mr. Weasley’s pet..."

When some knowledgeable little wizards heard this, they turned their heads to look at Ron. Many of Gryffindor’s little wizards have seen Ron playing with his big mouse on different occasions, even when taking a bath. With.

Ron stood up with a tired expression, nodded, confirming this.

On the other side, Percy Weasley suddenly changed his face, and Zebra followed him for a while as a pet. Fortunately, he threw this nasty mouse to Ron a few years ago...

"Oh my god, this is so disgusting!" George looked at Peter, who was dirty and short and fat, and felt a chill in his heart when he thought that Peter had been at home for so long without being noticed.

"Yes! Mom will be scared to death if she learns this news!"

Fred was even more frightened. You must know that they had teased Peter and used it to do various interesting experiments. It is really not easy for him to live till now...

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