Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 447

Chapter 447: Peter the little dwarf with amnesia?

"And who are you? Why do you want to tie me up?" Peter's expression became more and more confused. He tried to struggle, but he couldn't get away from the ropes on his body.

Peter's words made the two Aurors stunned, they looked at Peter suspiciously, and sternly questioned.

"Don't pretend to me! You'd better tell us honestly, who is the one who came to save you before?"

Faced with the questions of the two, Peter was at a loss. He didn't quite understand what they were talking about. Some fragmentary memories flashed in his mind, but the scattered ones could not be connected...

However, the Aurors unanimously believed that Peter was pretending to be. After all, how could there be such a coincidence. Just when something went wrong, the insider had such amnesia?

"Hurry up and be honest! Or do you want us to have something hard?" Auror said threateningly with a sullen face.

The other Auror had no patience. He swung his wand directly, and a black beam hit Peter's thigh.


But no matter how tortured by the two Aurors, Peter still asked three questions, and they only believed a little.

"Peter Pettigrew must have known some important information about the mysterious person or the remnants of the Death Eaters before someone came to rescue him." One of the Aurors was silent for a while, and then guessed.

"Probably, that person should have found that he could not save Peter, so he cast the Forgetting Curse to make Peter forget everything..." The other Auror nodded in agreement.

Thinking of this, the expressions of the two of them were as ugly as if they had eaten a fly, but they understood how important Peter was being held here.josei

The above three orders and five applications made them pay special attention. They didn't expect that there was an error in just a few hours, and it was estimated that they didn't run away with the punishment.

I blame the **** Daily Prophet. If it hadn't been for them to report Peter's affairs, those Death Eaters remnants would not have known that Peter was in Hogwarts so soon.

"You are here to guard Peter, I will report the situation!"

After discussing the two Aurors, they made a decision to report the matter and apply for additional manpower. They also need some professional people to see if Peter is really under the Forgotten Curse.

Ivan, disguised as a dementor floating around, listened to their conclusions and frowned, feeling a little tricky.

If Peter really loses his memory, it may cause a lot of trouble in the subsequent judgment process.

Ivan didn't expect things to develop to this point, he accidentally beat the opponent to amnesia.

But the black mark on Peter should be able to prove it, and the Ministry of Magic has also finished recording the confession. Ivan only hopes that the court will go smoothly.

While thinking about things in his mind, Ivan flickered the dementors next to him, telling them that he would hide secretly in the dark, fight for the great cause of the race, and then slip away as fast as possible.


At the same time, in the Gryffindor lounge, the three kids who just had a catastrophe were hiding in the corner tremblingly and quietly discussing what had just happened.

"Fortunately those dementors didn't chase us all the time, or we would be caught..." Harry recalled the thrilling experience of being chased by the dementors, and his face was still pale.

"So you should have listened to me a long time ago, where you shouldn't go!" Hermione looked at Harry dissatisfied.

Although she guessed the location of Sirius' detention, she didn't let Harry and Ron take risks. If she couldn't persuade her, she would not follow her to supervise it.

Harry pursed his mouth and did not answer. Seeing so many dementors gathered around the observatory, how could he be assured that Sirius was being held there...

Among the three, Ron, the most bitter one, crumbled and covered his head, his expression uglier than crying. "It's over, my wand is gone! If my mother knew about this, she would definitely kill me!"

"Otherwise, how about I buy you a magic wand?" Harry scratched his head, and said in embarrassment.

Seeing Sirius’ plan was proposed by him, but Ron’s righteous company lost his wand, which made Harry very sad.

"It's not a question of buying a magic wand, Harry! Ron's wand was picked up by a dementor. If the monster hands the wand to the Aurors, they must be able to find out where we have been! "Hermione said angrily.

"What should I do then?" Harry thought of this at Hermione's reminder, and asked nervously.

Ron was even more broken, because it was his wand that was dropped, Ron even wondered if he would be caught in Azkaban.

Just as the three of them were distressed, a slightly helpless voice rang behind them.

"What should I do? Keep your memory well next time, I reminded you not to see Sirius recently!"

Harry and the others were taken aback. They turned their heads abruptly, only to find that Ivan had been standing behind them for some time...

"Ivan! You heard it just now? And when did you run behind us...Why didn't I see you?" Harry's expression was a little embarrassed. He had promised Ivan not to look for Sirius. Yes, now it is breaking his promise.

"It can only be said that your vigilance is too weak. If I were your enemy, you would have died long ago!" Ivan shook his head, avoided Harry's question, and then looked at Ron again. The wand in his hand was thrown away.

"No, Ron, your wand!"

Ron took it in a hurry, glanced at it, and found that this was really the wand he had lost before, and he looked at Ivan with excitement.

"Oh my god, did you find it back? Thank you so much! You are my savior!" The lost Ron ignored the dust on the wand and kissed the wand body, feeling that he was alive again. .

"Ivan, how did you find this wand? Didn't I remember it was picked up by a dementor?" Harry asked curiously.

"I picked it up near the observatory, maybe that dementor had enough of it!" Ivan explained casually.

"So you were on the observatory at the time? When Peter wanted to reveal the identity of Professor Lupin, he suddenly yelled like crazy because of what magic you did on him?" The smart Hermione suddenly Want to understand those abnormal things.

She even suspected that the dementors were summoned back in the process of hunting them down, and it was also Ivan's handwriting.

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