Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 460

Chapter 460: Sirius Regained Freedom

Although Ivan feels that even if exposed, he can explain it, but Mrs. Peter will definitely be mad!

Ivan thinks it's better not to irritate the other person, lest she faint in court.

But one thing, feeling a little strange, he said. "Your Excellency, I want to ask why she can carry a cane...no, I mean a magic wand comes in?"

"Because Mrs. Peter told us that she can't walk without this crutch!" The chief judge replied somewhat helplessly.

Ivan curled his lips in dissatisfaction, why couldn't he tell? Obviously, when this old witch wanted to smoke Sirius with a cane, her legs and feet were very flexible!

While Ivan was silently complaining, Mrs. Peter asked to see Dumbledore's wand with the last glimmer of hope.

Needless to say, the end result was that neither wand had used the Forgotten Charm in four days.

The only episode in the middle was that the Auror couldn't force the old wand to backtrack the spell, and it was Dumbledore who solved it by himself.

"Your Excellency, I think Mrs. Peter has no other doubts. Now that the evidence is conclusive, can the sentence be pronounced?" After Dumbledore retracted the old wand, he raised his head and stared at the presiding judge on the stage.

On the side of the old witch looked a little lost, she muttered to herself, not knowing what she was talking about.

"Ah! It seems so right..." The presiding judge looked at the old witch with disappointment. As a judge, he was not too partial, so he could only speak out.

"We heard the testimony of Mr. Hals very clearly, but if we want to confirm the charge of Mr. Peter, we still need to listen to the testimony of other people! Mr. Hals, you can go back, now invite the next witness to come up. !"

After the presiding judge's voice fell, an Auror walked to Ivan's side and motioned for him to follow him and leave.

Ivan was happy to see nothing about himself, and then politely nodded to everyone, then turned and left the closed courtroom.

When he had just stepped into the threshold of the waiting hall, Harry and the others who were sitting inside hurriedly greeted him and asked in a frantic manner.

"Ivan... you're back! How is the matter?"

"Have we won the lawsuit?"


Ivan didn't mean to conceal it either. He casually talked about what happened on the court, and at the same time glanced at Ron's wand without any margin, feeling very grateful in his heart.

Three days ago, at the observatory, he used Ron's wand to release the Forgotten Curse, so of course Mrs. Peter couldn't find it no matter how.

"Mr. Harry Potter, please come with me!" The Auror behind Ivan quickly interrupted the conversation and said to Harry solemnly.

"Me?" Harry pointed to himself. Although he had expected it, he was a little nervous when he was about to play.

"Go, it's okay, Dumbledore and Sirius are there!" Ivan smiled comfortingly.

It seemed to him that after he had made his statement, the ending of this trial had been set, so Harry and the others just went for a cutscene.

Hearing Ivan's words, Harry immediately felt relieved and followed the Auror to the interrogation room.

Ivan just sat in the waiting hall chatting with Ron and Hermione while waiting for the outcome of the trial.

During the waiting for more than an hour, Ron and Hermione were called out one after another, and Harry returned to the waiting hall after the statement was over.

But Harry's expression looked a little weird, he watched Ivan hesitate to speak, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Ivan, what did you tell them in court before? I always think that many people look at me with weird eyes, and a strange lady asked me if I should move to live with her!"

"It's nothing, just talked a little bit about your life at your uncle's house. They sympathized with you a little bit!" Ivan replied with a smile.

"That's all from the past!" Harry said nonchalantly. "I have discussed with Sirius, and I will move to the big house of the Black family during the summer vacation this year!"

That's hard to say... Ivan opened his mouth to refute, because Dumbledore would never let Harry leave the Dursley house.

But soon Ivan closed his mouth again, anyway, Dumbledore would say at that time, there is no need to be this villain...

The two sat in the waiting hall for a long time.

Just as Ivan was a little impatient and began to complain that the trial process was too slow, Hermione and Ron finally returned to the waiting hall under the leadership of Auror, and brought good news that the result of the trial has come out!

"Really? How is it now?" Harry stood up for the first time and asked excitedly.

"Sirius was acquitted and released in court, and Peter Pettigrew was established in more than twenty accusations of slaying 13 Muggles, exposing the existence of the magical world, and war crimes..." Hermione repeated what the presiding judge had said. .

"Awesome!" Harry was about to jump up with joy when he heard the news.

"Then the presiding judge said how to punish Peter?" Ivan was curious about this instead.

"Of course, Peter will..."

Hermione was about to speak, but someone said it before her.

"Originally, the Ministry of Magic wanted to detain him for the rest of his life, but Peter is an Animagus, and it is not easy to detain him. The Ministry is not easy to send the Auror to stare at him every day, so he decided to give him a dementor kiss in seven days !"

When everyone heard the sound, they turned their heads and looked over, but Sirius walked in from outside, and the shackles that had bound his hands had been removed.

Although Sirius looks a little disgusted because of his previous imprisonment~www.mtlnovel.com~, there is a smile on his face...

"Sirius, congratulations, you are finally free!" Ivan said congratulatedly.

"Thank you very much, Hals!" Sirius was very grateful. He learned from Dumbledore, Harry and others about what Ivan had done in the past few months.

Sirius knew very well that most of his success in overturning the case was due to this little wizard.

Otherwise, he might still have to worry about the Ministry of Magic's pursuit every day. At best, he sneaked into Hogwarts to kill Peter with some luck, and the truth could not be revealed at all.

Ivan waved his hand so that Sirius didn't care, he was just fulfilling his previous agreement, and then said jokingly. "Besides, I took you a firebolt, of course I have to do something..."josei

"Hahaha...If you like it, I will buy a few more and give it to you!" After the charges were cleared, Sirius looked a little complacent, as if he didn't care about the money.

(PS: The third more routine is after eleven o'clock.)

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