Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 463

Chapter 463: The entertainment life of wizards is too scarce?

While Ivan was thinking about it, on the other side, Harry, who was chatting about life with Sirius, suddenly asked.

"Sirius, it will be Quidditch's last game in three days. You will be there to watch then, right?"

"Of course! I look forward to seeing you win the Quidditch Cup, just like your father did!" Sirius nodded very surely.

"My father?" Harry asked curiously. He had seen James Potter's trophy in the trophy showroom, but he knew nothing about it.

"He is the best Quidditch player I have ever seen. If we weren't busy with the Death Eaters after graduation, maybe he would have gone as a player!"

Sirius laughed, said jokingly, then looked at Harry again.

"But I think you will definitely surpass him! I was watching near the stadium during the last match, you were flying really well!"

"But I obviously fell from the sky!" Harry looked a little embarrassed when he mentioned what happened that day.

"That's because of the dementors making trouble, isn't it? Now you have defeated them! This time just ride on the firebolt I gave you to win back the championship!" Sirius patted Harry on the shoulder and said encouragingly .

Thinking of his new broomstick, Harry gained some confidence and nodded solemnly.

Afterwards, Harry turned his head to look at Ivan as if thinking of something again, and asked. "By the way, Ivan, how are you thinking about it? Are you going to participate in this year's Quidditch competition? Wood and the others have been waiting for your reply!"

"Ivan, are you also a Quidditch player for Gryffindor?" Sirius was very curious.

Although he had sent a Firebolt to Ivan before, it was only incidental, because he didn't see Ivan in the Quidditch field last time.

"Yes, he played with us last year!" Before Ivan could reply, Harry nodded first.

Speaking of Quidditch, Harry became very excited, and talked to Sirius about how they had beaten other colleges together last school year, and by the way mentioned Ivan's amazing flying and pitching skills.

Sirius couldn't believe it when he heard Harry talk about Ivan's 25 goals in a game, which directly set the record for the highest goal scored in a single game at Hogwarts.

"Our Quidditch captain Wood feels that Ivan can go directly to the national team!" Harry said.

"So it seems that the Firebolt I gave you before was the right one!" Sirius didn't think Harry had the need to deceive himself. It could only be said that Ivan was really talented.

"My flight level is not as exaggerated as Harry said, but it's just a bit higher than the average person!" Ivan waved his hand, not paying attention to Harry's flattery.

Since his family knows about his family affairs, his flying talent is actually terrible. When he first took flying lessons in the first grade, he still kicked the broomstick into his hand with his feet.

When I was in the second grade, I showed my power on the Quidditch court. It was also because I used the experience card to cheat...

But now that his magical control ability has improved a lot, coupled with the actual practice on the court last school year, Ivan feels that even if he doesn't cheat, he should be able to look at the court.

Considering that the Firebolt given to him by Sirius had never been used, Ivan hesitated and finally agreed to Harry's request to participate in the Quidditch competition.

I don’t know why Ivan thought of Luna, the little witch who went to the Forbidden Forest to select materials to make hand-made signs in order to cheer herself on the arena!

Since the other party regards herself as the only friend and specially made a sign, then it is not good for her to disappoint, right?

"Awesome! I guess Wood must be happy! And Malfoy, if he sees you during the game, he will be stunned!"

Ivan's so readily consent was beyond Harry's expectation, and what followed was a surprise. He felt that Ivan's participation in the Quidditch championship was a certainty.josei

Seeing Harry's excitement, Ivan shook his head secretly. He really didn't understand why so many people liked a competitive sport that flew to the sky to play.

Could it be that the entertainment life of the wizards is too scarce?

Ivan felt that it was very possible that during the time he had just crossed over, he was very uncomfortable in this magical world without mobile phones and internet.

Had it not been for too young age and wanted to learn all kinds of magical magic, he would have long been unable to stay outside to make money as a Muggle!

Ivan kept spitting out in his heart, and didn't stop his mouth. After eating up the candy on the table with everyone, the night has gradually dimmed.

Harry was still in high spirits, as if he could not finish talking, wishing to tell Sirius every impressive thing that had happened since childhood!

However, when he began to imagine that he would leave Dursley's house in the future and be able to live with Sirius, he was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Harry! You just said that you plan to bid farewell to the Dursleys and move to Sirius's house this summer vacation?" Dumbledore's expression became serious.

"Yes! Sirius and I have discussed it..." Harry nodded, still not realizing the seriousness of the problem, still in fantasy.

"That's not going to work, I don't advise you to do it!" Dumbledore shook his head.

"Why?" Harry asked with a dazed expression.

Sirius also looked at Dumbledore a little strangely~www.mtlnovel.com~ Dumbledore slowly said.

"Do you remember what I told you? Harry!

On that night thirteen years ago, in order to protect you from bad luck, your mother used an ancient and powerful spell to transform her love for you into guardian magic and integrate it into your skin, protecting you until adult! "

"Yes...you tell me that it is because of this that Professor Chino was hurt so much after touching my palm two years ago..." Harry nodded hesitantly, of course he Remember this thing.

"Yes! But I didn't tell you one thing!" Dumbledore's eyes under his half-moon glasses stared at him for a while, making Harry feel a little uncomfortable. After a pause, Dumbledore continued.

"If you want this magic to work all the time, you need to meet a prerequisite, that is, you must stay with someone who is related to you... This is also the reason why I sent you as a baby to Dursley's home at the beginning, because They are your only surviving relatives!"

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