Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 470

Chapter 470: You might as well call Seamus the troubadour!

It turns out that you **** gave me such a terrible nickname...

Ivan was very speechless. He asked why the legendary title he won on the court last school year was so awful...

Combining the previous example of the dragon knight, Seamus must have secretly preached...

Ivan thinks that he shouldn't call the God Eye Seamus, just call the troubadour Seamus!

On the side, Seamo didn't realize that he had been recorded in the notebook, and was waving to Ivan from time to time!

Ivan shook his head, really too lazy to pay attention to him, but cast his eyes on the Ravenclaw seat, and saw Luna at a glance.

At this moment, the little witch was sitting alone, still dressed in a weird manner, and she wore the lion head hat that had not been seen for a long time.

She held it up high and said [Ivan Hals, come on! 】’S sign, those clear eyes also looked over here.

Ivan nodded at her, and at the same time noticed other people cheering for him.

For example, Hermione and Ron pulled a big banner below to cheer him and Harry.

Sirius was also there, but his eyes were always on Harry.

Just as Ivan was distracted, Malfoy's strange voice rang.

"Halse! Didn't I remember that you said you didn't compete anymore?"

"Ah! Yes, it was like this before! But now I have changed my mind, and I think it's good to play occasionally!" Ivan turned his head and said playfully.

The faces of Malfoy and others were very ugly. They did not expect that Ivan would suddenly play.

Unless these are tactics, it is the Gryffindor team's conspiracy to let them relax their vigilance!

Slytherin's captain Marcus suddenly thought of this, and looked at Wood viciously.

At the beginning, because of the rumors that Ivan Hals was not participating, Slytherin gave up the defensive system that they had worked hard before and chose another set of more aggressive tactics.

Unexpectedly, all this is a conspiracy of Gryffindor!

Marcus had a furious expression on his face, while Wood raised his eyebrows proudly at him...

Just as the smell of gunpowder on both sides reached its peak, Ms. Hodge, who was the referee, blew the whistle and tossed the ghost fly ball.

"Use tactics A!" Marcus roared loudly at the beginning of the game.

The so-called A tactic is the first defense system to be used against Ivan.

Although this tactic has been neglected recently due to intelligence errors, the foundation is still there after all.

The rest of the Slytherin players also quickly took their place!

A chaser and two hitters rushed forward to stop Ivan and create a chance for another chaser to grab the ghost fly ball.

But Ivan’s Firebolt is too fast!

In mid-air, it was like red lightning, which penetrated their defense in almost a moment, and after riding Juechen, they threw them behind to eat ashes...

"Quick...stop him!" Slytherin screamed desperately at Marcus, but to no avail, their broomsticks were flying too slowly.

Ivan even took advantage of everyone not adapting to his speed, and quickly won the Guifei ball, then bypassed the heavy defense line and threw the ball into the frame...

"Too fast... Too fast! Hals took just over a minute to score the first goal of the game, which is incredible! This is definitely a miracle!"

Jordan's high voice spread throughout the court, coupled with Ivan's unexpected and amazing performance, all of a sudden ignited the atmosphere on the court.

Many people on the court chanted Ivan's name with a loud voice, even some of the little wizards from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff couldn't help standing up and cheering for Ivan's performance.

The faces of the Slytherin players turned dark, and they lost 10 points at the beginning of the game. How could he be happy?

However, they quickly adjusted their mentality, and under the command of Marcus, blocked Ivan's actions.

Whether it is Gryffindor or Slytherin, the players know that the outcome of this game depends only on two points.josei

The first is whether Ivan can bring the gap back, and the second is when will Harry and Malfoy catch the Snitch to end the game!

Preventing Ivan from shrinking the score is somewhat unrealistic in Marcus's opinion. He can only say that he tried his best to prevent Ivan from scoring, and then hoped that Malfoy would catch the Snitch as soon as possible to end the game!

Malfoy, who had assumed the hope of the team, felt a lot of pressure.

Generally speaking, at the beginning of the game, the Snitch will take the initiative to stay away from people, deliberately avoid them, and will slowly approach with the passage of time, so it is not easy to find.

But Ivan’s scoring speed was too fast. Seeing the score drew closer, Malfoy complained in his heart that his teammates were inadequate, but he wandered desperately in the field looking for the Golden Snitch.

Relatively speaking, Harry’s task is much easier, because he needs to wait until Ivan reduces the score difference to less than one hundred and fifty points before starting to act. Otherwise, even if he catches the Snitch, it won’t help. .

So he has only one task now, and that is to stare at Malfoy and prevent him from catching the Snitch.

On the other side of the arena, the two sides competed around the ghost fly ball more and more fiercely. Ivan occupied the speed of the Firebolt and his own excellent flying skills were more than enough...

Not to mention Slytherin's squad-based volley tactics, which he had experienced in training two days ago.

In the real game, the pressure is much less than during training~www.mtlnovel.com~Because he has George, Angelina and other teammates who cooperate with each other, he can easily turn the Slytherin pursuers around.

"No! Stop him!"

Seeing that Ivan made another goal to bring the score closer to within one hundred and fifty points, Marcus was going crazy, but he was powerless to stop him, he could only be furious with incompetence!

However, this anger quickly turned into numbness in Ivan's goals again and again, and Marcus now only expects Malfoy to catch the Snitch and end the game.

Because the game only lasted for an hour, the scores of the two sides were almost evened. Although the Slytherin chasers tried their best to score two goals, it didn't help at all.

No matter how far it goes, Marcus doubts that Gryffindor might overtake, and even pull the score of the two sides to more than one hundred and fifty points. In that case, even if the Slytherin team finally caught the Snitch, it would be useless!

"Malfoy, quickly catch the Snitch for me, I only give you half an hour at the end!" Marcus shouted with the last hope.

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