Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 478

Chapter 478: well said! So who is willing to sacrifice?

The loyal Peter did not win the trust of the Death Eaters.

But these Death Eaters are also very aware that the only one who has hope of escape here is Peter!

"We will help you!" The crazy woman looked at Peter sullenly. "After some time the Aurors relax their vigilance, and we will create some riots to facilitate your escape. As for you, the black mark on your body will naturally guide you after you go out."

Seeing Peter nodded, she turned to look outside the cell and continued to inquire.

"Then who is willing to sacrifice?!"

The depths of Azkaban were suddenly silent. If you want to help the little dwarf escape successfully, it will naturally cause a big riot.

And recently, those Aurors are probably in a state of nervous tension. If they cause trouble, they will probably become the target of Aurors' anger, and the possibility of being executed is very high!

But the silence lasted only a few seconds, and soon someone burst into laughter.

"Let me go, I will be crazy if I stay here anymore"

"Hey, add me and let us make a big fuss"

More and more people have spoken out. Those who can be locked in the depths of Azkaban are all Death Eaters who are loyal to Voldemort and are naturally willing to die for them.

"Enough! If we are all dead, what shall we do? This action only requires three people! In addition, we need to plan well!" The crazy woman scolded them.

The Death Eaters also gradually recovered their calm and began to discuss with each other, but Peter kept shivering in the corner.

At the same time, in the principal’s office at Hogwarts,

Dumbledore walked out of it with a rising flame.

"Professor Dumbledore, how is the situation?" Ivan took a few steps immediately and asked eagerly.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and others also looked at Dumbledore with expectant eyes.

"It seems that I was a little late. Just as the prophecy said, Peter Pettigrew escaped, and his mother saved him!" Dumbledore shook his head and said a little bit by the way. Down.

When they learned that Pettigrew’s mother, Mrs. Peter, had died in Azkaban and used her own life to facilitate Pettigrew’s escape, Harry and others were silent, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

Ivan reminded him with a thought. "Professor, since Pettigrew escaped not long ago, can't we use that one?"

It was hard to catch Pettigrew. Ivan didn't want his efforts to be wasted, so he thought of the time converter.

As long as you use this thing to go back a few hours ago and squat on the execution ground to guard Peter, can he still run?

Dumbledore gave Ivan a surprised look. Of course he could understand the meaning of Ivan's words, so he retorted. "Halse, you should know it, history cannot be changed! Peter was gone when I got to the execution ground"

"That's right, but there is no other way, right? For example, we can choose to catch him after that!" Ivan frowned, and soon found a solution.

Since the history of Dwarf’s escape cannot be changed, use the time converter to confirm his whereabouts and then capture him again.

Ivan didn't believe that Dumbledore would not have thought of this.

"Your proposal is very good" Dumbledore nodded in agreement, but before Ivan was happy, he continued. "It's a pity that I have already returned that thing to the Ministry of Magic"

Ivan frowned in disappointment, how could it be such a coincidence.

"Ivan, Professor Dumbledore, what are you talking about?" Harry looked at them confusedly and couldn't help but ask.

Ron did the same, completely unable to understand the meaning of the conversation between Ivan and Dumbledore.


Only Hermione understood and guessed something, and understood that it should be related to the time converter.

"We are just discussing a way to find a small dwarf star." Dumbledore didn't explain much, and after a simple sentence, he changed the subject.

"In short, I will continue to pay attention to Peter Pettigrew. If the Ministry of Magic finds it, I will notify you as soon as possible."

After learning some details, the four people who rushed to report back were disappointed, but they had expected the result before they came, and they only wanted to confirm the authenticity of Dumbledore.

Before leaving, Ivan glanced at the corner on the right side of the principal’s room, and then turned and left with Harry and the others.

When the guardian beast slowly fell outside, the rumbling sounded, and in the shadow of the corner, Snape took advantage of the opportunity to relieve the phantom spell he had imposed on him, put a bottle of golden potion on the table, turned his head and looked at the door, abject Said.

"He should have found me!"

"Yes, this kid has always been so sharp and intelligent" Dumbledore admired, took the potion on the table and drank it.

But the unfriendly smell of the potion made Dumbledore frowned, he complained. "Severus, I think you might need to improve this potion, like adding a little sugar next time?"

"As if you don't worry about violent death~www.mtlnovel.com~ I can try it next time." Seeing Dumbledore who was still thinking about joking, Snape's heart rose with anger, and he continued coldly. Talking.

"Now that Peter Pettigrew has run away, he will be desperate to find the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord will soon become stronger with help. You should use the time converter to capture Peter Pettigrew as Hals suggested. That's right!

That thing should still be there, isn’t it? I remember that the Ministry of Magic will only request the return of those magic items applied for last school year at the end of the school year"

Snape said eagerly. He couldn't understand why Dumbledore would sit by and watch Pettigrew escape. Now it was clear that there was a way to remedy it.

"But I don't have much time, Severus!"

Dumbledore interrupted Snape's words, appearing very calm, there were hardly many waves in the words, and after a short pause, he continued.

"According to the prophecy, Voldemort will eventually recover. It doesn't matter who comes, Peter or anyone else. The problem is that he will return back sooner rather than later!"

"You only have one year! Do you expect to completely destroy the Dark Lord in this year?" Snape looked at Dumbledore in amazement, guessing Dumbledore's thoughts, and because of this he couldn't believe it. .

Then Snape woke up suddenly and said word by word.

"Or do you have found a way to destroy him?"

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