Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 481

Chapter 481: Level 1 Merlinxun

"Then we can only let him deduct points so random?" Ron said unwillingly.

Hermione on the side looked at Ron and Harry, and couldn't help but speak.

"If your potions level can be improved, Professor Snape will not be able to target you..."

"Didn't you find it? Professor Snape rarely troubles me and Ivan during class! It's because he knows we can't make mistakes!"

Hermione talked freely. Since this situation cannot be changed, she can only change herself, trying to keep Snape from finding a reason for the trouble.

Harry and Ron curled their lips secretly. How could it be so easy to quickly improve the level of potions? They were even prepared to get a super low evaluation in the potions class.

The only thing that relieved Harry and Ron was that everything went well for the next few exams.

Whether they took the herbal medicine test on Wednesday afternoon or the outdoor test carefully prepared by Professor Lupin, they all passed easily and passed the test week smoothly.

When the final exam was officially over, the little wizards at Hogwarts seemed to have let go of their burdens.

The previously tense atmosphere in the castle changed, and the students indulged themselves happily, laughing and playing everywhere.

As for the announcement of the test results, that is something later, and they still have several days to relax before the final results come out.

In such an atmosphere, Ivan finally waited for the day that the Merlin Medal was issued as stated in the Daily Prophet.

Compared with the last time, this time is more grand. The red lion flag was hung in the auditorium, and magic was cast on the ceiling. When people walked by, it would play jazz and then light of various colors. The dots are falling from the air...

When Ivan walked into the auditorium, it was already full of people. In addition to the little wizard sitting at the long table of the four colleges, the Merlin Knights and the Ministry of Magic also arrived.

The leader Ivan couldn’t be more familiar with was Umbridge, the senior investigator of the Ministry of Magic.

Perhaps sensing Ivan's gaze, Umbridge turned his head and smiled sweetly at Ivan.

In her opinion, winning the Merlin Medal at the age of Ivan is a promising prospect, but she didn't know that it was the little wizard in front of her who teased herself over and over again.

Ivan nodded casually in response. On the face of it, he didn't have any conflict with the Ministry of Magic. At most, he grabbed Peter's behavior and drew their faces indirectly.

Since most of the hatred was taken away by Dumbledore, the relationship between them was barely okay.

However, this also caused the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore to almost tore their faces. On such an important occasion, Umbridge only exchanged a few words with the old professor on the surface, and was not enthusiastic at all.

After everyone was seated, Dumbledore stepped onto the stage, cleared his throat, began to summarize the school year, and finally solemnly announced the winner of the Academy Cup!

No surprise, Gryffindor Academy won the Academy Cup again!

The long table of the Gryffindor Academy under the audience suddenly burst into enthusiastic applause. A group of little wizards looked at Ivan. Everyone knew that Gryffindor was able to win the Academy Cup for three consecutive years because of Ivan. Extra points every year.

The students from the other three academies clapped feebly, the gap between the scores was too big, and the winner of the Academy Cup had long been lost in suspense.


"Please be quiet, everyone, I have one more thing to announce!" Dumbledore raised his hand, his loud voice overwhelmed the applause of the crowd, his eyes looked at Ivan sitting in the front row, and he continued to speak.

"Everyone knows something about Peter Pettigrew's capture a month ago... After unanimous agreement within the Merlin Knights, Mr. Ivan Hals will be awarded the Merlin Medal of the First Class in recognition of his achievements!"

When Dumbledore finished speaking, the audience fell into a short silence. Although the Daily Prophet had reported this a few days ago, there were not many people who were interested in reading the newspaper, so most of them were This is the first time I heard about this news.

"Is this true?" George looked at Ivan in surprise, and said excitedly.

After seeing Ivan nodding, George suddenly yelled. "Oh my god, that's a first-class Merlin Medal!"

"From today, we can be considered to know the big names in the magic world!" Fred also seemed very excited.

Ivan rolled his eyes, ignored them, got up and walked from the long table to the front in applause.

Dumbledore personally took out a golden medal from the box handed over by a wizard, hung it on Ivan’s chest, and took the original second-level Merlin medal back and put it back in the box. .

At the same moment, Ivan also heard the system prompt in his mind, but it was not that he had obtained a new achievement, but he was directly promoted to a level on the related achievement he had obtained.

【Legendary Title: Merlin Knight

Legend: 2

Legend event: In the past few years, your contribution to the magic world is obvious to all, and you have been unanimously recognized by many wizards. You are a well-deserved Merlin Knight!

Remarks: Your evil ambitions are hidden under the glamorous appearance, and are still unknown to the public...]

Seeing the description in the remarks column after the achievement upgrade, Ivan wanted to vomit, but what he blurted out became another look.

"To achieve today's achievement, I would like to thank the professors at Hogwarts..."

Ivan stood on the stage and said the testimony that he had memorized beforehand, and then shook hands with representatives of the Merlin Knights and the Ministry of Magic...

Even though Ivan has always hated this kind of formalism, sometimes what should be done is still done.

After several hours of tossing, Ivan was able to breathe a sigh of relief when the school year summary was finally over.

"It's not good, Ivan!"

Just as Ivan bid farewell to several members of the Merlin Knights~www.mtlnovel.com~ and was about to return to the Gryffindor lounge, Hermione hurried over.

"What's wrong?" Ivan was very puzzled.

"Malfoy said he wanted to tell the Ministry of Magic that Professor Lupin was a werewolf!" Hermione said angrily and anxiously.

Ivan immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, frowned and asked. "How did you hear about this news, Malfoy is now a person?"

"Me, Harry, and Ron. I heard Malfoy and his followers say that in the corridor just now. Let's go quickly, otherwise they might start fighting!" Hermione explained very quickly. Then, he took Ivan's hand and ran to the other side.

Ivan didn't dare to neglect, and rushed to the corridor with Hermione.

There is no one in the corridor at this time, but from a distance, a voice is heard coming from the classroom not far away...

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