Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 492

Chapter 492: The story of Regulus

That day, the Dark Lord took it to a cave by the sea, and took a boat across a large black lake to an island in the middle of the lake.

"There is a stone...stone basin on the island, full of potions. Black...The Dark Lord ordered Kreacher to drink them all..." Kreacher was trembling when he recalled what he said, and his words were a little uncomfortable.

"Kreacher obeyed the order and drank it. When I drank it, I saw a lot of horrible sights... the internal organs seemed to be on fire... Kreacher called Master Regulus to save him and the mistress, but the Dark Lord just laughed. ... He forced Kreacher to drink up the potion... He threw a locket into the empty basin... and filled the pot with the potion."

Kreacher’s words made everyone present chill, and then the house elf cried again and described how painful he was after taking the potion, as if a fire rose from his stomach and dried up. Every drop of water in the body!

"Kreacher needs water. It climbed to the edge of the island to drink the water in the black lake... Many hands, dead hands, stretched out from the water and dragged Kreacher down..." Klee cut off and recalled his own intermittently. experience.

"The corpse under the water should be a corpse! This is a trap carefully arranged by Voldemort to protect the locket." Lupin, the backbone of the Order of the Phoenix, heard Kreacher's words and quickly realized what was going on. .

"But why did Voldemort take such a great effort to hide this thing?" Harry said puzzled.

"This can only show that the locket is very important to Voldemort!" Ivan couldn't clearly say that it was a Horcrux, so he only reminded it roundly.

Lupin, Harry, and Sirius hiding in the dark nodded in agreement. The more Voldemort wanted to protect something, the more they wanted to destroy it!

"No! You just said that you drank the potion and triggered the trap again. How did you escape?" Lupin keenly realized what was wrong.

"Master Regulus said that he wanted Kreacher to go home, so Kreacher went home..." Kreacher seemed to be still thinking about the original scene. No matter what Lupin asked, it was just dumbfounded. Leng Leng look.

At this time, Ivan spoke. "Kreacher should have escaped using Apparition!"

"Voldemort shouldn't leave such obvious flaws! There must be anti-ghosting magic there." Lupin frowned, he didn't believe that man would be so unwise.

"No! The magic of the elves is different from that of the wizards. It can break through many restrictions. Just like in Hogwarts, the wizards cannot perform apparitions there, but the elves can easily do it." Ivan explained.

It can only be said that Voldemort is too arrogant, or that the wizards are too arrogant, and they simply look down on the lowly house elves, and have never carefully studied the difference between their magic and wizard magic.

makes many places seem to be tightly guarded, but for house elves it is like a sieve.

"It's possible!" Lupin and Sirius in the dark nodded together. The house elves can break through the anti-Phantom shift. They also knew for the first time. Voldemort, a self-respecting person, would not even know it. to understand.

The house elf Kreacher ignored the people's words, and after a pause, he continued speaking on his own.

"After returning, Kreacher told Master Regulus... the master was very worried and told Kreacher to hide and not leave the house."

"After a while... Master Regulus suddenly found Kreacher. That day, Master Regulus behaved strangely, not at all like usual, Kreacher could see that he was in a mess... The young master asked Kreacher to take him to the cave, which is the cave where Kreacher and the Dark Lord went..."

Kreacher slowly described the passage to everyone, and how it opened the secret entrance of the underground cave, and sailed with Regulus in the boat to the island full of potions...

"Then he asked you to drink the potion and took out the locket?" Lupin frowned, but he felt that things should not be that simple.

But Kreacher's next words still exceeded everyone's expectations.

"No, Master Regulus didn't do that!" Kreacher yelled, tears running down the sides of his long nose, and it continued to sobbing.

"When he got there, the young master took out a locket from his pocket. Like the one of the Dark Lord, he asked Kreacher to hold it. After the stone basin was dry, he replaced the locket and...and ..."

"Then Regulus drank the potion?" Although it was doubtful, Ivan was quite sure.

Lupin and Harry looked at Kreacher in disbelief.josei

The house elf is already in tears, sobbing becomes intermittent, everyone needs to be very careful to understand what it says...

"Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to leave when he got the things, leave him alone. He told Kreacher to go home...but the Dark Lord's locket must be destroyed...

Then he... drank the potion~www.mtlnovel.com~ Klee cut and replaced the locket, and watched...Master Regulus...was dragged underwater...and..."

has been hiding in the dark with the phantom spell, Sirius couldn't help it anymore, he rushed over, grabbed Kreacher's head, pointed at it with his magic wand, and forced him to ask.

"So you just watched this way? You didn't drink the potion, why didn't you save him?! Why didn't you save him?!"

Sirius' eyes were red, and he shouted hoarsely.

Kreacher's eyes widened, and he didn't expect Sirius to be here. It suddenly thought of something. Knowing that it had violated Regulus's order to prohibit it from telling his family about the cave, he screamed. ...

"Shut up! As Patriarch Black, I order you to speak out! Why don't you save him!" Sirius roared, his voice directly overshadowing Kreacher's screams!

"They are too many... there are too many dead people! Kreacher tried his best... Really tried his best! Master Regulus told Kreacher to leave... it can't defy orders! It can only... go home. .." The old house elf could not cry.

"Excuse! Since you know the existence of the corpse, why don't you just take Regulus away after taking the things?"

Sirius interrupted Kreacher's words in anger, his eyes getting redder, the pendant box on his right hand clinked, and his wand was shining dangerously. He stared at Kreacher every word. Said.

"I don't believe that he will drink that potion for your dirty house elf!"

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