Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 497

Chapter 497: Lihuo curse!

The only thing that makes Ivan feel a little strange is how the Pettigrew learns this deep black magic.

The wizard family where the little dwarf is located is ordinary, and does not know the secrets of the Horcrux. Obviously, it was not learned through this "Decryption of Advanced Black Magic".

It is most likely that Voldemort rewarded Peter Pettigrew in recognition of his merits.

Because at the end of the first grade, when Voldemort was possessing Chino, he used similar methods to increase his combat power. Ivan still remembers this.

However, Ivan is not very interested in this powerful black magic. Relying on self-mutilation to gain strength is undoubtedly pushing himself into the abyss step by step.

So just after a few glances and getting a general idea, Ivan began to look at other content.

There are many black magics recorded in "The Decryption of Advanced Black Magic", and there are many practical ones.

For example, there is a certain contract magic that connects the lives of two people and divides the magic power equally, but the conditions for achieving it are too harsh, and one of them dies, the other has to die...

Even the three legendary unforgivable curses have detailed records in it.

Although Ivan was a little worried that the learning of black magic would affect his mind, he finally wrote down how to use them one by one.

After all, these are very practical magic, and powerful wizards are basically...

I just turned over while recording, and Ivan soon found the pages where the Horcrux was recorded.

The author of the book is very fanatical in describing the Horcrux as the mystery of immortality, a bridge to eternal life...josei

Ivan sneered at this. Although the number of dark wizards who have made Horcruxes from ancient times to the present is rare, they are not uncommon. There are also several well-known dark wizards recorded in books, and I have never heard of which one has survived.

Of course, this is not to say that Horcruxes are useless. Just look at Voldemort who is like Xiaoqiang after the Horcrux is made. It is good to save your life. There are few ways to avoid death.

This is a bit like the phylogeny of the lich in myths and legends, but it is much weaker in comparison, because after death, it can only wander in the world like a ghost...

At the same time, the method of making Horcruxes and the corresponding spells are also recorded in "The Decryption of Advanced Black Magic".

The most critical step is to split the soul, which requires the murder of other people as a prerequisite, and the process of splitting the soul is extremely painful and unbearable.

Once it succeeds, you need to put a part of the divided soul into an item and seal it up. Any item can be used, even a stone. As long as it is made into a Horcrux, this thing will become the most evil in the world. Black magic items.

The power of the average wizard soul is limited, and one split is already the limit. As for what happens to multiple splits, there is no clear record in the book.

But I think about it, which fool would split his soul six or seven times like Voldemort, and it is enough to make a rigorous point of the Horcrux to save his life!

Even if I feel unsafe, I will make two at most, because splitting the soul is very painful according to the above description...

Or to say that Voldemort is mentally abnormal. In fact, I really enjoy this feeling of splitting the soul. I am addicted to tearing it?

Ivan felt unlikely, and didn't think too much, turned the book to the next page, and was attracted by another curse recorded on it.

"Fighting Fire Curse?" Ivan was very surprised, this was the dark magic he had always wanted to learn.

If it were not for the fact that there were not many black magic books that recorded Lihuo curse, Aysia would not teach herself, and it would not be delayed until now.

After scanning the introduction about the fierce fire curse, Ivan suddenly understood Aysia's concerns, because this is a very special and powerful black magic.

does not need a spell when it is released, but it needs to rise up and destroy all emotions, release the desire for inner destruction, and transform it into a substantial flame, swallowing everything around!

What shocked Ivan the most was that Li Huo would continue to proliferate itself, using everything that can be burned as nourishment, and continue to expand until there is nothing to burn!

and it cannot be wiped out by ordinary means. Once it loses control, the consequences will be disastrous.

Seeing this, Ivan couldn't help but think of Malfoy's follower Ben Crabbe in the original time and space, and actually dared to release a fierce fire curse in the storage room of the House of Request.

Now I want to come, this is also a talent, if you know that there is a whole house of magic items as fuel, it would be a **** if Crabbe's strength can control the fierce fire!

Just when Ivan was recording black magic, Harry, who was looking for books on the other shelf, noticed Ivan’s anomaly.

"Ivan, did you find anything? I think you have been holding this book for a long time..." Harry walked over and asked curiously.

Hearing Harry's voice, Ivan recovered from the state of being immersed in learning. He turned a few pages without changing his face, turned back to the page where the Horcrux was recorded, and then spoke. .

"Yes~www.mtlnovel.com~ That's right! I have found the secret Regulus said!"

The voice of Ivan and Harry’s conversation echoed in the closed library. Sirius and Lupin not far away rushed over soon after hearing it.

"Ivan, what did you find the secret referring to?" Sirius hurriedly asked.

Ivan was not explaining, but handed over the opened "Cutting-edge Black Magic Decryption".

Sirius reached out and took a closer look, Harry and Lupin also curiously leaned over.

The more I looked at the few people, the more I was shocked. After reading all the introductions about Horcruxes, Sirius and others felt a chill in their backs.

"So that locket is Voldemort's Horcrux!" Lu Ping breathed out slowly, it was the first time he knew of such evil magic.

"No wonder Voldemort just lost his power after that night and didn't completely die!" Sirius was shocked, but also excited.

Because they finally solved the mystery of Voldemort's immortality!

"Regulus is willing to sacrifice himself, it should be to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux, so that Voldemort can die completely when he is defeated one day..." Harry thought of what Kreacher had said before. Said with emotion.

"Obviously, he realized that he was following the wrong person and wanted to make up for this mistake, so he made this choice..." Lu Ping also sighed, then turned to look at Sirius and said with admiration. .

"But your brother is really amazing. He successfully lied to the Dark Lord and made the Dark Lord think that he was very loyal, so he would ask him for a house-elf!"

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