Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 500

Chapter 500: Ivan: I'm sorry, I'm not a normal person! (2 in 1 four thousand...

So both Sirius and Lupin felt unbelievable after hearing the news.

"Of course! But to be precise, I just defeated the remnants of the Dark Lord's soul and those haunting Horcruxes!" Ivan explained.

He was not so big that he thought he could defeat Voldemort, he could only say that relying on the plot, he bullied the Dark Lord who had lost most of his power.

"Don't belittle yourself, it's already amazing. I can't imagine that you could do these things when you just enrolled in school two years ago." Lupin said with emotion.

Sirius was caught in hesitation. Although he knew Ivan's abilities were outstanding, but Ivan's age was so confusing that he couldn't persuade himself to let a little devil follow him to do such a dangerous thing.

"If you are worried about my safety, you don't have to. I have enough ability to protect myself. Those corpses are not a threat to me. Instead, you should be worried!"

Ivan talked freely. He was so concerned about this matter. Not only was he worried about Sirius and Lupin’s safety, but more importantly, he suspected that Dumbledore was not at Hogwarts during the summer vacation and was investigating Horcrux. !

Maybe the target is the replaced Slytherin locket in the cave!

Ivan doesn't want to hear about Dumbledore's death when the school starts next year. He is too weak now, and the magical world cannot do without the protection of the old professor.

So it is necessary to go to that place to check.

"As for my strength, you should know Sirius very well, don't forget who caught you in the first place." Seeing Sirius's delay in answering, Ivan couldn't help but spurn him.

"Is there anything like this? Sirius, this is the first time I know that you have lost to a child?" Lupin turned to look at Sirius and said jokingly.

"That's because I escaped from Azkaban. I was hungry for several days and didn't have a magic wand. Otherwise, I wouldn't lose!" Sirius's face turned black, and he defended strongly.

But when I recalled the scenes in my mind, Sirius felt a bit wicked.

Disguised as a **** dog with Animagus, even the patrolling Auror couldn’t find it, but was picked out by a twelve-year-old kid. Where is the reason?

In addition, Ivan’s magic that can petrify people by looking at each other has always been fresh in his memory. It is simply powerful and unreasonable. Once he looks at each other, he can only be slaughtered.

But sighing with emotion does not mean giving in. He always believes that it is best not to involve children in these dangerous things.

Thinking of this, Sirius sighed, looked at Ivan and said.

"Well, if you are so confident, then we will have another match. If you can defeat me, I will agree to your participation in this action! Otherwise you have to stay here obediently, waiting for us to come back! "

Sirius is not completely sure of winning, but he still wants to prevent Ivan from participating in this action.

If he could avoid looking at each other in battle, he wondered that his odds of winning would be quite high...

"Yes, when do we start?" Ivan agreed without hesitation, even a little eager to try.

Since this school year, his strength has improved a lot. Zhengzhou does not have a suitable object to measure his level.

Seeing how easy Ivan had promised, Sirius couldn't help feeling like he was underestimated, and even took everyone to the training room of Black House.

After pushing a door open and entering, Ivan found that it was very wide, as big as a small stadium. All kinds of human-shaped targets are placed around, and the table is neatly stacked with many magic books, which can be consulted at any time.

Sirius is also very proud to tell him that all the targets here are magically applied and will automatically evade and attack. It was here that he had practiced duel skills far surpassing his peers in his school days.

"How about it? It's too late to admit defeat! Otherwise, you might have to suffer a bit..." Sirius raised his brows and looked at Ivan and asked.

Ivan was too lazy to answer, and he drew a distance from Sirius and drew out his wand.

Sirius immediately understood Ivan's meaning, and took out his wand.

Lupin, as the referee, took Harry a little further away, and then motioned for the two to bow to their opponent in accordance with the etiquette of the duel.

"Forget it! In a real battle, your opponent won't tell you when to start!"

Sirius waved his hand. He didn't like this tedious duel etiquette, and before Lupin started counting, he hooked his mouth and waved his wand without warning.

"For example-Expelliarmus!"

A red light beam flew out from the tip of the wand...

Ivan had been prepared for a long time, raised his hand lightly, and then excited another beam of light to collide with the former.

In the middle of the training ground, the collision of the two spells burst out with dazzling flashes, which melted into each other and broke into several small beams in an instant, venting their power in all directions.

Lupin and Harry, who were affected, had to step back again, and used magic to construct several invisible protective barriers to be safer.

"Professor Lupin, do you think Sirius will lose?" Harry couldn't help but asked as he looked at the two fighting on the court.

"Probably not..." Lu Ping said hesitantly, Sirius's strength can be ranked in the forefront of the entire Order of the Phoenix. There are dozens of Death Eaters who died in his hands alone, fighting. Very rich experience.

But the opponent is Ivan, the little wizard he has never seen through, Lupin dare not be too sure, and Sirius has been imprisoned in Azkaban for more than ten years, and he does not know how much he can retain.

Facts have proved that after more than ten years of imprisonment and torture, Sirius' senses have indeed become a little dull.

Within a minute of fighting, due to an oversight, Ivan was hit by two consecutive spells. The iron armor curse blessed on his body suddenly shattered, and it took a few steps to stand firmly.

"Fainted!" Ivan was overwhelmed, and another spell struck out.

Sirius didn't have time to react at all, the beam of the spell was already in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Sirius' body suddenly began to deform, his head was a lot shorter, and he evaded this curse dangerously and dangerously. When he landed again, he had already transformed into an Animagus form.

Under the blessing of magic power, the **** dog is amazingly fast and extremely flexible, and ran directly towards Ivan.

Ivan did not expect Sirius to use this method to avoid his own attack, but after a petrification curse on his backhand was easily avoided by the opponent, he simply pointed his wand and hit the floor in front of him.


The violent magic directly blasted a big hole in the floor, and the flying pieces of wood flew out in a semi-circular shape under the guidance of Ivan's wand.

Sirius did not evade at all, allowing sharp pieces of wood to hit the whole body, scratching the fur to bring out bloodstains, even embedded in the flesh...

"Sirius!" Harry was taken aback when he was watching, and he was anxious when he saw that Sirius was injured, even if he wanted Lupin to end the battle.

However, Lupin shook his head.

"Look well, Harry! Bleeding and injuries in battle are commonplace! Sometimes it is worthwhile to use some insignificant minor injuries to win a chance to defeat an opponent!" Lu Ping explained.

But this refers to a real battle, and Lupin did not expect Sirius to fight like this in a competition.

Is it because I don't want to lose to a 13 or 4 year old boy, or is it because I don't want Ivan to accompany them on the adventure?

Or maybe it's both... Lupin thought to himself.

At this time on the training ground.

As Lupin had expected, Sirius was using a strategy of trading minor injuries for victory.

Because of the previous encounters, Sirius found that he had no advantage in reflexes and control over magic.

Then you have to be surprised if you want to be sure of winning!

In fact, Sirius also did this. Now the distance between the two sides is very close, less than two meters apart. With his speed, he can completely subdue Ivan before the next spell.

However, Sirius didn't have the slightest expression of joy on his face. He jumped forward and changed back into a human form in mid-air, counting silently in his heart.


An irresistible resistance suddenly spread in all directions centered on Ivan, hitting Sirius directly, and blasting him out.

"Faint!" "All petrochemicals!"

Ivan didn't give up this excellent opportunity to chase, and within one second he played two consecutive spells, one against Sirius, the other blocked his turning.

Sirius did not panic at all. When dealing with the black-robed wizards last summer, he saw that Ivan had used the ring of magic power, so this situation was already in his expectation.

Or maybe he did so much just to force Ivan to use this magic item, so that there is a hint of victory!

A few thoughts flashed through his mind, two beams of light had already hit him one after another, Sirius waved his wand, his body twisted and disappeared in place.

"Except your weapons!"

Behind Ivan, a voice rang.

At the same time, Ivan activated the protective ring on his right hand, and the red light beam returned to the original path but hit the clearing.

Because Sirius is no longer there!

"You used Phantom Shift just now? But I remember you told me that it's better not to use this in battle!" Ivan turned his head and asked curiously.

"Yes, remember to keep this in mind. I was almost split up just now. Believe me, it's really a little bit!" Sirius said jokingly.

There are some blood stains on his arms and chest, but it is not because of the apparition, but because of the broken stone and wood.

Of course, Sirius did not deceive Ivan either. He was only half confident that he could successfully release the teleportation magic!

Fortunately, he won the bet, otherwise he would be split, only half of his body would be sent over, and the other half would stay in place.

Although the split won't die in a short time, Lupin and Ivan can help him pick it back, but he has no choice but to admit defeat in this battle.

This is also the reason Sirius told Ivan not to use Phantom Transformation in battles, because most of the battles do not have the option of surrendering, and the opponent is not a fool, and will make up for it!


While explaining, Sirius did not neglect at all, waving his magic wand and summoning a large flame to sweep towards Ivan.

"The wooden table is coming!" With a flick of Ivan's wand, the table leaning on the side flew over and blocked him, blocking the flames.

However, Sirius was just a smashing curse with a single blow, and the wooden table blocking Ivan's body burst directly. Numerous wreckages were wrapped in hot flames, and they possessed more powerful destructive power under the control of magic!

"Tsk...you really can count on me!" Ivan stretched out his finger directly to the sink not far away, and with a pull, the water in the pool surged and continued to grow, which played a role in the transformation spell. The next condensation turned into a long snake and swept away.

"Stop...stop!" Lu Ping shouted loudly. He didn't expect that just a small test would reach this point, and he even wondered if the current situation was out of control!

The two people who were intent on fighting didn't have time to pay attention to him. Ivan was very excited to match the spells he had learned, drew the water in the pool, and almost restored the magic that Professor McGonagall used to dominate the fire of the Forbidden Forest!

The two powerful magics quickly collided and melted into each other, and the sound of sizzling reverberated in the closed training room.

Thick steam rose up, and quickly spread and spread. From time to time, some wooden wreckage would fly out of the dense fog and hit the surrounding walls.

Lupin had to strengthen the protection again, and he was relieved after using the obstacle spell several times. He kept staring at the direction where Ivan and Sirius were ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but it was covered by fog, and there was nothing to see. Up.

Harry who was watching was also very anxious, he kept shouting for Ivan and Sirius but didn't get any response.

In the diffuse mist, Ivan looked around, wondering if Sirius also applied magic in the mist. The mist became very dense and visibility was very low.

"Is it to limit my snake eyes?" Ivan muttered to himself, and he couldn't help but sigh that the other party is indeed an elite of the Order of the Phoenix, with rich combat experience, and he has been able to act correctly both times.

once forced himself to use the magic ring, this time it was mostly aimed at the eyes of the snake.

After all, deliberately avoiding the opponent's eyes in battle is uncomfortable. With this layer of fog, you can avoid your sight and launch an attack from any angle.

Even though Sirius had guessed his subsequent reaction twice in a row, Ivan was not discouraged. He knew very well that he was indeed weaker than Sirius in combat experience.

Every previous battle has been unfavorable because he deliberately avoided his own weaknesses, gave full play to his strengths, and used the peculiarities of blood magic to win surprisingly!

And Sirius had seen him use magic rings and snake eyes before. With the opponent's combat acumen, he would naturally be able to crack them one by one.

Just like now, the eyesight of both parties are greatly reduced, but the sensitive dog nose can help Sirius to confirm his position, so as to gain the advantage.

Ivan couldn't help but raised the corners of his mouth. This time Sirius is afraid that he will miscalculate. Normal people need to use their eyes to determine the direction in the thick fog, but it is a pity... he is not a normal person!

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