Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 502

Chapter 502: Lu Ping: I didn't expect you to have grown to this point! (2…

Ivan didn't expect Dobby and Kreacher to meet, and he would have such a big contradiction. He immediately wondered if it was the right choice for him to summon Dobby.

Kreacher emphasized that the house elves would not abandon the words of the owner, which surprised Ivan.

If he remembers correctly, Kreacher betrayed Sirius in the original time and space, and indirectly led to the death of Sirius. This is obviously not right with what it said.

Unless the original space-time Kreacher does not recognize Sirius as his master at all!

After all, Sirius was ousted from Black’s family tree by his mother decades ago. He is not an orthodox heir. If members of the Black family were either dead or locked up, Sirius would not have the turn to inherit the family business.. .

Kreacher was forced to obey Sirius' orders due to the constraints of the rules. Most of his heart did not approve of this relationship, so he deliberately leaked the news and killed Sirius, hoping that Bellatrix was in Sirius. Become your own master after death...

Fortunately, the situation is different now. If Regulus’s body can be successfully fished out of the lake this time, but Kreacher’s wish, such a tragedy should not happen in the future...

While thinking in his mind, Ivan did not forget to restrain the two house elves, Dobby and Kreacher, and ordered them not to have any more conflicts during this operation, so as not to delay business.

Of course Dobby will not violate Ivan's orders.

And Kreacher considered that the action was related to Regulus, so he calmed down. Although he looked at Dobby as if he was watching a pest, at least he didn't curse in his back.

"Sirius, it's very late now. If we don't want to act in the dark at night, we'd better hurry up!" Lupin looked at the sky outside and reminded him involuntarily.

"Okay, let's go now!" Sirius didn't want to delay for a moment, so Kreacher took them to the destination.

Only Kreacher has been to the cave here, and they must be carried by Kreacher to be able to teleport to the exact location.

In order to save magic power, the teleportation was divided into two. Kreacher first took away Sirius and Lupin, and when it came back, there was already a little sweat on his forehead.

"Need a break?" Ivan asked worriedly.

"The house elves don't need to rest, sir!" Kreacher shook his head hastily.

Ivan only noticed that after destroying the Horcrux, Kreacher's attitude towards him changed drastically. Instead of the disgusting and disgusting appearance at the beginning, there was a little gratitude in his words.

Ivan smiled, stretched out his hand, and held Kreacher together.josei

Dobby on the side also stretched out his hand.

Kreacher's face showed a look of disgust, as if he had been stimulated, he screamed loudly. "Go away, don't touch me, you annoying bug!"

Dobby slumped his ears, stretched out his hands and looked a little at a loss, Ivan had to take the initiative to hold Dobby, and then ordered Kreacher to apparate.

Accompanied by a whirl of heaven and earth, when Ivan came back to his senses again, he was already standing in an unfamiliar place, which seemed to be on the edge of a cliff, facing the sea with no view of the edge.

The salty and wet sea breeze slowly blows by, bringing a trace of coolness, and the sound of waves hitting the rocks is constantly echoing in my ears.

Sirius and Lupin are not far away, discussing something.

"Why don't you take us directly into the cave?" Ivan looked at Kreacher strangely. He thought that Kreacher would take them with a whistle and teleport directly to the place where Regulus was dragged into the water by the corpse. .

"Kreacher can't feel there directly, sir!" the old house-elf gasped slightly, and said very frustratedly.

Ivan nodded, it seemed that Voldemort was applying some shielding magic there.

"Kreacher, how should we go now?" Sirius interrupted the conversation between the two, looked at Kreacher and asked.

"Just go in from there, and you'll be there for a while!" Kreacher turned his head, pointed to the narrow crack under the cliff on the right, and replied.

"What are you waiting for? I'm going to find the way first, and you all follow me!" Sirius took the wand in his hand in his mouth and jumped directly into the sea without a word, swimming towards the dark crack.

Ivan stretched out his wand and nodded his head, blessed himself with a head-foaming curse, and jumped into the water to follow.

A few people went straight through the pitch-black gap and walked along the narrow dark roads on both sides. The surroundings were getting darker and darker, and only the weak light could shine through the gap behind them.

It took about a few minutes to swim like this before swimming to the end. Ivan struggled up the steps and was wet all over, which was very uncomfortable.

"Lus~" Sirius' voice sounded not far away, and the dazzling white light spread in all directions with the wand as the center, illuminating everything around him.

Everyone realized that they were in a closed cave. The surrounding rock walls were covered with silt and green moss, which looked very desolate.

"Are you sure this is it? Kreacher?" Lupin looked around, there was nothing but stones in the cave.

The old house elf nodded, but after more than ten years, it only remembers that the entrance needs blood to open, and the location of the secret door is in the front, but it has forgotten where it is.

"Shall we try it? Since Voldemort is protected, it will not be easily broken!" Ivan thought for a while and suggested.

"Good idea!" Sirius did as he thought of it, and immediately waved his magic wand to shoot out a few beams of light, hitting different positions on the rock wall in front, exploding one after another.

"Fall apart!" Ivan was also helping, but this time the magic didn't work, and the spell hit the stone wall but disappeared without a trace.

Sirius and Lupin laughed, it seemed that this was it!

Ivan stepped forward, looked at the uneven stone wall in front of him, and thought of the scene where Dumbledore was sensing and probing in the original time and space, and tried to touch it gently with his hand.

The wall of the cave is very rough to the touch. Ivan input some magic power in, but he is turned away. Nothing is strange from the outside.

This made Ivan a little disappointed. The magic that Voldemort exerted on it was very clever, and he could not see through it.

If he is not familiar with the plot and has Kreacher's guidance, he will definitely not be able to crack it...

Ivan sighed in his heart that the slight complacency brought by the defeat of Sirius before was left behind. Now it seems that there is still a big gap between himself and the Dark Lord in his heyday.

"Ivan, what are you doing?" Sirius and Lupin looked at Ivan's movements strangely, and asked suspiciously.

Ivan then came back to his senses, looking at the two people who were puzzled, their expressions unchanged, and casually replied. "I'm exploring the movement of magic power. Since some magic has been cast here, there will always be some traces left!"

"Can you detect the traces of spellcasting by perception alone?" Lupin did not doubt Ivan's words, but looked at him in surprise.

"I didn't expect you to have grown to such a level!" Lu Ping was also a little ashamed while feeling, he estimated that he would never reach such a level in his life.

Ivan was embarrassed for a while, he actually didn't perceive anything just now, he just learned from Dumbledore to say so casually.

"Ahem...then the key to open this door should be blood, who are we?" Ivan couldn't stand the gazes of Lupin and Sirius, so he quickly coughed and changed the subject.

"Use Kreacher's blood!" The old house elf stood up excitedly, grabbed a sharp gravel from the ground, and was about to cut his wrist.

But just then Lupin reached out his hand to stop Kreacher's behavior.

"Stop, Kreacher! You have consumed enough just now, and you will have to take us out with Dobby later. You need to maintain enough magic and physical strength!" Lupin said.

"Then use me..." Sirius stepped forward, but was interrupted by Lupin before he finished speaking.

"No! Sirius, neither can you. The magic you want to use later also requires a lot of blood, so I'll do it this time! Don't forget, my recovery ability is better than yours!" Lupin was very positive. Speaking firmly, then he put the wand against his wrist.

The next moment, a dim light lit up on the tip of the wand.

Sirius had no time to stop it, and a large amount of scarlet blood flowed out of Lupin's wrist, as if guided by magic, it followed the dark stone wall upstream and dyed it bright red.

"Remus! This is my business from beginning to end, you don't need to do it like this!" Sirius sighed, and looked at Lupin, who had lost too much blood and his face became paler, and felt very uncomfortable.

Kreacher sobbed in a low voice, now Lupin reminded him of Regulus...

That day more than ten years ago, it was here that he kept begging Master Regulus to use his own blood to open the stone gate, but it was rejected by the young master...

Ivan watched the steady flow of blood, and was drawn out by magic from the wound on Lupin's wrist, frowning involuntarily.

When Dumbledore cracked this level in the original time and space, he probably didn't use so much blood...

Still referring to the sacrifices Voldemort requested, not only blood, but the magic contained in blood. Lupin's blood quality is far inferior to Dumbledore, so he needs to consume more?

But it’s right to think so.

If it weren’t, Voldemort wouldn’t sacrifice his subordinates when he hid the Horcrux, just grab a Muggle, why not risk exposure and ask Regulus for a house elf as a victim.

The blood transfusion lasted for a while, and a dazzling white light suddenly appeared on the stone wall, and the white light was vaguely visible in the shape of an arch.

The remaining blood was gradually absorbed in, and the entire cave was slowly shaking. The secret door in front was opened, revealing a doorway, which was very dark and couldn't see anything.

Ivan immediately stepped forward to cast a healing spell and healed the wound on Lupin's wrist.

But due to a lot of blood loss, Lupin's face was pale and scary, and his body swayed before standing still.

"Are you okay? Lupin?" Sirius hurried up to support him, and asked worriedly.

Lupin shook his head, saying that he had nothing to do.

"Let's leave now... I'm not sure how long this door will be open!" Lupin reminded.

Sirius became more guilty, patted Lupin's shoulder solemnly, and then strode into the open door with his wand.

Ivan followed behind Sirius and walked in. There was another cave behind the cave. The whole mountain seemed to have been hollowed out, and the interior space was amazing.

In front of them was an extremely wide black lake, and they couldn't see the opposite shore at a glance. They were standing on the shore now.

Ivan couldn't help but approached a few steps forward, crouched down and brought the luminous wand close to the lake. The white light was reflected in the dead lake below, but it could not penetrate, only a dark patch underneath could be seen. ...

"The water quality here is terrible, I am afraid it will be difficult to see things if we go down..." Ivan stood up anxiously, lowered his voice as much as possible, and said softly.

To be honest, knowing that there are countless corpses underneath, you have to sneak in to fish for corpses~www.mtlnovel.com~ That's what a fool can do, but unfortunately, he has to take it this time. Fool.

Sirius also felt deeply worried, which was more difficult than he had originally imagined.


The quiet lake surface suddenly heard the sound of gurgling water. In the faint fluorescence from the extension of the magic wand, pale and rotting hands stretched out from the dark bottom of the lake, covering the entire lake...

Ivan and the others who saw this scene shuddered in chills. They all knew that there were definitely a lot of corpses, but they didn't know how many corpses were.

"How many people did Voldemort kill?" Ivan looked at the pale arms densely distributed like lotus roots in a pond wherever he could see, wondering if Voldemort had killed a Muggle town, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a huge one. Legion of corpses.

"Quick, drink it! This kind of potion can hide our vitality and make us look like the dead in a short time." Sirius's face changed, and he hurriedly took out a few bottles of dark green potion from the pocket of the wizard robe. Distributed to everyone.

Lupin, Kreacher, and Dobby did not hesitate to follow the order and took it. Ivan also took a bottle, opened the stopper of the potion, and poured it in one mouthful.

The entrance of the dark green potion is very bitter, as if it was expired and forgot to put the sugar in the coffee. After swallowing it, the stomach was burned by flames, and it was painful.

After a while, the pain gradually disappeared, and a icy feeling spread throughout his body. Ivan felt the blood in his body as if frozen, and even the heartbeat became very weak...

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