Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 520

Chapter 520: what? I actually have the mighty power comparable to the Dark Lord? (2 in 1…

Ivan's gaze slowly swept across the audience, very dissatisfied with this efficiency, but he used the communication magic props to notify everyone at the same time!

The wizards who rushed over looked a little at a loss under Ivan's gaze, and didn't quite understand where they angered each other.

"Ten minutes!" Ivan once again glanced at the clock hanging in the room, then turned his head and spoke to everyone. "It took ten minutes from when I sent the signal... to when you came here using Apparition! I have to say that your incompetence is far beyond my expectations!"

"Even a group of Muggles, after receiving the order, rushed here from any side of Knockdown Alley, I am afraid it will not take such a long time!"

Ivan’s words were very sharp, and the wizards he was staring at lowered their heads tremblingly, not daring to look at him.

Yesterday, the scenes of Ivan's finger killing were still imprinted in their hearts, so even if Ivan scolded no matter how harsh they were, they didn't dare to refute it.

"Who was the last to arrive? Stand up!" Ivan said blankly.

"Yes...it was me, I...I was in the bathroom, sir!" A witch in his thirties walked out tremblingly. He looked at Ivan in fear and stammered. Explained.

"To go to the toilet? What a good reason..." Ivan sneered. He didn't ask any more, but turned his eyes to the second-to-last witch who arrived and said.

"Then what about you? Grace!"

"I...I'm taking a shower, sir..." the witch said embarrassedly.

"I hate someone lying...Grace! Or are you going to tell me to roll around in the sand after taking a shower?" Ivan glanced at each other, keenly aware of the presence of the other's wizard robes Less dust, it's not like new clothes.

"Yes... I'm sorry... Your Excellency Hals! Please... Please forgive my offense!"

was exposed to the lie by Ivan on the spot, and stared with indifferent eyes. Grace's scared face turned white. She knelt down on the spot and squatted on the ground, begging Ivan to forgive her life.

Yesterday in the conference hall, I witnessed Ivan turning black and white, forcing Reese Nott to "confess his guilt", and killing Reese Nott instantaneously with weird means, the seeds of fear were deeply rooted in Grace’s heart. I'm afraid that the other party will torture or even kill myself if they disagree.

Grace's response so much made Ivan stunned. He just wanted to beat the opponent and make some small punishments to let these wizards understand the importance of discipline, but she didn't expect Grace to be so frightened and knelt down.

Am I that scary? Ivan was very depressed, and then he felt that this must be because the other party's psychological quality was too bad. He thought that the wizards in Knock Down Alley were all ruthless characters, and it seemed that this was not necessarily the case.

Ivan shook his head secretly, and had to put off his plan to punish the two on the spot, but he still had a stern face, looked at everyone with sharp eyes and continued to speak.

"Then you guys, why do you have any other reasons? I remember I told you during the rally yesterday that you were going to meet here this afternoon!"

All the wizards did not dare to reply, they just silently accepted Ivan's reprimand, some people complained in their hearts, thinking that Ivan was making a fuss. They just came a little late and didn't delay any important things. .

Ivan has been paying attention to the looks on the faces of the people, and he can naturally guess their thoughts easily, and he can't help but increase his tone.

"I hope you haven't forgotten that we are in a life-and-death dispute, facing danger all the time!

If you are notified this time because one of you has been attacked in Knockturn Alley, you'd better pray that you are lucky enough to be able to wait for your companions to take care of all kinds of affairs. Then come to rescue you! "

Ivan’s words hit the hearts of Grace and others like an alarm bell.

The coffin containing Elfer's body was placed in front of them, telling them with **** facts that this was not alarmist. If they reacted faster after receiving the notice yesterday, maybe Elfer would survive.

"Grace, Joseph..." Ivan looked at the last two who arrived again and asked. "If you are attacked by a wizard squad dispatched by the Knot family, when do you think the support should arrive?"

Naturally, the sooner the better! Can't delay a second!

Grace thought so, but didn't say it immediately, because she understood that Ivan was not asking this, but asked herself to give a time limit for the collection.

"One minute!" Grace calculated, gritted her teeth, and spoke out.

She felt that even if she was going to the bathroom or taking a bath, she could deal with it urgently in one minute. After all, it only takes one Apparition to arrive at the venue, which doesn't take much time.josei

"Thirty seconds!" Joseph was more ruthless than Grace, in order to not be punished, he shortened the time by half.

"Very good! According to what you said, usually one minute is the limit, 30 seconds after receiving an emergency notice! Next time I will start the timer, and latecomers will be severely punished, no exceptions and no reason!" Ivan said very strongly.

The wizards present glared at Grace and Joseph, and complained in their hearts why they didn’t speak longer. What if they were too deep asleep after receiving instructions late at night?

Or maybe halfway through the bath, dry the body and put on the clothes for more than 30 seconds.

Joseph and Grace didn't care about everyone's gaze. They were fortunate that Ivan had let go of them generously. Just now, they were even ready to get a heartbreak.

Ivan paid attention to the reactions of the wizards present, and was unavoidably disappointed. These wizards were too casual, they were just a group of stragglers gathered together. They obviously lacked training and discipline!

But now is not the time to think about this. After the rebuke, Ivan asked Fran to take Elfer's coffin and head to the cemetery together to find a suitable place for burial.

When the funeral was held, Ivan personally read out the prayers to commend Elfer Grint for his deeds during his lifetime.

part is for show, and the other part is sincere.

Although he did not have any intersection with this victim before this, Elfer Grint was a subordinate recruited by Aesya in his name, and lost his life for this. Of course Ivan will not be perfunctory. thing.

In the process, Ivan also met Elfer's mother, Mrs. Grint.

The gray-haired witch was full of tears in her eyes and looked very pitiful. Her husband and daughter died in the last wizarding war, and now they have lost their last child. The sudden blow really made her a little bit pitiful. hard to accept.

Ivan sighed, feeling a little confused in his heart, but he also understood that such a thing cannot be avoided. Which wizard living in Knockdown Alley has a happy family?

Ivan took the purse full of Jin Jialong, walked to the old witch, and said apologetically.

"Mrs. Grint, I'm sorry, we were a step late and failed to save your son. He has been very brave, fighting to the last minute, is a well-deserved hero!"

"In addition, this is three hundred gallons, please accept it...other than that, there is nothing we can do!" Ivan handed over the purse with Jin Jialong and finished it. Prepare to be scolded.

It is normal for a mother who has lost her child, no matter how angry.

However, none of this happened, Mrs. Grint sobbed deep, took the bag Ivan handed over, and choked with thanks.

She knew very well that her child was doing money-for-life work, and the least valuable in Knockdown Alley was human life. Ivan could hold a funeral for Elfer after his death and give him three hundred gallons. The pension is exhausted.

If he changes to another employer, Elfer will probably end up throwing dead bodies in the wilderness without control...

So even though she was heartbroken, Mrs. Grint did not blame Ivan for Elfer's death.

The funeral lasted for more than an hour, and Ivan took everyone back to the Bojinbok shop in the evening.

Just as Ivan was thinking about whether to take this opportunity to have a training session, Dougert brought him good news.

"Old Rozier has agreed to meet you...now he is waiting. He said that he has something to tell you, and he has to wait until you arrive."

"So fast?" Ivan couldn't help being a little surprised. He remembered that Dougt only mentioned this matter to himself in the morning. He thought he would have to wait a few days.

"Oh, I just mentioned a few words to him casually, and that guy was frightened..." Doug said with a sneer.

Ivan glanced at him, a little curious as to what Dougt said to the other person, as to scare them like this.

But considering that the other party may have to wait for too long to cause trouble, Ivan didn't ask more about it, using Phantom Shift and Dougt to go to the agreed place together.

Anyway, I'll know when I meet...

Accompanied by a burst of space replacement, when he came back to his senses again, Ivan found that he was located near a dilapidated house.

It is very desolate here, probably in the corner on the east side of Knockdown Alley, and in the distance you can see the ruins where the law enforcement officers were fighting.

"Come out, Mr. Rozier, who is hiding in hiding has the demeanor of your pure-blood family, isn't it?" Ivan looked around and there was no one nearby, but he was sure that the other party was still nearby.

Ivan’s words passed around on the empty rooftop, and it took ten seconds for another voice to sound.

"Please forgive me for my rudeness, Your Excellency Hals. After all, I came alone, so be careful."

A middle-aged wizard in his fifties wearing a gorgeous robe appeared not far away out of thin air, with a slightly apologetic look on his face, and a house elf followed by him.

Ivan frowned. Of course, he understood that the other party must have been hiding in the dark just now to check the situation. Once there were too many people on his side, or if he noticed that the situation was not right, the guy fled.

Sure enough, it was the same as Dougt said, but I can’t do it...

While Ivan was observing the opponent, Old Rozier was also looking at him.

After a while, old Rozier suddenly said with emotion.

"You are younger than I thought, Sir Hals! If it hadn't been for Dougt, I couldn't believe that you have a power comparable to the Dark Lord at this age..."

Although he has learned a lot of information from Dougt, the old Rozier is still a little unbelievable looking at Ivan's immature face.

A little wizard up to thirteen or fourteen years old should still go to school at Hogwarts. Even if he starts practicing magic from the moment the magic bursts, he can never learn more than ten years!

Such a kid is really so powerful, is it really comparable to the Dark Demon?

Old Rozier doubted whether Dougert was playing mystery.

I have a mighty power comparable to Voldemort? Ivan glanced sideways at Dougter, thinking about whether he should switch to another person to do this kind of diplomatic work next time, or there will be more outrageous rumors in the Knock Alley in the near future.

Dougert doesn't change his face, so it's normal to brag appropriately when negotiating and putting pressure on him.

And he thought that even Voldemort would not be able to do such weird things as finger killing, so it is not a lie to some extent...

Even though Ivan kept making complaints in his heart, but on the surface he was calm and said impatiently.

"I heard Dougter say that you have a very important piece of information to tell me, but you have to meet me in person before you can reveal it?"

"Yes~www.mtlnovel.com~Your Excellency Hals! The Rozier family is willing to surrender to you... But I also ask you to be magnanimous and consider two small conditions." Old Rozier hunched slightly, looking very It was humble, without the arrogance of a pure-blood wizard at all.

"Tell me..." Ivan raised his eyebrows, not surprising, his side did have an advantage, but the other side was not incapable of resisting. He wanted to persuade the old Rozier to betray the original camp and not pay some. The price is definitely not enough.

"First, I hope you can allow our Rozier family to retain the corresponding share in the wizarding market." Old Rozier proposed.

"Yes!" Ivan agreed without hesitation.

For the first pure-blood family to rebel, some preferential treatment is still necessary.

The Rozier family doesn't occupy much share in the wizarding market. In fact, it has no effect. If all this is taken away, no pureblood family will be willing to surrender in the future.

After Ivan agreed, Old Rozier sighed in relief. What he cares most is the interests of the family, as long as this can preserve everything else.

"What about the second condition?" Ivan had no intention of spending time with the other party here, and asked directly.

"The second condition..." Old Rozier hesitated for a long time, seeming to be entangled in whether to say or not, and finally gritted his teeth and tried to speak.

"Your Excellency Hals may not know. I have been obsessed with powerful magic since I was a child. Fifteen years ago, I was fortunate to have seen Lord Dark Lord use his own power against dozens of Aurors. Unforgettable..."

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