Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 523

Chapter 523: alliance? nonexistent! (2 in 1)

The fierce flames and powerful magical fluctuations instantly attracted the attention of the law enforcement officials. Seeing the large fireball that swelled to more than two meters high rushed towards him, the four law enforcement officials were a little panicked.

"Enemy attack!" Fortunately, years of training played a role at this moment. Someone soon reacted and issued a stern shout. Others also hurriedly waved their wands at the attacking fireball, building a protective barrier.




The flying fireball in the next second slammed into the magic barrier. After only a moment of resistance, the magic barrier was crushed. The orange fireball disintegrated, and endless light and heat spread in all directions.

The two law enforcement officers in front were directly blasted out, and hit the pillar behind them heavily, breaking the iron armor curse they were holding on them.

A law enforcement officer vomited blood in ragged clothes. Because the iron armor curse had prevented him from doing anything, there was nothing serious about it.

But another law enforcement officer not far away was not so lucky. He was blown to **** blood before he could cast the protective spell, and he was silent.

The law enforcement officers who are still alive have no time to rejoice, because everyone knows that the danger is not over!

Before the smoke from the explosion dissipated completely, dozens of beams of spells of various colors rushed in from the smoke, followed by a few low wolf howls.

"It's those **** werewolves...retreat quickly and notify the others!" The leader of the law enforcer immediately issued an order to retreat after noticing the large number of enemies and obviously unable to stand the enemy, and planned to use Apparition. go away.

However, his movements were obviously a step slower. Ivan and the others, who had been lurking for a long time, would not let him go. A gray-black werewolf had already rushed in front of him, biting the arm of the law enforcement officer, and interrupted it. His spellcasting.

Other law enforcement agents were also attacked to varying degrees in the first time...

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, in just a few seconds, all four law enforcement officers fell to the ground, unable to make any decent resistance at all.

The few merchants in the Wizarding Market saw this cruel scene, they were directly shocked, and even ignored the items in the stall, and fled in panic.

Ivan also ignored them. His goal this time was to target the wizard market, and had nothing to do with these poor wizards.

"Your Excellency Hals, what should these two people do to kill?" Fren and Walker came over with a surviving caster and asked.

"Let's take care of it first!" Ivan glanced at the two law enforcement officers who had lost their combat effectiveness, waved his hands and said.

If he can, he doesn't want to kill people. There are already enough wizards in the magical world, not to mention that these law enforcers are all commissioned guys. They may not have any loyalty to the Knot family. You should wait for torture and confirm in the future. Disposal.

Just as Ivan was thinking this way, there was an explosion in the distance, accompanied by a little screaming, Ivan suddenly understood that Esiah and Dougert had done it.

"Leave four guards, and the rest will follow me in!" Ivan did not dare to delay any more, and then ordered.

In order to prevent the other party's follow-up support, so as not to be blocked in the urn, it is necessary to ensure that the exit is unimpeded.

Fren and others nodded. This was discussed before, so they quickly arranged the candidates to stay. The remaining nine wizards followed Ivan and rushed into the wizard market.

After knocking out the two guards inside, Ivan smoothly came to a wide room and turned an oil lamp next to him according to the directions on the map.

Click, click...

A wall behind it cracked, shaking to give way to a passage, which was very narrow and only allowed two people to walk side by side.

The end of the passage looks like a hall, but because of the limited vision, it is impossible to see the whole picture, and it is not sure whether there is anyone guarding it.

Ivan grabbed a piece of masonry without any hesitation, and rushed in immediately, followed by Fren and others.

When they were halfway there, six heavily armed black wizards suddenly appeared at the end of the empty passage. Obviously, they heard the explosion outside, and then deliberately ambushed here.

If it were in a more open area, these dark wizards would not have time to run, and would never come to die, but now it is different. In this narrow terrain, Ivan and others have no way to escape.





Colorful spell beams struck one after another, and there were also several green rays that made people sweat.

Fren and others' complexions changed suddenly, but they were in a dilemma for a while. The obstacle curse and iron armor curse they cast could not stop the killing curse.

Ivan hurriedly threw out the masonry in his hand, and then pointed his magic wand.

Under the combined action of the magnifying spell and the transforming spell, the masonry quickly swelled, and the surface gradually became shiny with a metallic color, as if you were looking at a wall in front of you...


Several spells collided with the brick wall. After all, the latter is a magical creation, not as hard as the real wall. It exploded immediately, and countless fragments galloped in all directions.


All of this was naturally expected by Ivan. He waved his wand once again, and all the bricks and stones were dragged and smashed towards the dark wizards at the end of the passage.

Fren and others behind Ivan were not idle either, and they took out their wands to fight back, venting their anger.

Faced with such a wide range of magical attacks, the dark wizards who did not have the slightest spirit of sacrifice after the first wave of offensive failure, really chose to back down and left the passage to avoid this attack, but it also meant that they lost the first wave. Opportunity for a second shot!

The extremely fast Ivan crossed a distance of tens of meters in just two seconds and entered the hall.

The walls of the tables and chairs in front were all pitted by a large number of broken stones and bricks. A total of six black wizards had already run halfway in two seconds.

A dark wizard who hadn't had time to run turned his head and saw Ivan who suddenly broke in, and waved his magic wand without saying a word.


The crimson beam hit Ivan, then went back the same way, knocking him out.

Ivan did not hesitate to make up a coma spell to stun the black wizard.

At the same time, Fren and the others, who had been behind Ivan, rushed in. Several spells blasted over, leaving two black wizards lying on the ground in a tragic manner.

Ivan turned his head and glanced, intending to let them catch them alive as much as possible, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth again. In such a fierce battle, asking Fran and the others to keep their hands was irresponsible for their lives!

"The two roads ahead, according to the previous plan, we will take the lead. Fren, you are responsible for bringing some people to the left to search!" Ivan took out the map and took a look, and after confirming that the meeting room was on the right, he faced it. Fren said.

"Yes, Sir Hals..." Forren has turned into a werewolf form, and the huge and ferocious head paused, and then rushed towards the left passage with his four men.

Ivan did not act immediately. He stretched out his right hand and tapped a wand on a cabinet in the hall. Under the action of magic, the wooden cabinet quickly softened, and the continuous stretch and extension became a huge giant. python.

All the passages in the secret room under    are very narrow. Once blocked, it is almost impossible to avoid the opponent's magic, so he needs a large enough meat shield to resist these magic for him.

Although Ivan can become a basilisk by himself and kill the Quartet, it might be dangerous. What if he accidentally hits an Avadasuo Curse in front of him?

He doesn't want to personally experience whether the basilisk's anti-magic skin can resist the killing curse!

"Act now!" Ivan witnessed the giant snake snaking into the passage, and then summoned his patron saint as insurance, and finally gave the action order.


A few minutes ago, in the underground conference room,

Six wizards are sitting around a round mahogany table, discussing vigorously.

"We have lost too many manpower in the past few months, and the wizarding market has become more and more deserted day by day. It won't work anymore!"

"Then what do we do? Surrender? You think it's all for now, and the other party will let us go?"

"Yes! You must not admit defeat. If you bow your head to those hybrids and Muggle species, don't you want to face it? We can recruit more people, or seek help from the Ministry of Magic..."


Everyone was talking about it, full of gunpowder.

Looking at the form, no one knows that he is already at an absolute disadvantage. The other party is pressing on every step of the way. Failure is only a matter of time.

Originally according to their usual style, at this time they should start compromise negotiations, and try to make some concessions to prevent the other party from targeting the wizarding market. After all, if they continue to fight like this, their losses will only be greater.

But the problem is that this time is different from the past. Their enemies are not equal. It is not a pure-blood wizard family, but a magic shop owner in Knockdown Alley. They are a bit embarrassed to compromise with such an unremarkable lowly mixed-blood. ..

When the argument gradually fell into a stalemate, one of the wizards in black robes turned his head and looked at Nott, who had not spoken, and suggested.josei

"Old Knott, isn't the Executive Director of the Ministry of Magic your good friend? If the Ministry is willing to interfere, then things will be easy."

"How easy is it? The Ministry of Magic doesn't have time to pay attention to us now..." Nott shook his head and sighed.

Naturally, he knew much more information in his capacity than ordinary wizards. Recently Azkaban seemed to have lost a very important fugitive, and a large number of Aurors were secretly dispatched.

In addition to the recent dementor riots, the executive director was going crazy. The last time I met, he seemed to be a few years old suddenly. How can I be in the mood to take care of the incident in Knock Down Alley?

And Old Knot was very clear that in the eyes of many senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, one wizard in Knockdown Alley was not a good thing.

Because this often means that there will be a lot less vicious things in the magical world in the next period of time...

Listening to Nott’s words, everyone present fell into a short silence. Without the intervention of the Ministry of Magic, it would be a foolish dream to let the other party settle down.

The chunky witch sitting on the corner hesitated, gritted her teeth, and suggested.

"I feel that Aisia is not just trying to compete for the wizarding market. In the past few months, she has not only been working on our wizarding market. She must have a bigger plan! If you can convince the executive director to believe this. , The Ministry of Magic will never let it go!"

"Want to make those people believe that a magic shop owner in Knockdown Alley would threaten their rule? Heh...difficult!" Old Rozier shook his head with a sneer, and poured cold water on everyone.

"No, we can collect or forge some evidence... as long as the people at the Ministry of Magic realize that they have gathered a lot of dark wizards with intent to be unruly!" the chunky witch said viciously.

"Then as you said, let's vote, and more than half of the people agree to start the implementation!" Knott's index finger tapped the table lightly, and after hesitating for a while, finally made a decision.


Several other wizards have no opinion~www.mtlnovel.com~ agreed, because this is the last resort. If it doesn't work, they can only consider surrender or compromise.

Old Rozier looked around at the crowd, pretending to be sad and nodded slowly to agree, but he couldn't help sighing in the bottom of his heart. It was too late to discuss now to seek help from the Ministry of Magic.

I am afraid that none of them can get out of here today...

But while sighing, the old Rozier was also fortunate. He was on the side of the winner. This time he was not only fine, but also rewarding!

As for the psychological pressure caused by betraying an ally?


Old Rozier knew very well that if there were enough benefits, anyone in front of him would not hesitate to betray him. The so-called alliance is just a joke.


Just as the old Rozier was thinking this way, there was a sudden violent noise above them, an explosion could be faintly heard, and the tables and chairs in the meeting room shook crazily.

"What's wrong? What happened?" The squat witch held the table with a panicked look so that she would not fall.

"Looking at the movement, someone may have entered from the outside!" Nott's face was very ugly. He squinted his eyes and scanned the people in the conference room one by one.

"What?! How could it be so coincidental?" Old Rozier frowned, with a look of stunned expression.

The other people also looked at each other, with inexplicable brilliance in their eyes. The secret meeting held here today, but only they themselves know...

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