Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 545

Chapter 545: The essence of magic and the ultimate creation of alchemy

Because wands, spells, and gestures are not important, these are just methods to assist in spell casting! The important thing is magic, or..." Ivan muttered to himself.

After the demonstration by Nick LeMay just now, he has understood what the other party's words mean. It is only after years of materialistic education that he stuck his conclusions on his lips, and he can't say it for a long time.

"Magic is the heart! It is the embodiment of a wizard's thoughts and will..." Nick LeMay looked at the pigeons flying into the sky and answered for him.

"Use the spirit to influence the material world?" Ivan listened to this answer. Although he had thought of this just now, it was still somewhat difficult to accept.

Such idealistic remarks would be laughed at and criticized if he spoke upright in his previous life.

But Ivan also knows that he is now a wizard, and this is the magic world, there is a lot of evidence to prove this!

"Um... mental affects material?" Nick repeated this sentence, which was very interesting. It was a bit like a Muggle argument, but it was very appropriate.

"Ha! You can say that! Magic is magical because it can make people want everything done!" Nick walked back to the wooden table slowly, looked at Ivan, and said with emotion.

It took a long time for Ivan to let out a sigh of relief.

"This is... incredible!"

He felt like he had entered the wizarding world for the first time, and the mystery of magic was slowly unfolding in front of him...

At the same time, Nick LeMay's words also solved a problem that has always plagued him, that is, why the little wizard subconsciously displays all kinds of magical abilities when the magic power erupts.

Now Ivan understands it, because the active magical power when it erupts will manifest all the thoughts in the little wizard's mind, and this huge force is not a little wizard can control, so it may get out of control and cause some damage. !

This point, Ivan, who has experienced the explosion of magic power many times, is very clear, the sudden increase of magic power is not at all dictated and it is difficult to use it.

Only in the protection mode can he easily control his own magic power, and achieve almost arbitrary spells within a specific range.

Thinking of this, Ivan asked curiously.

"Mr. Lemay, since wizards can cast spells without any assistance, what's the use of learning spells and gestures? Is it for us to control our magic more?"

The three steps of casting spells, almost a compulsory course for every wizard, obviously play an important role.

Combined with what Nick said just now, Ivan believes that it is very likely that most wizards cannot control their magic power freely, so some steps are needed as a guide.josei

Ivan said all his guesses, but Nick shook his head and said with a smile that it was not accurate enough.

The entire magical world has painstakingly studied, summarized, and popularized the casting steps for every wizard for thousands of years. It is not just that, but each has its own use!

The magic wand is responsible for guiding the magic to reduce the difficulty of casting, and the gestures and spells can make the magic effect more accurate!

"Without these steps to cast spells, most wizards in the magic world would probably not be able to use their power. Free cast spells... Although it is simple to say, I am afraid that there is not a single wizard who can really do this! "Nick sighed quietly.

"Even if you and Professor Dumbledore can't do it?" Ivan was a little surprised. In his opinion, Nick LeMay and Dumbledore are already very close to this state. Even if they don’t use a magic wand, they don’t read it. Spells can also be used to cast magic easily.

"Of course we can't, we are still far away!" Nick LeMay admits this very frankly, "If someone can completely control the magic, then it will be a god!"

God? Ivan curled his lips, thinking that Nick Le May was a bit too exaggerated, but then I thought about it, if someone can do what they want, isn't it a god?

"Mr. LeMay, what about alchemy? You haven't told me what alchemy is..." Ivan quickly remembered the focus of this conversation, and hurriedly asked.

"Alchemy is the same as magic, and its roots are ultimately a way of using magic!" Nick began to explain.

In the ancient times, spellcasters found that it was very difficult to directly control magic power, which was impossible for most people, so they tried to use magic power through various external factors.

The three most mainstream schools are magic that relies on wands, spells, and gestures to control magic power for precise output, potions that extract essence from magic materials to make magic potions, and alchemy that uses magic texts to arrange and transform magic.

However, after thousands of years of development, the three major factions are not completely separated, and there are many integrations between them.

For example, the fusion process of some advanced potions requires the use of magic wands, and some magic can also enchant items to achieve an effect similar to alchemy.

"These three factions have their own strengths, and they are all using magic to achieve their own goals." Nick LeMay concluded.

Hearing this, Ivan was immediately plunged into a huge shock. His understanding of magic, potions, and alchemy has never been as thorough as he is today!

Ivan looked at the old man over six hundred years old in front of him, convinced by the knowledge and wisdom of the other person, and was very grateful.

He had never seen this kind of secret knowledge in a book. If it hadn't been for Nick LeMay to explain it for him, he would only be half-guessing and not knowing how many detours he would take in the future.

If Ivan had no clue as to how to raise level 6 magic to level 7 before, then now he has some ideas.

"Sir, you just told me about the ultimate form of magic, what about alchemy?" Ivan couldn't help but curiosity, UU reading www.uukanshu.com couldn't help asking.

"The end points of the three major factions are actually the same. The difference lies in the means leading to the end point." Nick Le May explained.

After a pause, Nick LeMay appeared hesitant again. He wasn't sure if it would be a good thing to tell Ivan now.

However, he quickly realized that even if he didn't say it, this clever little wizard would guess it after a while, so he shook his head and spoke word by word.

"Alchemy naturally has a way to the end, that is, alchemy creation...magic stone!"

"The Sorcerer's Stone?!" Ivan looked at Nick LeMay with a surprised expression, and couldn't believe it.

He had obtained the Philosopher's Stone with his own hands, but was later taken by Dumbledore when he was in a coma.

Ivan couldn't help feeling a bit ridiculous, and even more distressed. He didn't expect the end of alchemy to be so close to him...

(PS: One more, please forgive me, today I want to set my bald head...)

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