Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 549

Chapter 549: Crescent Moon Pendant

"Sure enough..." Ivan wiped the water stains on his face, looked at the shards of glass on the table, and sighed in disappointment.

It's easy to say that what I want to do is easy, but when I was actually experimenting, Ivan found that it was impossible to do it.

Because there is no assistance of spells and gestures, the magic in the body cannot understand his commands, and will not obey his commands.

Ivan shook his head, and had to give up this thought for a while, and instead waved his magic wand to start cleaning up the mess.

"Repair as before!"josei

Under the action of magic, the glass fragments broken into more than a dozen pieces vibrated and regrouped, just like time reversing, and put together an intact glass.

Even the scattered lemon juice was collected again...

Of course, Ivan was not interested in drinking this glass of lemon juice anymore. He turned around and poured it into the trash can.

Those small alchemy creatures that looked like a turnip head were taken aback by the sudden bursting of the cup, panicking everywhere, until Ivan repaired the cup, the alchemy creatures stopped. Seeing that the cup was empty, they worked tirelessly. Started the handling work.

Ivan watched these little guys busy, and didn't mean to help. Observing the actions of these alchemy creatures was his rare entertainment in the alchemy hut.

And if they really help, not only will they not be grateful, but they will also become very frustrated, because doing these chores is the meaning of their existence.

Ivan is also very curious about the high intelligence displayed by these "little turnip heads". He has not seen similar alchemy creatures. The alchemy puddings made by George and Fred are similar things. .

But generally speaking, the IQ of magical creations is not high. They only have some simple judgments, their expressions are dull, and they are far less clever.

Ivan couldn't help but reached out and grabbed one of the "radish heads", curiously grasping it, ignoring the struggle of this little thing, and looked around.

Finally found that the appearance of this thing was silvery white, it looked smooth and clean, and there was no magic text on it. It may belong to the category of enchanting magic, but it does not rule out that it is an alchemy method that he does not know.

I have to say that after entering this alchemy hut, Ivan gradually realized how ignorant he was.

The more I study those high-end alchemy books, the more Ivan understands how shallow his knowledge is.

A few days ago, he still felt complacent about his sixth-level alchemy. Now it seems that his alchemy at that time was just getting started, and now he has begun to really come into contact with the mystery of alchemy.

Ivan silently sighed in his heart, and his movements didn't stop, and he began to sort out the messy alchemy notes on the table.

Nick Lemay’s "Modern Alchemy Appendix" covers a wide range of topics. It is not so much a guide book, but rather a categorized summary of many alchemy theories, like a general outline.

The one that interests Ivan the most is a special enchantment magic.

"Strong and pure emotions can often explode unimaginable power...A clever wizard can store this power in a specific device through magic guidance, and make it into an extremely powerful magic item." Ivan looked at one. On the piece of parchment, staring at the content recorded on it, muttered to himself softly.

He has seen this kind of emotional power twice, one is the protective spell on Harry, and the other is the crescent moon pendant that Asiah gave him...

Thinking of this, Ivan reached into his clothes and grabbed a silver chain.

There is a crescent-shaped pendant hanging from the end of the chain, but it looks a little dim under the sunlight. Several deep cracks are clearly visible on the pendant, and you can vaguely see him engraved on it when you turn over the back. name.

[Magic Item: Crescent Moon Pendant

Magic: Low

Description: This is a magical item made with a lot of precious metals that can withstand a deadly attack for the bearer. It has been damaged.

Note: It contains more than just magic power...]

"It's not just the power of magic... but also love?" Ivan held the pendant in his hand and whispered in a low voice.

Combined with what is said in the "Modern Alchemy Appendix", Esiah used a certain method to guide this emotion into this alchemy item, in order to activate the protective magic text above, so that it can be strong enough to resist death. Sexual harm!

We must know that lethal spells are not so easy to resist, and it seems that there is no restriction on the type, which means that even if Voldemort uses Avada on himself in the system's judgment, there is a high probability that he will be safe. thing.

As for the "different" magic rating, Ivan felt normal after thinking about it. It is not easy for a disposable item to get such a rating.

If it can be used multiple times, the evaluation will increase by at least one more level!

At the same time, Ivan also carefully noticed that some changes have taken place in the notes of the Pendant Moon Pendant, which is different from the last time when I checked it. The sentence "Your level of alchemy is not enough to repair it..." has disappeared without a trace~www .mtlnovel.com~ This means that I have the ability to repair it.

"But, how should I fix this thing?" Ivan turned the pendant over with a headache, staring at the cracked lines.

There is nothing wrong with using his current knowledge to heal these cracks, but the key is that the core inside-that is, the emotional power has long been dissipated, and even if it is repaired, it can no longer play the role of resisting death magic.

Although the "Modern Alchemy Appendix" mentioned emotional magic, it didn't give any guidance, so Ivan had no idea how to fix it.

Forget it, I'll just ask Nick LeMay directly...

Ivan thought so, and after sorting out the scattered notes on the table, after checking the time, he got up and walked towards the studio where Nick LeMay was.


Ivan knocked on the door lightly, and after a response sounded inside the door, he opened the door and walked in.

At this time, Nick LeMay is sitting at the front table, staring at a drawing on the table in a daze, his face looks a little tired, but his spirit is very excited.

Ivan is not surprised, because he was in the same state when he stayed up late to play games in his previous life. He was familiar with the feeling of being physically tired but still wanting to fight another game in spirit.

This also worries Ivan a little. Nick LeMay is so old and so exhausting, he doesn't know whether he can eat it or not.

Hearing the sound of Ivan pushing the door in, Nick LeMay seemed to be aware of it, slowly raised his head, and turned his gaze to Ivan...

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