Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 561

Chapter 561: Poor Sirius

While Ivan was thinking about it, Harry kept talking about the rest of the story.

Soon after the Dark Mark rose to the sky, Barty Crouch, the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Magic, and Bagman, the host of the Quidditch World Cup, rushed over with a crowd.

What makes Harry most angry is that these people mistakenly believed that the Dark Mark was released by themselves, because his wand was accidentally lost and happened to be nearby again.

Some Aurors who maintained order in the arena also arrested Sirius, trying to accuse Sirius of creating chaos with the masked black wizards.

"How can they wrong us so much? Sirius just wanted to catch a troublemaker and ask what was going on, but those Aurors didn't care about the black-robed wizard who ran away, and caught him first!" Li's body was trembling, looking very angry.

Ivan’s expression became a little weird, it seems that poor Sirius was almost caught in Azkaban again...

But this strange Sirius appeared too coincidentally.

As a heavily wanted criminal of the original Ministry of Magic, how long did Sirius clear his suspicion? Run to the World Cup stadium to watch the stadium like a okay person.

It happened that a large-scale riot broke out there, and it was suspected that the Death Eaters did it. The Aurors who came to see Sirius nearby, of course they would doubt him.

"What happened later? Sirius is okay?" Ivan asked curiously.

Harry shook his head. They explained for a long time. Those Aurors checked Sirius' wand carefully and confirmed that he had not set fire or cast any Muggle spells.

In addition, Ron’s father, Arthur Weasley, is willing to give Sirius a guarantee, and the Wizards of Barty Crowe let go of Sirius...

Hearing this, Ivan shook his head secretly.

Barty Crouch should know that the things marked by the Dark Demon are related to his child Crouch, but he still wants to put the matter on Harry and Sirius.

I have to say that this upright and hateful former executive director, in order to protect his children in order to comply with his beloved wife's last wish, has become what he once hated the most.

Ivan couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and continued to ask for more details.

Talking all the way, the train keeps going north, and the rain is getting heavier and harder. The sky was pitch black and the car windows were covered with moisture, so the magic lights were also lit during the day.

When I just started school, I ran into such bad weather and destroyed the good mood of many little wizards. Ivan looked out the window faintly, big raindrops fell from the sky, and lightning struck from time to time in the dark clouds, and there was a burst There was a violent roar.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione also stopped mentioning the bad past at this time, and instead wondered what Bill and Charlie were hiding mysteriously.

Several people guessed, but they all felt wrong, and Harry turned his head to look at Ivan, who had not been involved in the discussion.

"Ivan, what do you think?"

"Guess what this is for? Don't you know when you go to school? The joy of life lies in the unknown!" Ivan yawned and replied casually.

He had known for a long time that the Triwizard Tournament was going to be held this year, but he didn't have a suitable source to tell Harry and others, but he couldn't pretend to be ignorant and guess.

Harry and Ron looked at each other. Hermione looked at Ivan suspiciously. She felt that Ivan must know something and was deliberately hiding it from them.


The Hogwarts train made a long cry, interrupting everyone's thoughts. The speed of the train under him gradually slowed down, and the towering castle in the distance was faintly visible.josei

Obviously, they are coming soon!

"Let's go!" Ivan got up and packed his luggage and walked out of the carriage with Harry and the others. When it reached the exit, the train stopped just in time.

The rain outside was heavy, Ron got out of the car first, and covered the owl's cage with the hem of the wizard robe so that the rain would not drip on his new pet.

"This weather is terrible!" Ron said in a complaint.

Ivan stopped Hermione who was about to get out of the car, jumped out of the car first, drew out her wand and deformed a big umbrella, then looked at the little witch and said.

"Now you can come down!"

"Transfiguration, how did I forget this!" Hermione muttered to herself in annoyance, and did not reject Ivan's kindness, got out of the car and shrank into Ivan's umbrella.

After such a long interval just now, coupled with the actions of a gentleman like Ivan, her anger has disappeared a bit.

"Wait, what should I do?" Harry couldn't help but reminded him that Ivan and Hermione were about to leave together like this.

Ron, who was still in the rain, was even more bewildered. He had known that Ivan could change the umbrella, so he got down late.

Ivan turned his head, only to realize that he had forgotten Harry and Ron, and patted his forehead with his free right hand. He wanted to expand the umbrella a bit~www.mtlnovel.com~ so that Harry and Ron could be together. Come in.

But, before Ivan could do anything, Hermione glared at Harry and Ron and spoke. "Professor McGonagall has taught you transfiguration for three years, can't you become an umbrella yourself?"

After speaking, Hermione grabbed Ivan by the wrist and pulled him away with him.

Harry and Ron who stayed trembling in the cold wind and heavy rain.

"Did Hermione make a mistake? It's not that we forgot to send her the letter..." Ron was very dissatisfied and vomited.

"Forget it, let's do it ourselves!"

Harry shook his head, contributed a coat, and performed Transfiguration with Ron. After a while of tinkering, he finally turned into an irregular umbrella. The color was divided into several large pieces, which looked like branches. Supporting a rag.

But Harry and Ron didn't dislike it, as long as this thing can shelter them from the rain, they would be satisfied.

The two held their umbrellas with difficulty, and ran along the path of Hogwarts Station to the carriage parked on the side of the road. They finally caught up with Ivan and Hermione and rode back to school together.

The carriage passed through the gates with winged boar sculptures on both sides, and drove along the spacious lane.

Ivan stared at the front through a thin rain curtain. The quaint castle was getting closer and closer, and many illuminated windows could be seen faintly shining behind the thick rain curtain...

About ten minutes later, the carriage stopped under the stone steps in front of the two oak gates. Ivan and the others got out of the carriage one by one, and walked towards the entrance of the castle, vaguely heard the strange noise and noise coming from the front. ...

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