Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 565

Chapter 565: Top 3 Tournament

The panic and disgust of the little wizards were very obvious, but Aristo Moody, who was on the crutches, did not restrain his momentum at all. The magic eye looked around the audience unscrupulously, and unexpectedly saw a person who dared to look at him. Little wizard.

was stared straight at by a strange magic eye, Ivan didn't feel anything, but looked at each other with interest.

If he is not mistaken, the "Moody" in front of him should be a guy disguised by Barty Crouch Jr. with compound decoction.

Ivan had to sigh, Barty Crouch Jr. is really bold!

You know, Dumbledore is a master of mind-seeking, and he can read some of the other's thoughts just by looking at each other.

This means that Barty Crouch Jr.'s disguise will be exposed in minutes as long as the old professor is on a whim!

Of course, Ivan also knew that the old professor would not spy on other people's thoughts at will, unless it was about important layouts or major events related to Voldemort.

Not to mention that Moody is still an experienced legendary Auror, and he may be noticed by the opponent if he uses the intent of dementia, so it is unlikely that Dumbled can invade unless Moody's feet are unreasonable. The brain of this old friend.

Batti Crouch Jr. may have taken this point accurately, coupled with his trust in his acting skills, made such a risky plan!

When Ivan was looking at Moody, the other party had already closed his eyes back and walked all the way to the high platform.

Dumbledore stretched out his left hand and shook Moody's hand, talked a few words in a low voice, and then invited him to sit in an empty seat on his right.

Moody was not at all polite, and after sitting down, he pulled over the plates of delicacies that he had deliberately left him on the table.

He first sniffed it nervously, then took out a knife that he carried with him and prodded it a few times, and finally poked it in from one end of a sausage and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Dumbledore seemed to have been accustomed to Moody's neurotic appearance, and soon faced the crowd, happily telling them that this was the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher—Alastor Moody!

There were only sporadic applause from the audience. Everyone was stunned by Moody's appearance and behavior. Even though he was staring at him intently, few people agreed.

Maybe it was found that everyone was not in high spirits, Dumbledore said as soon as he turned his voice.

"Ah... let's continue the topic! This school year will no longer hold the Quidditch Cup, instead we will be honored to host another very exciting event!"

"This event has not been held for more than a century. I am very honored to tell you that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year!"

Dumbledore’s tone was not high, but it was like throwing a boulder into the lake, causing a huge wave in everyone’s hearts.

No one even paid attention to the new professor Moody, Fred Weasley stood up excitedly and said in surprise.

"Gosh! Are you kidding me? This is impossible!"

Some knowledgeable little wizards, both excited and a little unbelievable, Dumbledore once again confirmed this statement and explained the origin of the Triwizard Tournament.

To put it simply, this kind of competition was founded more than 700 years ago to promote exchanges among the three major magic schools in Europe!

used to be held every five years. The rule is that each magic school chooses a brave. The competition is dangerous and exciting. The final score is the most. The brave who succeeds will get a great honor for himself and his school!

But this kind of event was finally interrupted due to too many deaths. Finally this year, with the efforts of many parties, the Triwizard Tournament was resumed!

"Triwizard Tournament..." Ivan touched his chin and whispered in a low voice.

In his opinion, this is an opportunity to get legendary points, but he hasn't figured out whether to participate in it or not. He is not the same as Harry. There is no little Crouch to help. Even if he finds a way to put his name in, the Goblet of Fire may not choose him.

While Ivan was meditating, Dumbledore had already finished his description of the Triwizard Tournament.

The atmosphere in the entire auditorium became eager. Many little wizards were ready to move. Everyone wanted to be Dumbledore’s hero who represented the glory of the entire Academy!

"We are going to participate!" George and Fred looked very excited, especially when they heard Dumbledore say that the winner of the game could get a thousand gallons prize money, their eyes came out!

"I don't know how the Warriors will be selected, do you draw lots by luck?" Ron was also a little moved, whether it was glory or Jin Jialong, he was very tempted.

But Ron is still a little self-aware, if he is judged by his academic performance, he will definitely be useless!

Only by drawing lots is there such a possibility...

"Come on, Ron, such an important game will not use such a perfunctory method! Professor Dumbledore can not allow a bad warrior to represent Hogwarts, shame the school!" George hit without hesitation Shattered Ron's fantasy.

"Maybe it's a duel to come out to see who can play the best!" Fred proposed a slightly more reasonable conjecture, after all, Professor Gu Dumbledore said this kind of game seems dangerous.

"Then we have no chance?" George looked at Ivan sitting on the side in distress. He had seen Ivan cast spells before, and he really wanted to go against him. I'm afraid no one in the school is his opponent!

"Ivan, will you participate in the Triwizard Tournament?" Fred hurriedly asked.

"If I can be selected!" Ivan shrugged ~www.mtlnovel.com~ casually replied.

"Then we have no chance?" George and Fred said with a sigh. They both felt that if Ivan were going to run for the election, then they would probably be out of play.

What made them even more desperate was that Dumbledore quickly announced the selection conditions of the contestants!

"I know you are all eager to win the Triwizard Trophy for Hogwarts, but for safety reasons, participating schools and the Ministry of Magic agreed that an age limit should be set for this year's competitors!"

"We will only allow students over the age of seventeen to sign up!" Dumbledore's expression was serious.

"It's not fair!" George and Fred shouted in unison, Dumbledore's words undoubtedly cut off their last hope, because they were only a year away and only seventeen.

Dumbledore ignored the protests of George and Fred at all, and raised his tone. He said that this measure was set to protect the warriors, and the Ministry of Magic did not think that wizards under the age of seventeen could deal with it. Those dangerous games!

Ivan remained calm throughout. He knew the rules of the competition for a long time, and of course there would be no mood swings.

Dumbledore declared the end of the banquet after talking about the precautions, and ordered the prefects of the major colleges to return to the dormitory with freshmen and students of all grades.

Along the way, everyone was talking about the Triwizard Tournament, and Ivan also echoed a few words.josei

When he returned to the lounge, Ivan directly intercepted Hermione who was about to go back to the bedroom, pulled the little witch aside, hesitated and spoke in a low voice.

"Hermione, remember to come out by 10 o'clock in the evening!"

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