Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 577

Chapter 577: Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

However, Ron was not happy for long. When he turned his gaze to the morning class schedule, his excited face suddenly became very ugly, his expression was like eating a fly!

Because before Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they still need to spend a Snape potions class.

"I wish we could skip this potions lesson..." Ron grumbled.

Harry also agreed.

"If you are willing to spend more time doing some pre-class preparations, then Professor Snape will not be able to grasp you." Hermione retorted.

"Save it, even if we don't make a mistake, he will find other reasons!" Ron murmured and said, previewing is impossible, it is impossible in this life!

Snape lived up to Harry and Ron's expectations, and kept a shady face during class.

As long as the two of them make the slightest mistake in making the potion, Snape will suddenly appear behind them, and then skillfully deduct points, plus a ridiculous ridicule.

It wasn't until Neville accidentally burned the cauldron in Potions class that he diverted Snape's attention and prevented them.

But this also made Snape furious in class, severely punished Neville in confinement, and opened a large bucket of horned toads before lunch, otherwise he wouldn't want to eat lunch.

When receiving this order, Neville almost cried on the spot.

"God, did Snape take gunpowder today? I didn't see him like that when Neville broke the cauldron..." After coming out of the potions class, even Hermione felt like Snape. It was too much this time.

"I think he should be in a bad mood recently!" Ivan shrugged, guessing.

The dream that Harry explained to Dumbledore the other day, the old professor would probably relay it to Snape.

Knowing that the Dark Lord had recovered a certain amount of strength and was planning some conspiracy, it would be a **** of Snape to be happy.

In addition, as Voldemort's power is gradually recovering, the black mark engraved on the Death Eaters will become extremely hot from time to time. This sign is enough to make every Death Eater feel uneasy after having avoided the Ministry of Magic's trial.

Thinking of this, Ivan frowned again, because he suddenly remembered that Dougt also had the Dark Mark on his body.

Although according to the previous information, Dougt has no loyalty to Voldemort, if this thing is not solved, it will eventually be a trouble!

This made Ivan realize that the tasks released by the system still need to be completed, such as the task of rectifying Knockdown Alley. The reward is knowledge about the magic mark, and maybe he can find a way to crack the Dark Mark from it.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were also speculating about the reason why Snape was so irritable, and finally agreed that it was related to Moody's robbing of Snape's defense against the Dark Arts professor position this school year.

After all, they all knew that Snape had coveted this position for years, but Dumbledore stopped him and never let him succeed.

Ron even thought that the curse of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor had something to do with Snape, maybe he was secretly casting a curse to make those professors unlucky, so as to drive them away.

"He must think he can't deal with Professor Moody this time, he will be so angry when he is gone!" Ron said swearingly, almost convinced Harry and Hermione.

Ivan was feeling the heavy burden on Snape's shoulders. In addition to being a double-sided undercover agent, he was also responsible for carrying various pots...

After lunch, Ivan and others hurriedly took textbooks and rushed to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom in order to grab a front row position.

There are obviously many people who think the same way as them. When they entered, the classroom was already half of the people. Yifan and the others had to find a relatively forward position to sit down.

After a while, a sound of "puff" wooden feet came in from outside the door, and then Moody's figure appeared at the door of the classroom.

He almost arrived at the time of class!

"Just put away the textbooks, these things are not usable in my class!" Moody slid his cane and walked to the middle of the podium, ignoring the "Black Magic: Guide to Self-Defense" that Harry had placed at the table. ", said gruffly.

Upon hearing this, the little wizards put away their textbooks one after another, and then looked forward to staring at Moody.

Judging from their experience with the Defence Against the Dark Arts class professors over the years, the professors who can only follow the textbooks are often not good enough. Like Moody's, those who let them lay down their textbooks are ready to teach some real skills!

Moody's routinely took out the roster, and started to roll the names one by one. The normal right eye moved down the list, while the weird blue magic eye turned restlessly to stare at each student who responded, turning their The appearance is in mind.

"Very good, it seems that no naughty ghost dared to be late for my first class."

When the last little wizard finished answering, Moody said with satisfaction, and then threw the roll on the table, and stepped a few steps closer with his wooden legs, and Seamus, who was sitting in the first row, could even see clearly. The fine lines of grim scars on Moody's face.

"Before coming to Hogwarts, I received a letter from Lupin. He introduced me to the basic situation of this course~www.mtlnovel.com~ and told me that he taught you how to deal with it last year. Those nasty dark magic creatures.

I believe that you have mastered a lot of basic knowledge. Lupin told me in the letter that you have a good grasp, and they can face Bogut, Red Hat and Shinkpunk alone...

So we won’t teach this in this year’s class. This school year we need to focus on the protection of spells! "

Moody’s speaking speed is very fast, and his slightly hoarse voice is not very pleasant, but the little wizard listening in the audience does not care about this, because what Moody said made them very interested.

Especially when Moody talked about Lupin’s praise of them in the letter, the little wizards all showed a proud look. In the Defence Against the Dark Arts class last school year, they successfully defeated many monsters.

Several little witches also curiously asked about Professor Lu Ping's current situation.

Moody didn't mean to answer, but suddenly asked after a turn of his voice. "How much do you know about black magic?"

After Moody’s voice fell, only Hermione raised her hand high, but Moody’s magic eyes keenly noticed that Hermione kept looking at the other side with her lips, and the others were also not interested in answering the question. Lacking appearance.

When he was feeling strange, Ivan's voice came over.josei

"I know a little bit, professor! The Ministry of Magic divides offensive spells into three types, Curse, Hex, and Jinx, according to different types and strengths. The evil black magic we know belongs to Curse, such as the three unforgivable spells.

And Hex and Jinx are mostly restrictive and restrictive spells, and some less dangerous evil spells are also included..."

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