Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 579

Chapter 579: Use Arvada... Weasley for me!

Suddenly Moody's pointed at Harry, and Harry looked dumbfounded, but Ron looked a little eager to try.

"Are you true? Professor? Even if we use the Killing Curse on you, you will only have some nosebleeds?" Ron looked at Moody curiously, and doubted what Moody had just said.

Other little wizards also watched. Moody's temporary change just now was too funny, and several students even laughed on the spot.

"Yes, I'm not wrong, Mr. Weasley!" Moody ignored the smirking students, strode to Ron's face staring at the wooden legs, leaned over his body, and leaned against his face. The scars look very hideous.

"It seems you don't believe it, do you?" Moody stared at Ron, opened his mouth, and asked.

Being stared at by that weird blue magic eye, Ron shrunk his neck, a little at a loss, let alone how to answer. He was just playing clever and amused.

"Just now, Weasley... take out his wand... cast a spell on me!" Moody shouted suddenly.

Ron was taken aback. He almost bounced off his seat when he heard this. The other little wizards were also very scared. Neville, who was very close, shook a few times.

The faint laughter stopped, and the classroom was quiet and scary.

Ivan also looked at Moody in amazement, he didn't expect this old Auror to come true.

Although Ron's magic power is very weak and his casting level is amazing, it is after all the most dangerous killing curse among the three unforgivable curses.

If Ron really succeeded in casting the spell, it would not be a joke!

"Didn't you hear me? Hurry up! Right away!" Moody's calloused left hand slapped heavily on the table and roared at Ron.

"Teach...Professor, forget it...I don't know the spell." Ron looked at Moody in horror and stammered.

"Don't worry... there is nothing difficult about this magic, I can show you it now!" Moody pulled out a smile, and he waved his wand with his backhand behind him, and a glass bottle flew from the drawer of the podium with a swish. Came out and fell into his hands.

Ivan clearly saw three black spiders with half the size of a palm in the glass bottle, crawling restlessly.

"Come on, Mr. Weasley! I'll teach you how to do it!" Moody unscrewed the lid of the glass bottle and slapped it on the table, yelling hoarsely, a hideous scar formed when he spoke. Dao folds, making him look a little nervous.

Ron once thought if Moody was crazy, he moved the chair hard to lean against Harry next to him, so as to stay as far away as possible.

Harry also had an undecided look on his face.

Moody picked up the glass bottle, and the three black spiders got out of the cage immediately, but they did not escape. Instead, they were trapped by Moody’s magic and could only move around in a small circle.

"Ha, look at these little guys, they are alive and kicking, but they won't be like this later..." Moody said gloomily, then looked at Ron and said.

"Remember, this black magic spell is not difficult to remember, we just need to do this... all optimistic!"

Everyone's eyes focused on the three spiders, both excited and a little scared. Most of the little wizards present witnessed the release of the Killing Curse for the first time.

"Avada Kedavra!" Moody drew out his wand and yelled at one of the black spiders.

The next moment, a dazzling green light flew out from the tip of the wand, Ron, who was closest to him, felt his heart caught, and a chill came from the soles of his feet.

The green light beam hit the black spider in the middle without any hindrance.

There are no scars, the black spider just shook abruptly, its body collapsed, and it became frozen...

Everything seems to be peaceful, but Ivan understands the horror contained in this calm, that is, death magic has never been simple.

Is    an attack on the soul?

Ivan thought so, and then felt that something was wrong. He should have deprived the cursed person of his vitality in an instant.josei

Otherwise, Harry could not see Dumbledore in the soul world in the original time and space, Voldemort was hit by the rebounding Avadaso, and the main soul did not completely die, but the soul lost the body as a carrier.

This certainly has the effect of a Horcrux, but it is enough to prove that the Killing Curse cannot destroy a person's soul.

Ivan was the only one who viewed the Killing Curse with a research mentality. The other students in the classroom watched this scene in a daze, and several girls covered their mouths in shock, resisting the screams they wanted to make.

"Is it... dead?" Ron swallowed, his voice trembling.

"Of course!" Moody used his magic wand to pick up the soft black spider and put it in front of Ron, grinning. "What? Do you want to confirm it?"

Ron shook his head frantically, he was afraid of spiders, let alone a spider that had just been killed by a killing curse!

"As you can see, this is the Killing Curse!" Moody raised the Death Spider ~www.mtlnovel.com~ so that everyone can see clearly.

"Not everyone can do this!" Moody continued. "The one who can truly exert its power is either a magical wizard or a complete villain!"

"Of course, most of the time, the people who cast this spell are a combination of the two-those black wizards with high magic power! This is their best magic!"

"If you meet these people, you can only pray that you will not be hit...otherwise death will be your fate!" Moody said gruffly, and finally looked at Ron again.

"Mr. Weasley...it's you!"

"No, I dare not...Professor!" Ron trembled in fear, he felt that he couldn't even hold his wand now. !

Moody was not trying to force him this time, he glanced at the students who were stunned by him, and nodded in satisfaction.

He saved his majesty in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Moody looked at Ivan blindly, feeling a little helpless, who would have thought that such a monster would have appeared in the fourth grade.

Judging from the information he collected, Moody had no doubt that if Ivan pronounced the killing curse on him, he would definitely die on the spot, just like that spider.

At the same time, he also noticed that Ivan seemed to be very familiar with the Killing Curse. Not only did he speak comprehensively in answering the question, he didn't have the slightest fluctuation on his face when he saw his curse just now.

These abnormalities were all noticed by Moody, but he did not show it, and continued to attend the class with his face unchanged, using the remaining two black spiders to demonstrate the Imperius Curse and the Heart Drilling Curse to everyone!

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