Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 583

Chapter 583: Busbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

When Ivan and others arrived, the hall was already full of people, and the prefects and Filch of the various colleges were working hard to maintain order.josei

"Don't be crowded, line up!" Professor McGonagall shouted loudly, then turned his eyes to Ron and Parvati, and reprimanded harshly.

"Weasley, get me your hat upright! And Miss Pettil, you have to remove that ridiculous thing from your hair."

Ron hurriedly fiddled with his hat, Parvati frowned unhappily, but still took a large butterfly headdress from the braid.

Professor McGonagall then corrected a few disheveled senior students, then looked at the crowd and spoke.

"Okay, everyone follow me! The first-year classmates walk in the front..."

Under the leadership of McGonagall, everyone quickly lined up and stood on the large lawn in front of the castle.

It was the end of October, and it was the evening, and the weather gradually became colder. From time to time, a cold wind blew by slowly, and several thinly-dressed little wizards shivered.

But a little bit of cold wind didn't affect everyone's enthusiasm at all. Everyone looked eagerly toward the distant lane or discussed in a low voice.

Even if the prefect repeatedly scolded them, they couldn't calm them down.

"It's almost six o'clock? How do you think they will come? Do you take the train like us? Or use a flying broom?" Ron glanced at his watch and asked expectantly.

"It may also be the door key or the Apparition, after all, it is so far!" Harry guessed. He remembered that in the Quidditch World Cup before, spectators from various countries used the door key to arrive.

Apparition can also have the same effect, if the students of Boothbatten and Durmstrang can perform this magic smoothly.

"It can't be Apparition! I saw in a school history at Hogwarts that anti-apparition magic was applied near the castle!"

Hermione retorted, and then she didn't know what she thought of, and continued with dissatisfaction. "Only the magic of house elves will not be restricted. They can walk freely in the castle, so as to provide services to the wizards who live here!"

Seeing that Hermione was about to mention slave labor again, Harry and Ron quickly turned their faces away and pretended not to hear them.

Ivan also hurriedly changed the subject, pointing to the distance. "Don't quarrel, look over there, it should be Busbarton's people here!"

Hermione was stunned. When even looking in the direction Ivan was pointing, they faintly saw a black spot appearing on the horizon.

"What's that? A group of eagle-headed horses with wings?" Harry squinted hard to see clearly, but the distance was so far, he couldn't see clearly, he could only guess.

The little wizards around this meeting also noticed the abnormality in the sky, and they raised their heads and looked at it.

The black spots on the horizon are getting bigger and bigger. Gradually, everyone clearly sees a behemoth passing through the clouds, flying over the forbidden forest and rushing towards this side!

"Gosh, what did I see? A castle is flying in the sky!" a first-year freshman screamed in astonishment.

"Idiot, it is obviously a carriage, a flying carriage!" Ron retorted excitedly.

Just under everyone's gaze, the behemoth has flown above them.

It was a pink-blue carriage the size of a house, with many ornate decorations hanging on it. There was also a badge printed on the door, which looked like two golden crossed wands.

Twelve winged silver bristles pulled it into the air.

These horses look very majestic, their pupils are blood red, and they are pulling the carriage down quickly.

A large shadow enveloped the students below. The little wizards standing in the front row hurriedly backed up a few steps to avoid being hit, but before they could stand still, the ground shook abruptly-a huge carriage Landed less than a meter in front of them.

Then, the door of the car was opened, and a boy in a light blue robe jumped out of the carriage, fumbled and opened a golden spiral staircase, and then a middle-aged witch with luxurious makeup walked out of the car. come out.

When    saw her, the students present couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, even Ivan was no exception!

Because this witch is too tall!

Compared with the old professor standing at the front, Ivan thinks she is as tall as two Dumbledores!

Among all the people Ivan had met, only Hagrid could compete with this witch in terms of height.

Hybrid giant?

Ivan thought of the words of Hagrid in the original time and space. Although the headmistress of Boothbatten, Ms. Maxim, firmly denied this, it seems that it should be.

Normal people are unlikely to grow so tall.

You must know that the tallest person in the Muggle world is not more than three meters tall, but Hagrid and Maxim are more than four meters tall!

As a wizard who also acquired the blood of a magical creature, Ivan is somewhat interested in Maxim.

He knew too little about the bloodline. It was entirely dependent on the "Origin of Bloodline" and many notes left by Slytherin to gain some understanding.

So Ivan thinks maybe I can find a breakthrough here in Maxim~www.mtlnovel.com~ But judging from the other's tall body, Maxim's experience should be similar to Hagrid's situation, probably parents and giants. It took some close relationships to create such a hybrid giant.

In the description of "The Origin of Bloodline", it is regarded as the lowest method to obtain bloodline!

Most of the aliens produced in this way are caused by accidents. After all, few wizards will relish the taste to this point.

He, Tom Riddle, and a certain ancestor of the Dumbledore family used more high-end techniques, using potions, contracts and other means to seize the power of magical creatures and turn them into use.

Just when Ivan was distracted, Dumbledore greeted him with a smile, and chatted with Ms. Maxim.

In the huge carriage behind them, more than a dozen students walked down. They were all about 18 or 9 years old. Most of them were girls, all of them gorgeous and wearing gorgeous silk robes.

Ivan stared at them, trying to find the legendary mixed-blood Veel.

It's just that a few girls from Busbarton wrapped their heads in scarves and turbans. Ivan didn't know who Fleur was, but saw her sister Gabriel.

Because this little girl is young and short, so obvious in the crowd...

"Are you looking for something? Ivan?" Hermione suddenly interrupted Ivan's thoughts, her lips pouted, her face not looking pretty.

"Look at the excitement, this is the first time I have seen students from other wizarding schools!" Ivan smiled, turned his head back, and replied freely.

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