Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 588

Chapter 588: Selection of Warriors and Age Limit

The flames suddenly rising from the mouth of the cup shocked the little wizards in the front row.

Dumbledore continued to speak, and continued to speak. "Practitioners who want to run for the Warriors, please write your name and school name on a piece of parchment after the banquet, and throw them into the goblet of fire.

I will give you twenty-four hours to think about it and decide whether to run for the election. At this time tomorrow, the Goblet of Fire will select three from all the candidates, which it thinks best represents the three major schools. Warrior! "

"As for tonight, I will leave this cup in the hall so that you can touch it..."

Dumbledore talked freely, talking about various precautions for selecting the Warriors, and then specifically mentioned that this year's Warriors candidates have age restrictions, and students under the age of 17 are not allowed to participate.

After speaking, Dumbledore looked at the audience again and asked. "That's probably all I have to say, any of you have any questions? If not, then the banquet tonight is over..."

At this moment, a voice rang.

"Professor, how exactly does the Goblet of Fire select the warriors, and what are the specific criteria? How to ensure that it will select the best students?"

Dumbledore turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and found that the questioner was Ivan.

However, the other little wizards were also very interested in this question. Although no one asked directly like Ivan as boldly as Ivan, they all fixed their eyes on Dumbledore, waiting for his answer.

"This is a very complicated process involving many aspects." Dumbledore explained in a vague tone, "What I can tell you is that in the past, the places in the Triwizard Tournament were also determined by the Goblet of Fire. Facts have proved that the warriors selected each time are enough to convince the crowd, I think...this should prove its reliability!"

However, this did not convince Ivan, he continued to ask. "If it is true as you said, the Goblet of Fire will automatically select the most outstanding students, then why do you limit the age of the contestants?"

"If a lower grade student is selected, doesn't it prove that this student is better than those higher grade students and is more suitable to be a warrior?"

Ivan has always been surprised at this. Wizards over the age of seventeen are basically graduates, and their strength is strong, but who can guarantee that the little wizards in the fifth and sixth grades will have any genius.

For example, Snape created the powerful spell of Shenfeng Wuying in the fifth grade, and Tom Riddle, who was the same age, had a spellcasting level comparable to that of the elite Auror.

From the perspective of protecting the contestants, the so-called age limit is totally unnecessary...

The question Ivan throws is like throwing a boulder on the surface of a calm lake. For a while, the auditorium becomes lively, and many little wizards who are dissatisfied with this rule are talking in private, and their voices are getting louder and louder.josei

George and Fred even yelled that they were no worse than senior graduates, demanding that the age limit be removed and a fair and just selection would come!

"Quiet!" Dumbledore raised his hand and blessed himself with a loud voice curse. The next moment, a thunderous voice overwhelmed everyone's noise.

When the auditorium slowly recovered calm, Dumbledore explained.

"Regarding the age limit, I can answer you now. That's because the Ministry of Magic and our referees agree that adult wizards over the age of seventeen will be more capable to complete the three high-intensity challenges!

Especially they are sober enough to be responsible for every decision they make! "

While speaking, Dumbledore deliberately emphasized words such as "adult" and "responsible".

Ivan suddenly understood that both the Ministry of Magic and the school wanted to shirk responsibility as much as possible.

After all, seventeen years old in the magic world means that the wizard has grown up and has the right to make decisions on his own. In addition, he is willing to participate in the competition. Even if he accidentally died on the field, he said that the past will not cause too bad influence. .

It would be different if it were replaced by a minor wizard. Once an error occurs, the officials who prompted the reopening of the Triwizard Tournament are likely to be held accountable.

Angry people don't care whether the other party is willing or not, in their opinion, underage wizards have no ability to measure danger at all.

Although I understand this, Ivan still bit his scalp and asked the last question in order to successfully participate in the competition to obtain legendary points: "Professor Dumbledore, if an underage wizard puts his name into the cup, will the Goblet of Fire recognize it? "

Dumbledore's expression became very serious: "This is what I just want to remind you that the Triwizard Tournament is not a trifle. Don't take part in it rashly."

"Once the name you put into the Goblet of Fire is selected and you become the warrior representing this school, then there will be a contract between the Goblet of Fire and you that must be abided by. All warriors must stick to the end and complete the game. There is an option to regret!"

Dumbledore did not answer Ivan’s question head-on, but the little wizards in the audience understood it. This meant that the Goblet of Fire did not tell whether the contestants were adults or not. The students in the lower grades would also have the same if they put their names in them. Possibility to participate!

"This is awesome!" George and Fred embraced excitedly, as if they saw the 1,000 gallon bonus beckoning to them.

The other little wizards who are interested in participating but who suffer from insufficient age also cheered, as if they have been successfully elected to the warriors~www.mtlnovel.com~Kakaroff and Maxim in the VIP seats are I frowned, this is different from what I said before!

They couldn't help wondering if Dumbledore had temporarily changed his mind so that the talented wizard at Hogwarts could play.

Just as the two were about to refute, Dumbledore suddenly raised his left hand and waved his wand. A string of golden flames burned around the table.

Everyone didn't understand what Dumbledore was doing. When the flames dissipated, they found an extra circle of thin gold lines on the ground with a radius of about ten feet, enclosing the goblet of fire.

Dumbledore pointed to the line in the surprised eyes of everyone, and stayed for a long time on George, Fred and others, before finally looking at Ivan, and said emphatically.

"In order to prevent underage students from not being able to withstand the temptation, I arranged an age line around the Goblet of Fire. Anyone under the age of seventeen cannot cross it!

So I implore some of you to give up all the thoughts in your mind, there is no need to waste your energy! "

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