Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 591

Chapter 591: Surprised Dumbledore

"You want to participate?" The young wizard looked at Ivan curiously, and then suddenly realized something, and said in surprise. "Hals, have you found a way to break the age limit?"

"No, I didn't crack it... But it doesn't prevent me from participating in the competition, does it?" Ivan shook his head and said with a smile.

The young wizard was completely confused. He didn't quite understand what Ivan meant. If he wanted to participate, he had to cross the age line and cast his name in...

Wait for the age line...

Only then did the young wizard remember that Ivan's previous request was to let himself... take out the goblet of flame!

"This...this is okay?" The young wizard couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Try it, don't you know?" Ivan pointed to the goblet of fire on the table and said.

Although it's just a guess, he is confident that he can do it.

At the evening banquet, Ivan did not see Dumbledore performing any magic other than the age line.

"Then I will give it a try!" The young wizard nodded, and ran to the side of the goblet quickly, stretched out his hand with a hint of anxiety, and then picked up the goblet very smoothly.

"It's too easy!" The young wizard held this huge goblet and crossed the age line set by Dumbledore, his excited voice trembling. "I can't believe that we have cracked Professor Dumbledore's magic."

"It's just a trick! I can't do it hard, I can only use my brain!" Ivan smiled, which is simply a misunderstanding of thinking.

Because of the words the old professor said at the banquet, most people would focus on how to cross the age line, but they would not think that the goblet of fire could actually be taken out!

While talking, Ivan unfolded the parchment in his hand and put it into the goblet of flame. This time the blue and white flame did not throw the paper out, but directly swallowed it in.

"You are so smart, Hals!" the young wizard said admiringly as he watched Ivan successfully compete.

He did not despise this method because of its simplicity. If it hadn’t been reminded by Ivan, he felt that he would never have thought of it.

As for whether Ivan will become his competitor after running for the election, the young wizard doesn't care. He knows that he has little hope of becoming a warrior, otherwise he would not sneak over in the middle of the night.

Just worrying about being seen by others, and laughing at him for being indifferent.

After successfully putting his name into the Goblet of Fire, Ivan did not forget to remind the young wizard to keep it secret. If this method is spread, a large number of young wizards will follow suit one after another, causing chaos in the auditorium.

In that case, Professor Dumbledore will surely trouble them!

[Ding, a new mission has been generated! 】

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, the system prompt sounded through his mind.

Ivan hurriedly opened the task list and looked at it, as he thought, this time it was about the Goblet of Fire!

[Task: Defeat Goblet of Fire

Mission: Participate in the Triwizard Tournament and win the championship!

Task reward: legendary value*3

Mission description: This is a major event jointly organized by the three major magic schools in Europe. The selected warriors will go through many tests until they win the final victory!

Task Remarks: You are keenly aware that this is an excellent opportunity to become famous throughout Europe...]

Seeing the new mission, Ivan couldn't help but feel a little moved.

How long?

Finally there is a task that looks normal!

Not to mention that this time the reward is still very rich, with three legendary points!

As long as it is completed, plus the legendary points left over from last school year, he can immediately perform the fourth blood fusion.


The next day, Saturday morning, Ivan took a good sleep and woke up from bed until ten o'clock. After a brief wash, he walked slowly towards the auditorium.

Before stepping into the hall, Ivan heard a loud noise coming from inside, and then two familiar figures flew from the front and fell heavily on the floor in front of him.

The dull sound of landing made it hurt even when I heard it.

"George, Fred... Good morning, the way you say hello today is really special!" Ivan looked at the Weasley brothers who were lying on the ground and moaning in pain. He immediately understood what was going on and laughed. Jokingly said.

"Hi, Ivan, good morning!" George got up from the ground with difficulty, touched his still aching shoulder, and grinned in response.

Fred on the other side was also ready to speak, but before he could speak, a burst of green smoke appeared from his chin, and a large thick white beard suddenly grew.

"My God, Fred, you have a beard!" George witnessed this magical scene with his own eyes, and curiously stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and then discovered that this should be a real beard, not a blindfold.

"Hey~ can't you be lighter? You are the same?" Fred patted George's hand angrily, and saw that George had grown a beard just like himself, so he immediately reached out and grabbed it, wanting to get back.

The two quickly became a group.

"I should have reminded you, gentlemen Weasley!"

At this moment, a deep, amused voice came from behind them.

Ivan turned his head and looked over, Dumbled was walking out of the auditorium.

George and Fred, who were arguing, stopped quickly, appearing a little guilty.

Dumbledore didn't mean to punish them, he looked at the new look of the two with interest, his eyes gleaming.

"I suggest you both go to Ms. Pomfrey. She is already taking care of Miss Fawcett in Ravenclaw and Mr. Summers in Hufflepuff. They are as determined as you My own age has increased a little bit."

"But I must say that their beards are far less beautiful than yours!" Dumbledore said jokingly ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then looked at Ivan again.

At the banquet in the auditorium last night, he saw that Ivan intends to become a warrior of Hogwarts and participate in this year's Triple Finals.

For this, Dumbledore did not object.

As a principal, he naturally hopes that the warrior representing Hogwarts can beat the other two magic schools in the game and win honor for Hogwarts.

Therefore, when laying out the age line, he deliberately left a flaw that was difficult to find. He planned to wait for Ivan to think and meditate to no avail, and when he asked McGonagall for help, he would relay it to the other party through McGonagall and let Ivan crack it in public .

This not only convinced the crowd, made the little wizards who are not enough age speechless, but also blocked the mouths of Maxim and Karkaroff.

But now that the plan hasn't been implemented, Dumbledore is surprised to find that Ivan's face is not half of the confusion and distress he had imagined, but rather a relaxed and confident look.

(ps: Generally, two shifts are sent before eight o'clock, and one shift is sent after ten o'clock.)josei

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