Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 598

Chapter 598: I wish you weren't so good

Harry glanced at Ron hesitantly, saw him buried himself in the quilt like a dead body, and knew that he could not be persuaded, so he ignored him.

Due to the cold war in the triple room, the dormitory no longer had the cheerful atmosphere at night, so that when Neville came back, he almost thought whether he had entered the wrong dormitory and hesitated at the door for a long time before daring to come in.

Ivan had been busy all day, and lay on the bed early after washing, but he kept tossing about and couldn't sleep.

Harry became a warrior to prove that Voldemort was still secretly working on his resurrection plan, but he had no clue now, and he couldn't even tell who was suspected.

This passive feeling made Ivan very uncomfortable. He tilted his head and looked at the squirrel cage placed on the table. Several white mice were lying in the cage.

Ivan believes that this knot can only be solved by grasping the mind of sanctuary as soon as possible!

It's a pity that the mouse's thinking is too simple after all. Since his invigorating mind has been upgraded to level three, the growth of his experience has come to a near stagnation.

He needs a new experimental subject...

Thinking of this, Ivan turned his head and glanced at Harry's bed, but soon dispelled the idea of ​​Harry helping him.

After all, this goal was too big. Dumbledore, Moody, and Voldemort's potential subordinates all stared at Harry all the time, and if he was accidentally talked about by someone, then the things that he would be seduced by would be exposed.

The most taboo of this kind of memory-reading magic is to be deliberately guarded against, especially if his spellcasting level is not high. If the opponent practices Occlumency, he may get completely wrong information.

Relatively speaking, Hermione would be a better choice than Harry.

The little witch is clever enough and knows how to keep secrets, but I don’t know if she wants to...

Ivan kept thinking in his mind, not knowing how long it took before he fell asleep.


On Sunday’s breakfast, Ivan woke up from the bed with a yawn and fed the mice in the cage that had lost their usefulness to Maca, as today’s breakfast.

After a while, Harry also woke up. The first thing he did after getting out of bed was to look at Ron's bed. After finding that there was no one on it, he looked at Ivan curiously and asked.

"Where is Ron?"

"I don't know, I probably wanted to avoid us, so I went out? Why, are you still going to explain to him?" Ivan put the empty mouse cage away and replied casually.

Harry hesitated and nodded. He thought about it for half the night last night. With a very good reason, he was ready to go to the line with Ron again. He felt that this time he would be able to convince Ron to believe him.

"Go if you want! But it's better not to have any hope!" Ivan shrugged, thinking that no matter how Harry explained Ron, he wouldn't listen.

Only when the tri-wizard battle for hegemony begins and Ron realizes the danger of the game can this matter make sense.

In the original time and space, Harry was able to barely win the championship with someone helping him to cheat. It was a question of whether he could pass the fire dragon for Ron. He did not have Harry's super flying talent.

The two chatted like this, while walking towards the auditorium.

Along the way, people greeted them from time to time, especially the little wizards in Gryffindor, who seemed to regard them as heroes.

"Come on, Hals, Potter! Let the people of Boothbatten and Durmstrang take a good look, we are the best school at Hogwarts!" A senior Gryffindor rushed to them Shouted.

"Of course, rest assured! You will see me win the championship!" Ivan responded with a smile.

Harry on the side seemed a little restrained. Whenever someone cheered him, Harry always seemed very flustered and didn't know how to respond.

He was worried that he was not capable enough to meet the expectations of these people.

After arriving in the auditorium, Harry realized that the situation was worse than he thought. Compared with the Gryffindor students who welcomed them unusually, the little wizards of the other three academies gave them mixed praises and criticisms.

Ivan is okay. Although there is a suspicion of trickery in the registration method, after all, he cracked the age line with wisdom, and expounded the specific method openly. Even if someone is dissatisfied, he will not say anything.

Harry was different, he heard someone talking about himself as soon as he reached the threshold.

When passing by the Slytherin long table, he even heard a student guess that he forcibly asked Ivan to cheat for him and became a warrior.

These sounds made Harry feel very uncomfortable.

"Be confident, Harry! Now that you have been selected by the Goblet of Fire, then you are the Warriors of Hogwarts! Just ignore those oppositional voices. As long as you perform well during the game, they will recognize you!" Ivan said comfortingly.

"Hope..." Harry said dullly.

At the same time, Hermione at the long Gryffindor table also saw the two people coming in from the door, and hurriedly waved to them, and then made some space for them.

"Ivan, Harry, how did you sleep last night?" Hermione asked very tactfully, because she saw Ron this morning and he was obviously not in a good mood.

"It's terrible. Ron didn't know what was going on. He had to suspect that I had secretly signed up from him!" Harry became a little angry when he thought of it, and then he looked around, but he couldn't find where Ron was. .

"He just got out of the side door and might want to hide from you..." Hermione knew what Harry wanted to ask, and said.

Harry was a little confused, why did Ron hide wherever he went?

"Don't you understand, Harry? Ron doesn't want to hear you explain, he is just jealous...so he doesn't want to see us." Ivan slowly stuffed a piece of butter cake into his mouth, his tone vague. Said.

"Jealous? Why? Just because we became warriors?" Harry still didn't understand.josei

"It's not just that~www.mtlnovel.com~ Harry! Ron has always been jealous of you, not just because of this!" Hermione sighed, then explained to Harry.

"You can think about it. If you have two very famous friends and everyone likes them very much, you will be ignored every time. No one wants to take care of them. Even if your parents are, what will you think in the long run? "

"I will be very happy, very happy! So that no one will stare at my forehead stupidly everywhere!" Harry said excitedly. "If my childhood was spent in the Burrow, with my parents, then I would die of happiness!"

"And you, Hermione, don't you also have two famous friends? You are different from Ron!" Harry turned to look at Hermione again and added.

"No, you are wrong, and sometimes I will be jealous of you... I hope you won't be so good..." Hermione quietly glanced at Ivan and said.

Harry's eyes widened and looked a little surprised, even Ivan couldn't believe it.

"But usually only a little bit of jealousy! It's gone after a while!" Hermione blinked and laughed.

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