Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 600

Chapter 600: A duel that ended in a flash!

"Excuse me, please spread out!" Cedric turned his head and said to the little wizard gathered nearby.josei

Everyone retreated very wisely, and no one wanted to be affected by the battle between the two.

But none of them left, and they were all curious about who could win this duel.

"Hermione, you will be the referee!" Ivan said.

The little witch looked a little worried. The professors would deduct points for a duel in the auditorium, but at Ivan’s request, Hermione walked to the side and started to command the two to bow according to the duel process, and then read it out loud. Countdown.


Hermione waved her right arm.

Cedric on the field immediately took a few steps back at the fastest speed, and at the same time tapped his chest with his magic wand, and said.

"Protegos~ (Armor Bodyguard

An invisible magic shield surrounded his body, protecting Cedric.

This is the iron armor curse that he mastered after hard practice last year. It allows people to take advantage of the duel in a duel!

It was just different from what Cedric had imagined. Ivan didn't launch an attack immediately. He just stood still and looked at him, holding the wand lightly in his right hand without any movement.


This was the first reaction that came out of Cedric's mind, but he quickly forsook this thought. He had heard a lot of rumors about Ivan in school, and the other party would never be so embarrassed!

In addition to this, it is only possible to despise it!

Maybe the opponent didn't put himself in the eyes at all, so he seemed so sloppy in the battle...

Thinking of this, Cedric couldn't help being a little angry, for the first time he was looked down upon like this!

"Expelliarmus~ (except your weapon Cedric quickly drew out his wand, pointed it at Ivan, and shouted loudly. The crimson light beam flew out from the top of the wand.

The distance between the two sides was less than four meters, and the light beam almost jumped!

At this time, Ivan slowly pointed the wand at him, and he did not see him chanting the spell. The red light beam bounced back at a faster speed. Cedric's body had already made an evasive action, but he could not dodge it.

Fortunately, the Iron Armor Curse that was released earlier worked at this time and resisted this attack.

But Cedric didn't relax at all, his heart directly mentioned his throat, because the second spell beam was already in front of his eyes, directly breaking open the weakened magic shield, and hitting him firmly.

Doesn't he need to chant a spell?

At the critical moment, Cedric's face suddenly changed, and he was very puzzled. He didn't hear Ivan's curse from the beginning to the end, only vaguely saw Ivan wave his wand twice.

The thoughts in his mind flashed by, and the next moment Cedric felt his body fly out, embarrassedly bumped into the long table of Hufflepuff College in the rear, and swept the empty plates and candlesticks on the table. Ground.

At the same time, the magic wand in Cedric's hand also slipped out, swirling in the air, and finally fell into Ivan's hands.

The students onlookers were shocked and watched this scene in disbelief.

They might have thought that Cedric would eventually be defeated by losing to Ivan, but they didn't expect the battle to end so quickly, and Cedric was knocked out immediately after the official engagement!

In the crowd, Krum and Fleur also looked at Cedric who fell on the long table in amazement. Compared with most unseen little wizards, they saw too much from this short battle.

In particular, Ivan's silent and instant magic twice made them feel extremely shocked.

Silently cast spells? !

Furong thought so, she could do it by chanting the spell silently in her heart and releasing the magic, but she usually needs to maintain a very focused state, and the preparation time is longer than the spelling!

However, it was obviously not the case when Ivan cast the spell just now. It was very easy and freehand, and after releasing the protective spell, he silently cast the disarming spell again for a while, which was not in line with the characteristics of silent casting that required preparation in advance.

Unless, the opponent uses a more high-end non-spell casting technique!

But how is this possible?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Furong would never believe that this is what a fourth-grade little wizard can do...

"Cedric, are you okay?" Hufflepuff's little wizards stepped forward anxiously to help Cedric up after a brief stupefaction.

Several people still stood in front of Ivan, seemingly to prevent Ivan from doing anything to Cedric.

Ivan scratched his head, feeling that he was too heavy to start, but he really had to keep his hand, and gave Cedric a chance to shoot first, so that the other party would not be too embarrassed.

At this moment, Cedric stood up with the support of everyone, but his face looked very pale, and his eyes towards Ivan were full of complex colors.

He didn't expect that he would lose so thoroughly, he couldn't even make a little resistance!

More excited than Cedric are the little wizards of Hufflepuff. They came to surround Ivan with enthusiasm just to prove that Cedric is the real warrior candidate!

Now that their pride in Hufflepuff is so easily defeated, most people find it difficult to accept this result.

Some people even thought that Ivan was playing tricks, or Cedric didn't play well. They clamored to compare it again!

Listening to these people's words, Ivan frowned, then looked at Cedric. "Why, do you plan to compete with me again?"

"No, no need to compare, I lost! I don't think there will be any change in the result even if you try it a few more times..." Cedric rubbed his still aching chest and shook his head with a wry smile.

"By the way, I didn't hear you chanting a curse just now~www.mtlnovel.com~ Are you able to cast spells without a curse?" Cedric asked with a solemn expression. He was as afraid as Fleur and Krum. I believe that a fourth-grade little wizard can have such high-end skills.

"So, you didn't come at the right time, I just practiced this time!" Ivan nodded.

Since learning about the mystery of magic from Nico Lemay, he has been trying the technique of spellless casting during this period of time.

Now those frequently used magic, Ivan has been able to smoothly release without cursing, that is, the power of magic will be weakened a lot, at most it will be used to abuse vegetables, or beat opponents unexpectedly in formal battles.

"Amazing!" After getting Ivan's confirmation, Cedric was completely convinced, sighed and praised, then turned around and looked at the students gathered around.

"It's all gone, you should see that I am inferior to others! Ivan Hals is indeed more suitable than me to be a warrior at Hogwarts!"

(PS: I recommend a book "Hogwarts in Other Worlds" here. The setting is very novel. It is a Harry Potter of another timeline (Grindelwald defeated Dumbledore and became the principal), interested You can take a look.)

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