Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 614

Chapter 614: Sound in the dark

Charlie didn't believe Maxim's words at all, but there was nothing he could do. The news had been leaked. He couldn't use the Forgetting Curse on Maxim.

"It won't be easy if Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch know that I have leaked the question!" Charlie sighed and said, he didn't want to be scolded.

More importantly, this is extremely unfair to other warriors!

"Relax, Charlie, as long as we don't say that no one will know!" Hagrid said to comfort Charlie, then rubbed his hands in excitement, staring at the fire dragon here.

"What are you going to do with the warriors at that time-fight the fire dragon? There are exactly four dragons here, and everyone can get one!"

Hagrid spoke briskly, with a hint of excitement and excitement in his words, as if what the Warriors faced in the game was not a deadly dangerous fire dragon, but a lovely little pet.

"Impossible, unless they want to kill those warriors!" Charlie shrugged, "I think the Ministry of Magic probably expects the warriors to pass by the dragon..."

"Even this is dangerous enough. If the situation is not good, we will step forward to rescue at any time, chant the extinguishing spell to the fire dragon, and stun it to ensure the safety of the warriors!" Charlie's face was very serious, and the game was very serious for them. These dragon trainers are also a test.

"Then how should the warriors choose the dragon? Is it self-selected?" Maxim did not have the instinct of being a **** at all. Charlie's words made her look a little worried and couldn't help but ask.

"You still don't ask, we don't know the specifics, but I think it's impossible for them to make a choice. It should be a lottery!" Charlie shook his head, guessing.

"Draw? By luck?" Maxim frowned, she went on. "I still feel a little unreasonable. After all, there is a less dangerous dragon here. If a warrior gets it, wouldn't it be easy to clear the level?"

Although Maxim hopes Fleur can meet Norbert during the game and pass the level easily, if the lottery is drawn, the probability of a quarter is really too low!

"You are mistaken, Ms. Maxim, safety doesn't mean easy to deal with!" Charlie retorted with a shrug. "Noble is smarter than the average dragon and will not be easily confused. This means that the warriors can't fool it with some small tricks!"

Maxim nodded and nodded. She understood Charlie's meaning, and when she looked at Norbert she lost the eagerness she had before.

It is unrealistic for the Warriors to confront the Fire Dragon head-on. During the game, some means must be used to distract the Fire Dragon to clear the level, but there is no way to do this in Norbert. The opponent is too smart.

"Okay, don't talk about it, can we go see Norbert now? Charlie?" Hagrid urged, he couldn't wait.

Charlie hesitated, very embarrassed, but still reluctantly agreed under Hagrid's constant entanglement.

According to Hagrid, he cannot stop a mother from seeing his baby dragon...

Along the way, Charlie also shared with Hagrid Norbert's experience in Romania over the years.

"Noble surprised us when he first arrived. It is the most agile dragon we have ever seen! It's just a little scared of wizards. It should have been scared by someone..."

"Fortunately, this is not a bad thing, at least let it know how to obey orders. The Romanian troupe is very fond of it, and booked Norbert early, and it will be there to perform some stunts in a few years! "

"You know that there are very few juggling troupes that have a dragon, not to mention that Norbert can do things that other dragons can't. In the future, they will surely become popular all over the world!"

Charlie talked freely, and Hagrid beside him was also delighted for Norbert's bright future.

Ivan, who followed a few people, was very speechless,

A good fire dragon, in the future is actually going to perform acrobatics in a troupe?

But it’s better than being skinned and cramped and turned into magic material...

Thinking about it this way, Ivan felt that what Charlie said was very reasonable, and it was indeed a bright future for Norbert.

On the other side, Hagrid, accompanied by Charlie, had come to Norbert's side and awakened the dozing fire dragon.

Looking at this scene, Ivan couldn't help but feel a little worried. He very much doubted that after such a long time, Nott knew Hagrid or not. It would not be a joke if the fire dragon suddenly went crazy at such a close distance.

Fortunately, the situation Ivan was worried about did not happen. After waking up, Norbert quickly recognized his "Dragon Mother", this behemoth fifty feet tall, with the size of two palms. His tongue licked Hagrid's face and almost knocked Hagrid to the ground.

Hagrid didn't care a little bit, and gave Nober a heavy embrace.

"Oh, I'm so glad you haven't forgotten me!" Hagrid shed tears and was quite touched, but he didn't notice that Maxim's gaze turned stranger when he looked at him.

Such a happy time didn't last long. Charlie started rushing people after ten minutes. They and dragon trainers had been busy all night, and they were so tired that they were already too sleepy.

Ivan and Harry also followed Hagrid and left the field, all the way back to the castle.josei

At the door of the Gryffindor lounge, Ivan stopped, touched his empty stomach, and looked at Harry. "Go back by yourself, Harry. I didn't eat tonight, I was a little hungry, and I was going to the kitchen to find something to eat..."

Harry nodded absently, obviously still worried about the fire dragon.

Ivan ignored him~www.mtlnovel.com~ and after an explanation, he separated from Harry and walked towards the kitchen.

It was almost two o'clock in the middle of the night, and there was no one in the castle. I didn't worry about someone bumping into it. Ivan didn't continue to maintain the Phantom Curse. Anyway, he didn't come to do bad things this time.

But when I went downstairs and passed the entrance hall, Ivan's footsteps stopped again, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the dark corridor on the right.


There was a slight sound, like someone tapping the floor lightly with something.

If it weren't for the silence around them, and they were relatively close, I'm afraid it would be impossible to hear them at all.

Perhaps he noticed the existence of Ivan, the sound of knocking on the floor stopped, and the surroundings returned to the original calm, but it was obviously too late at this moment. At the moment I heard the sound, Ivan had already pulled out his wand and pointed it. That direction.

A brilliant white light flew out from the top of the wand and escaped into the darkness of the aisle. With the help of the reflection of the light of the spell, a hideous, scarred face flashed in the aisle.

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