Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 617

Chapter 617: Conversation with Moody

"I think I explained before that it is not easy to cast a spell on a powerful magic item..." Ivan frowned.

"But you can do it, can't you?" Moody interrupted Ivan's words directly.

"I didn't do anything to the Goblet of Fire. If you insist on doubting me, I can't help it!" Ivan glanced at the "golden antenna" on the table, and did not answer directly.

Moody stared at him for a while, then moved the demon eyes away, and his words were no longer as hard as before, "Of course, I personally want to believe in you! Otherwise I won't be here to tell you That's it! Dumbledore also thinks it wasn't you who did..."

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't explain this matter at all. If Moody kept asking, it would be really troublesome.

"Since you have confirmed the three suspects, what do you plan to do next?" Ivan continued to ask.

Moody spoke eloquently:

"I have tried Snape and Karkaroff in the past few days, and I couldn't ask anything from them, so I plan to start directly from Crouch next time!

Although he is not in the castle now, he will definitely be back in the first match of the Three Finals Cup. I will ask him out alone to try and find out where he has been during this period of time! "

"But I always think I need to prepare for the worst. Batty Crouch is not a good guy. I understand his ability. In case of conflict, I may not be able to control him, so I need A helper..." Moody added.

"If there is a need, I can help you!" Ivan said straightforwardly. He was worried that he could not find a reason to test Crouch, but unfortunately Moody gave this opportunity directly to the door.

"It's best if you are willing to help!" Moody is very happy. Crouch's identity is extraordinary. Dumbledore will not agree with his investigation, which means he can't get other professors in this castle. help.

As for the strength of Ivan, he had already learned in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and even he couldn't easily overcome it.

"It's just... isn't Mr. Crouch your boss? Is it really okay for us to ask him this way?" Ivan looked at Moody hesitantly.

"I am not an Auror anymore, and he is no longer the executive director!" Moody's head slicked.

But Ivan doubted that even if Crouch was Moody’s boss, the legendary Auror had the guts to investigate him!

"By the way, I forgot to show you something!" Moody suddenly remembered something. He walked quickly to the corner of the office with wooden legs, opened one of the boxes, and took it from inside. A piece of parchment with some burnt corners came out.

"Recognize it?" Moody handed the parchment to Ivan.

"What?" Ivan stretched out his hand and took a look, and found that this was the piece of paper spit out from the Goblet of Fire, with Harry's name written on it.

"Handwriting! I mean handwriting! You should understand what I mean..." Moody said impatiently.

Ivan looked at the words on the parchment again and found that the style of the handwriting was very unique. Only then did I realize that Moody was planning to track down the inner ghost through the handwriting.

I have to say that Moody is careful enough to always detect some details that others can't notice. He hasn't noticed before and can track down the behind-the-scenes through handwriting.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen this kind of word! It shouldn't be anyone I know..." Ivan thought about it carefully, without any impression.

Moody looked disappointed, he sighed and said. "I spent some time collecting the characters of all the students in the school, and then compared them one by one, but no one matched it!"

The character of the whole school?

Ivan looked at Moody in surprise, wondering how he collected...

Wait...could it be the homework that you receive on weekdays? !

Ivan's complexion became very strange.

The identity of the professor is really convenient. Moody's can get all the handwriting samples of all students by assigning a few classroom assignments.

But it's really a shame that Moody could think of such a good way, if it weren't for the other person's reminder, he would never have thought that his handwriting had been investigated again.

"What about Crouch's words? Have you confirmed it?" Ivan asked.

"I have seen his handwriting when he was working under him. The style is completely different from this! But it does not rule out that he had someone write it in advance, and then bring it over!" Moody said gruffly.

Ivan nodded, meaning that they couldn't do anything except expect to ask for some information from Crouch, no wonder Moody would be willing to **** his former boss, because he didn't have a choice.

"Anyway, the time to meet Crouch is set after the first game, and I will let you know the specific time!" Moody said.

The conversation between the two lasted for more than half an hour, and when Ivan came out of Moody's office, the sky was already dark.

The cold and hungry Ivan touched his empty stomach, and finally dispelled his plan to find house elves in the kitchen. It's already this point, so don't bother them and just eat breakfast.


Early in the morning, Ivan, who had simply made up his mind, yawned and followed everyone to the auditorium to enjoy today's breakfast.josei

There was Harry who was so listless as him.

As he witnessed the power and tyranny of the fire dragon with his own eyes last night, Harry was unable to sleep well all night due to the tremendous pressure in his heart. He even met the fire dragon in his dream. Went on.

Hermione next to him listened to Harry's story last night, UU read www.uukanshu. com also couldn't help screaming. "Is the Ministry crazy? They actually plan to let you deal with..."

"Deal with a fire dragon!" Hermione lowered her voice forcibly, lest it be heard by others.

"Who knows? Maybe the Ministry of Magic finds it more exciting!" Ivan gobbled up a large piece of butter muffin and stuffed it into his mouth, speaking vaguely.

"Excitement? That will kill you! Not many wizards have the ability to subdue a fire dragon alone..." Hermione looked very angry.

"What can we do? We can't change the content of the game... or think about how to deal with them."

Harry's face was full of worry, and he didn't even have an appetite for eating. He kept looking at the "How to Deal with Dangerous Creatures" in his hand, trying to find a way out of it.

"How about using a coma spell? Professor McGonagall subdued Norbert like that last time!" Hermione suggested.

"The fire dragon's magic resistance is very high. If Norbert was young, the coma spell would not have been effective! You can't expect Harry to have the magic level of Professor McGonagall..." Ivan reminded.

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