Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 627

Chapter 627: With this one point alone, you will be recorded in the annals of history!

Ivan guessed some of Ron's thoughts, but didn't pay attention to Ron's intentions. He had a lot of things to be busy recently, but he couldn't devote too much time to enlighten him.

But since Ron was willing to come, it at least meant that he had figured it out. He just didn't know why he didn't take the initiative to apologize and reconcile with Harry like Yuan Shikong.

Looking away from Ron, Ivan looked around and saw Luna in the crowd. The little witch was holding a wooden sign and leaning against the entrance of the tent. Like Ron, she did not come. meaning.

The eyes of the two quickly met at each other, Luna blinked wisely, and showed the wooden sign in her hand.

Ivan instantly knew that that was exactly the wooden sign Luna made for herself during the Quidditch match last year.

It’s just that, in addition to the slogan cheering for him, his well-known titles are written in various colors of ink all around.

The Warriors of Gryffindor, the Star of Hogwarts, the Troll Slayer, and... the Dragon Knight, the latter looked like it was just written.

Ivan even saw the [Gryffindor Pitcher] written in purple ink on the corner of the wooden sign, his expression suddenly became very embarrassed, and he wished to choke Seamus, who was nicknamed him.

Luna didn't mean to stay in the tent for a long time. After showing Ivan the wooden sign that she had modified, she hugged herself and turned and left...

"What are you looking at? Ivan?" Hermione noticed that Ivan's gaze was staring in one direction for a long time, and she looked over curiously, but saw that there was no one there.

"No, nothing!" Ivan hesitated and shook his head.

Hermione looked at Ivan suspiciously, but before she could ask again, she saw Harry, Moody, Professor McGonagall and others walking towards this side.

"Good job, kid! You are the first underage wizard ever to defeat a fire dragon. With this alone, you will be recorded in the annals of history!" Moody walked quickly to Ivan's with wooden legs. In front of him, he smiled and said.

McGonagall was also full of emotion. After not seeing him in a summer vacation, Ivan's strength has changed dramatically.

Relying on the transformation spell to subdue a fire dragon, she consciously can do it, but it is never as easy as Ivan showed in the game.

This undoubtedly proves that Ivan has surpassed himself in the transformation spell!

Amid Moody's praise, Ivan seemed very calm. When he made out the wolf poison potion, he knew he would be written into history, but now there are only a few more pens in the annals of history.

Just as the tent became more and more heated, the harsh whistle sounded again, followed by Bagman's loud voice.

"Next let us reveal the final score of each Warrior!"

"Go ahead, Hals, Potter, they should give you points!" Professor McGonagall urged.

Ivan nodded and walked out of the lounge with Harry and returned to the paddock. Hermione followed, she didn't want to miss such an important moment.

Furong and Krum, who were the first step forward, arrived early. They were sitting not far from the judges' bench, their expressions tense and very nervous.

Yifan and others found a few more empty seats and sat down.

"Next we will start the selection. The highest score for each referee is 10!" Bagman on the stage cleared his throat, cast his gaze on Furong, and said again.

"The first is number one, the warrior from Boothbarton-Fleur Delacour! She hypnotized the fire dragon with an ancient spell, and successfully got the dragon egg! It took thirty-nine minutes and twenty-three seconds! Now! The judges, please give a fair judgment!"

With that said, Bagman took the lead in holding up a sign with the mark-five points!

Crouch also quickly gave his score-six points.

Dumbledore waved his magic wand and spewed a beam of light, reflecting in the sky, showing a big "seven".

Maxim hesitated for a long time before slowly raising his wand and spraying a "nine" into the air.

Karkaroff did the same, generously giving Fleur nine points.

The little wizards in the audience were very dissatisfied with the two people's behavior of forcibly raising the score. With Ivan's wonderful game as a reference, Furong used the spell to hypnotize the fire dragon to take away the dragon egg. It seemed too boring. Nine points were too high. That's a bit!

"Warrior Fleur, a total of 36 points in the first game!" Bagman shouted loudly, then looked at Harry, and began to introduce the second warrior.

Harry, who used the Flying Curse and Eye Curse to complete the level without injury, was second only to Ivan in the paddock, so the score was much higher than Fleur, with a total of forty-three points.josei

And Krum was more miserable, because the opening game angered the dragon and almost died, and he was suspected of plagiarizing Harry’s customs clearance method. The total score was only 32 points. It was Karkaroff who forced Krum to beat him. Full score, otherwise it will only be lower.

"Finally is our fourth warrior, Ivan Hals!" Bagman's words contained a hint of excitement. He looked at Ivan in the distance, but he didn't rush to get the judges to score. Instead, he started. Arouse everyone's emotions.

"Hals's performance in the game is obvious to all. He is the only player who successfully defeated the Fire Dragon, a well-deserved warrior! Let us cheer for him!"

The atmosphere in the paddock suddenly became eager. Everyone's eyes fell on Ivan on the edge of the paddock. Everyone began to shout Ivan's name, and the screams and shouts were deafening.

Bagman waited until the cheers of the crowd became weaker ~www.mtlnovel.com~ before raising a tone and continuing to speak. "I believe that today's scene will be recorded in the annals of history forever. Now, please referees to give the most fair judgment!"

"If you don't mind, I will come first. I personally gave a very good performance for Hals!"

As Bagman spoke, he glanced at Karkaroff and Maxim, consciously or unconsciously.

Crouch and Dumbledore also gave full marks without hesitation.

Maxim did not move for a long time, and her face looked very ugly. According to the previous agreement, she should now play an ultra-low score as a balance, so that Furong could tie the score in subsequent games.

However, Ivan’s performance in the first project was too shocking. If he does not give full marks, Maxim believes that thousands of roaring letters will be sent to her carriage tomorrow morning, drowning her completely.

After all, the Top Three Cup is an important event that the entire European magic world is always paying attention to...

Thinking of this, Maxim sighed, and finally waved his magic wand to give a ten!

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