Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 632

Chapter 632: Are you really not thinking about raising a dragon with me?

Thanks, Charlie! "Ivan said gratefully.

When he designed the battle before, he was only concerned about how to fight more excitingly, trying not to hurt Norbert, but ignored that some professionals could analyze whether they were acting from Norbert's injury.

"Ha... thank you no need, but I saw a wonderful performance for free, and with this appearance, I think Norbert will be famous in the future!" Charlie laughed, and then continued with emotion.

"Harry also performed very well. Firebolt and Eye Curse. I can see that you have planned well. I was a little worried before that George and Ron would not be able to tell you the specifics of the first game in time... "

"George? Ron?" Ivan looked at Charlie in surprise.

"What? Didn't you get the news from them?" Charlie was also a little surprised.

"No, Harry and I have been following Hagrid that day, so we saw these dragons!" Ivan explained.

"Well, it seems that I am too worried!" Charlie smiled bitterly, and then talked to Ivan about the reason.

He saw Hagrid bringing Maxim to the paddock to watch the dragon that day. He was worried that this would be unfair to the warriors of Hogwarts, so he secretly told George and Ron them, hoping that they would be responsible for the report, lest Ivan and Harry was unprepared for the first game, and he was inferior in intelligence.

No wonder... Ivan recalled for a moment. He remembered that the day before the game, George and Fred had come in very diligently and asked if they were ready for the game.

Ron also spent most of the night waiting for himself and Harry in the dormitory without sleeping, but actually he wanted to talk about the fire dragon's information?

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Anyway, you can pass the first level smoothly! Let's go and see Norbert, it's ahead." Charlie pointed to the front and said.

Ivan looked towards Charlie's direction. Although there was still some distance away, he still saw Norbert's huge body at a glance.

It has to be said that fire dragons are really deterrents. Adult dragons are often more than 15 meters in length. Some female fire dragons can even grow to 20 meters. The mouth is full of sharp fangs and the back is hideous. The thorn is even more daunting.

It’s just that this mighty image is completely destroyed by Norbert. It will be struggling to compete with a tall pine tree, constantly hitting the tree with its forelimbs and body, seeming to want to knock it down, surrounded by a circle of wooden fences. It's even more messy, and it's obvious that it's usually harmed by it.

Charlie had a headache when he saw this scene. Compared with other dragons, Noble was so active. As long as he stayed in one place for a few hours, it would be impossible to find a good thing nearby.

Ivan was also very speechless. Looking at Norbert was like looking at a large husky. It took a while to calm it down, stop it from harming those fences, and stay in place obediently.

Then Ivan invited Dobby again and served a barbecue banquet that had been prepared long ago.

Norbert has helped so much before, of course he must be treated well.

Ivan even feeds them personally, sprinkling the roasted rabbits and beef legs with spices, and then throws them into Norbert's mouth.

In order to get closer to Noble and get the dragon's blood after a while, Ivan is extremely patient.

"Ivan, it seems that you are really talented to be a dragon trainer, don't you really think about coming to Rome after graduation?" Charlie couldn't help but ask, watching the scene of friendly coexistence between one person and one dragon. .

"You can forgive me. I was going to be bored just by taking care of Little Norbert a few years ago!" Ivan shook his head, and threw the last piece of roasted beef leg into Norbert's big mouth. .

"Better don't say that, Norbert doesn't like someone scolding him in person..." Charlie shrugged.

Sure enough, when Norbert heard Ivan's words, he was obviously a little unhappy. It tanned a small amount of flames from its mouth and almost burned Ivan's hair.

"Hey, Norbert, don't do that, I'm just kidding! I actually like raising dragons the most..." Ivan hurriedly changed his words, patted Norbert's head comfortably, and said a lot of good things. After I promised to watch it more, he calmed down Noble's little emotions.

Charlie watched this scene funny, and then talked to Ivan about Norbert's experience in Romania.

"When you and Hagrid sent Norbert a few years ago, we thought he was a young man by the name. We didn't expect that when we checked it later, we discovered that Norbert was actually a female dragon!

Later, I felt that the name Nob was really inappropriate, so I planned with my colleagues to change it to a new name... Nobetta! "

"Noberta? Then why didn't you hear this name?" Ivan asked curiously.

"Because it prefers people to call it Noble compared to the new name. Every time we change the name, Noble is not willing to talk to us." At this point, Charlie was very helpless. They tried many methods at the beginning. There is no way for Norbert to recognize his new name.

"I really don't know how you did it. Just a month of getting along can impress Norbert with the name, and after four years, it can quickly recognize you and Hagrid." Charlie Interestingly, he asked, he has been raising a dragon for several years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.josei

"Probably Norbert is inherently smarter than ordinary dragons!" Ivan said casually, but he thought of a possibility in his heart.

Noble can clearly remember what happened in the first month of his birth. Most of it was because Professor McGonagall was too rough when he started his hands. Coupled with Dumbledore's anger, he left a deep impression on Noble. So far Long Sheng was shrouded in the shadow of the wizard.

"That's ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Norbert is the smartest dragon I have ever seen." Charlie didn't refute Ivan's statement, only thinking that Norbert is a different kind of dragon, so his memory is better than similar. many.

The two of them kept chatting about the past in Romania, and when the sky was completely dark, Ivan said goodbye, bid farewell to Charlie and Norbert and returned to the castle alone.

All the way to the door of the boys’ dormitory, Ivan opened the door and didn't even go in. He saw Harry sitting on the bed with a pale face and dazed in a daze.

"What's wrong with you, Harry?" Ivan asked suspiciously.

Harry looked up at Ivan, and said slumpedly after a long time. "I just invited Qiu Zhang!"

"The result failed?" Ivan could guess the result after seeing Harry's appearance.

"I went too late. Zhang Qiu had already agreed to Cedric's invitation this afternoon..." Harry said in a sullen voice, "I don't know at all. It took George and Fred... "

(End of this chapter)

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