Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 635

Chapter 635: Crouch came back early

Just as Ivan was thinking in his mind, Moody's pace suddenly stopped, causing him to almost hit the wall.

Ivan raised his head angrily to ask, only to find that Barty Crouch's office was in front of him, and they had arrived!

"Hold the wand, Hals!" Moody was putting his hand on the doorknob, and he whispered.

Ivan nodded, he was ready before Moody's reminded him.

"Alohomora~ (Alaho Cave opens Moody waved his wand, and with a crisp sound, the door lock automatically unlocked.

Moody opened the door cautiously, his expression nervous as if someone would pounce at any time.

But things were obviously not that bad, as Moody said, there was no one in it. It seems that the intelligence is not wrong, Crouch did go to discuss the game with Bagman.

Ivan didn't enter immediately, so he glanced outside.

This temporary office is not too wide, only half the size of a classroom, with a warm red carpet on the floor, and the flame in the fireplace still not extinguished, all of which prove that Crouch has just left.

Moody's gaze was placed on the surrounding walls for the first time. When he saw that there were no portraits on it, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked in with a cane.

But before that, Moody hadn't forgotten to impose a silent spell on his wooden legs, which made his stepping sound a little quieter.

Ivan followed in, and walked to the work table in the center for the first time.

Some documents were scattered on the table, and quill pens and ink bottles were pushed to the corner of the table. In addition, there was a daily prophet in a prominent place!

Ivan directly stretched out his hand instead of taking it, but adjusted his position and stood to the front so that he could read the specific content of the newspaper.

But when he saw the cover of the newspaper, he was stunned. This was not the latest issue of the Daily Prophet. He was pretty sure he had read it!

Because what is reported above is exactly the summer Quidditch World Cup, Sirius’s big face is still printed on the photo, and below is the news about the Dark Mark and Death Eaters gathering to set fire in the camp.

On the other side, Moody was carefully flipping the documents, frowning from time to time, and there was no sound for a long time.josei

The actions of the two also disturbed the little creatures here. A fox flew out from the crack in the corner, accompanied by a few snuff box-like creatures.

All of this naturally couldn't escape Moody's constantly turning magic eyes. He stepped on the soles of his shoes as soon as he raised his feet, and then grabbed one of the undead little ones with his hands.

"Hey~ It looks like it is seriously under-maintained, otherwise they wouldn't dare to be so rampant." Moody looked around and noticed dust accumulating on the chairs leaning on the corner.

"Don't forget, Crouch has often been out of school in the past few months, you told me!" Ivan reminded.

"Yes, but he has been back for several days this time! Crouch has not touched the document that needs to be signed on the table either..." Moody continued solemnly. "Moreover, he definitely doesn't want others to come in at will! So those house elves can't help him tidy up!"

Listening to Moody's words, Ivan was lost in thought, and he increasingly believed that Barty Crouch was a disguise for Little Crouch.

After all, Little Crouch is not the real director of the Department of Communication and Cooperation, so naturally he can't handle these documents. If he is not at Hogwarts, he may be visiting Voldemort.

"What kind of people do you think will have no time to take care of their office? Even if they just move their fingers to release a cleaning spell?" Moody asked suddenly.

"Busy person? Like you? Or someone in a particularly bad mood?" Ivan looked at the Daily Prophet, distracted and replied casually.

"It's all possible!" Moody nodded, and then noticed that Ivan seemed to be thinking about something else, and said with dissatisfaction. "Well, don't think about Miss Granger, Hals, we need work now!"

Ivan glared at Moody's, and explained lazily, but pointed to the file Moody was holding. "If you go through his things like this, Mr. Crouch won't find out when he comes back?"

"Do you think he still has that thought?" Moody glanced at Ivan and turned the file in his hand to show him.

It was a document from a few months ago. It was a bill. As the director, Crouch should have signed his name at the end and wrote yes or no, but there was no word at the end, and it was even passed. The deadline indicated on the bill.

Ivan understood what Moody meant, which meant that Crouch had probably never looked at this document, or he might have thrown it aside after reading it.

"What if he just wants us to think that way?" Yifan still retorted, he wouldn't underestimate the anti-reconnaissance capabilities of a former executive director.

If the other party is fake, it is more worthy of vigilance. An undercover who sneaks into the castle alone will be more cautious than anyone!

"You are careful enough!" Moody smiled, his eyes full of admiration when he looked at Ivan.

"Then we will wait and don't forget, remember the location of these things, if we don't find any important information this time, we have to put them back..."

Moody was also going to continue speaking, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and the weird blue eyes turned straight to the door, their mouths closed and closed, as if they were saying--

He came back early!

Ivan’s face changed, and he suddenly became a little nervous. He was ninety-nine percent sure that Crouch must have a problem, but they have not found enough evidence to correct each other, such as a bottle containing a compound decoction, or Other things that are sufficient to prove the identity of the other party.

He suddenly regretted that he was wary of Moody and didn't reveal the map of the live spot, which made them unable to accurately grasp the specific whereabouts of Crouch, and they were blocked in the room.

It’s obviously not the time to regret it now~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan only used the method that he thought of in a moment. He backhanded his wand and tapped his body, and the whole person seemed to be shrouded in a thin film and disappeared. In the same place.

Moody on the other side almost simultaneously used the phantom spell, and this small room seemed to be empty again.

Ivan also noticed that the documents on the table had been sorted out, as if an invisible hand was playing with them, and Hu Meizi, who had died underground, was also stepped on by Moody's.

The next second, the sound of turning the door lock came.

Ivan's mind was tense to the extreme. Don't look at them now in a state of invisibility, but the effect of the Phantom Curse is not as powerful as that of the Deathly Hallows Invisibility Cloak, and some smart wizards can easily see through it.

Not to mention that they are standing at the table now, if the other person wants to come over and sit down, they will definitely bump into each other...

(PS: Don’t guess, there is no Shura field, and there is no **** Qiong Yao plot. They are not only conflicted because of this little misunderstanding. I remember that they gave foreshadowing and hints dozens of chapters ago. See you blind Guess really tired, the angel really doesn't want to spoiler...)

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