Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 639

Chapter 639: What went wrong?

"The crime I committed is enough to allow me to stay in Azkaban for a lifetime, and the result of killing another person will not change. I have no need to conceal you." Crouch said angrily.

Moody curled his lips, but didn't refute.

Ivan knows the whereabouts of Bertha Jorkins very well. After Crouch used the Forgetting Charm to cleanse her memory, she ran to Romania and happened to hit Voldemort’s muzzle. Now the body is cold, and she also provided a lot for Voldemort. Of intelligence.

However, Ivan would naturally not tell the news, because he could not explain the source of the news.

Crouch continued to talk about the next thing. After dealing with Bertha Jorkins, everything was calm again. No one else would bother him. This also allowed him to start to deal with more things, such as The upcoming tri-finals and the world Quidditch competition.

"In the past ten years, my son Batty Jr. has been doing very well. He didn’t make any troubles. Shining pleaded with me to be more tolerant to Batty Jr. That will happen to be the day when the World Quidditch Competition will be held again. I decided to take him to the scene to have a look."

"His favorite before was Quidditch..." Crouch sighed quietly.

"Hey, it seems that this private prisoner has a pretty good life." Moody said sarcastically, "You have the courage to take Little Barty to a place where so many people gather."

"I made a lot of preparations. I set a private room on the top floor for him. I also put an invisible cloak on him to make sure that he would not be noticed. I arranged for Shining to stare at him all the time... It's a pity that in the end Something went wrong!" Crouch explained.

"What's wrong? He ran away?" Moody asked.

"Yes! He's gone, just disappeared from the Quidditch meeting place!" A look of horror appeared on Crouch's face.

"Can you tell us more about it? Mr. Crouch? When did you hear about this?" Ivan hurriedly asked. He thought that all the variables probably started from here.

"Battie must have broken free from the Imperius curse I cast, and then ran away taking advantage of the riots in the venue behind." At this point, Crouch looked very angry, and he thought it should be blamed on the incompetent domestic kid. The elf didn't care about his son.

But under Ivan's repeated inquiries, he still revealed more details.

After the riot broke out, as a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic, he immediately mobilized his hands to arrest the black wizards who made trouble, and then took people to the place where the black mark was raised, and unexpectedly found Shining there.

When he saw Shining, Crouch knew that Barty Jr. had taken the opportunity to escape, but he suspected his son was nearby.

"So that dark mark was released by your son?" Moody flicked his cane angrily. "You know this and plan to put the blame on Harry and Sirius!"

Crouch smiled bitterly, did not refute, but continued to say, "After everyone has left, I returned there again and wanted to take my son away, but I searched every inch of land nearby. I can't find where Batty is..."

Hearing Ivan's brows frowned, in the original time and space, Crouch should have successfully found Batty and brought him home.

What is going wrong now?

Ivan tried hard to recall the plots in his memory, and suddenly thought that Little Batty was accidentally hit by the magic of a few wizards in the original time and space before he was forced to stay in place. It was an extremely coincidental thing.

If this hadn't happened, there was a high probability that Little Batty could escape from the chaos, and he would definitely go to Voldemort if he left like this.

Then Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew did not have the need to raid Crouch's mansion, which also explains why Barty Crouch was not controlled by Voldemort's Imperius curse.

After trying to understand all this, Ivan was not happy at all.

It's useless to know where the problem started, the point is how to solve the problem!

Where on earth is Little Batty now, his name can't be found on the live map, how did he modify the Goblet of Fire...

Each of these problems caused Ivan a headache. I used to think that Barty was disguised as his father Crouch to do all this, but now it seems that Crouch himself has no problems, that is to say, he has been All guesses are wrong!

"In the next period of time, I have been searching for Barty's whereabouts, but I searched the entire game venue and couldn't find him, so I had to ask someone to help find out about Barty's in England." Crouch said wearily.

"Then why don't you simply refuse to be the referee of the Triwizard Tournament and spend more time looking for your son's whereabouts?" Ivan asked curiously.josei

"No, you made a mistake, Hals, only if he agrees to this errand can he have a good reason to shirk!" Moody said with a sneer. "Right, Batty?"

Crouch nodded in shame. When he wasn't in the castle, he used the reason of the busy affairs of the Cooperation Department to prevaricate Bagman, and the Ministry of Magic thought that he was busy dealing with the affairs of the Three Finals.

With this guise, no one will question his whereabouts in a short time.

But what Crouch didn't expect was that there had been no news about Barty Jr. for months. Instead, I saw a note written by Barty Jr. from Ivan and Moody today~ www.mtlnovel.com~ In the past few months, I have been hesitant to tell these things and inform Minister Fudge or Dumbledore..." Crouch’s face is full of struggle, countless days and nights. They are constantly hovering between selfishness and morality, and they almost collapsed.

Thinking of this, Crouch slowly turned his head to look at Ivan, and said with emotion. "Speaking of which I need to thank you, Hals, you helped me make a choice."

"Oh, you're talking about lightness, Barty! If we hadn't broken in and figured out all this, you would have surrendered? Don't be kidding!" Moody twitched the corner of his mouth and exposed Crouch without hesitation Selfish thoughts. "You will only continue to hold a glimmer of hope to find your son, don't you?"

"You know very well that once you shake things up, you will end up in Azkaban. At that time, everyone will know what kind of person you, the former executive director, are... So you hope to find your son before Live the same life as before!" Moody's words were as sharp as a knife.

"Enough, Alastor!" Crouch was a little annoyed by Moody's yin and yang. "I did something wrong, but the trial of me is the job of the Ministry of Magic. Don't forget, you have already It's no longer an Auror!"

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