Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 665

Chapter 665: Fusion of dragon blood and horned snorer

The unicorn's neighing sounded first, and it contended with the new strength in the body, and then the cold magic power of the basilisk also joined the battlefield from his eyes all the way down, slowly evolving into a three-way battle.

Almost, Ivan thought that his own was about to explode!

But this was only the beginning. Soon, Ivan realized that his body was slowly beginning to deform.

The out-of-control situation instantly made Ivan understand that the blood pulse problem can never be solved by willpower!

Turn on protection mode!

Ivan yelled in his head as quickly as possible.

At this time, the magic power in the body was already surging like a wave. Fortunately, with the intervention of system power, the turbulent "wave" slowly calmed down and became more and more docile. Only the magic power brought by those bloodlines was still uncontrollable.

Especially the new magical power, not only tyrannical but also very aggressive. After Ivan suppressed the power of the other magical creatures, it quickly penetrated into every part of the body, and the sudden tingling sensation continued to be transmitted from everywhere. brain.

Correspondingly, the rapid growth of magic power, almost condensed into substance, is rapidly spreading from Ivan's body. The nearest mahogany table vibrated faintly, and cracks burst one after another on the desktop. ...

And the deformation of appearance is still continuing.

Ivan suddenly felt a little flustered, he thought at first that this change came from Bogut's magic.

But in the protection mode, Ivan can clearly see that Bogut’s magic power is staying in the original place without participating in the battle during the whole process, which means that the culprit of this body shape change is he just acquired. The power of the fire dragon!

Ivan didn't dare to relax, hurriedly raised his hand and took a look, then he was shocked to find that his arm was covered with a layer of red dragon scales, which looked exactly like the scales on Norbert's back, but shrunk by a factor of ten.

Am I going to become a half-dragon?

Ivan was taken aback immediately.

After careful observation for a while, Ivan quickly discovered that these dragon scales did not grow out of his own body, but a manifestation of magical power, that is, I don't know whether the protection ability can be compared with the real dragon scales.

With such a distraction, the magic in his body became restless again, and Ivan hurriedly reduced his mind and focused all his energy on stopping the magic riot.

After about a few dozen seconds, the growth rate of magic power gradually slowed down, and at the same time, he also noticed that the "dragon scales" on his arms were gradually fading, becoming transparent until disappeared.

Everything is back to normal again.

Ivan understands that the fourth blood fusion ceremony has been successful, but he has no time to check his own gains, because there is still a full twenty seconds before the end of the protection mode!

This is what he worked so hard for!

Therefore, Ivan didn't waste a second, and immediately closed his eyes to adapt. The huge magical power in his body was being stirred by the new power to be extremely active, even to the point where he could be commanded at will.

When I opened my eyes, Ivan already had an idea.

Without seeing him making any movements, the tables, chairs and benches within a distance of 100 meters were lifted up by mysterious forces, and they were quickly kneaded and stretched to change their shape like plasticine, turning them into exquisite sculptures of gold and silver. Copper and iron materials are different...

The reminder in my mind kept ringing, and the proficiency of Transfiguration was increasing crazily. In a short while, it was close to the limit of level 6, but there was no intention of breaking through it for a long time.

Obviously, it is not so easy to get over this bottleneck. If you can improve without limit, then everyone is a master of magic.

Ivan was somewhat disappointed, and then his heart moved, and all the sculptures exploded instantly.

A large number of sharp gravel flew like bullets out of the chamber, and flew in all directions, making small holes in the floor and walls, but when they flew in front of Ivan, they were blocked by invisible force. Down, it turned into dust and floated in the air.

[The reason why magic is magical is that it can make people realize their wishes! 】

For some reason, Ivan's heart suddenly recalled the words of Nico Lemay. He realized that his current state is very similar to the final form of magic described by the alchemist, "it will be everything", but not so absolute.

Ivan can clearly feel that his power is still limited to a certain extent, but even this feeling of controlling everything has deeply fascinated him.

Ivan even swelled that even if Voldemort came in person, he could beat him and flee.

However, looking at the protection mode with only seven seconds left in the prompt bar, Ivan's swelling heart shrank like a flat ball.

This kind of time-limited power is difficult to use in battle, and it is very difficult to obtain legendary points~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is too wasteful to use it to support a battle.

Ivan sighed silently in his heart, but fortunately, he quickly adjusted his mentality and focused his attention on the improvement of his strength.

He wants to take advantage of the remaining few seconds of protection mode to perform a real biological transformation again to see if he can break through his bottleneck!

Just thinking of it, Ivan stretched out his hand directly, and a finger-sized piece of wood floated from the ground into the palm of his hand. Then Ivan gradually penetrated his magic power into it, and the fine wood fibers were decomposed one by one and spread out in his mind.

In the previous few transformations, Ivan attributed it to the fact that the deformed organism is too large and requires a lot of attention, so he decided to change into a smaller creature, such as fly beetle...

But it took so much effort to create a small insect that can be seen everywhere, which obviously did not meet Ivan's expectations. He even hoped to be able to create something more special.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, the small wooden block in his palm kept changing its shape, swelling in a full circle, and the burrs on the surface gradually became longer and softer, looking like animal fur, a pair of hard The corners gradually extend from the fur.josei

After a while, a strange creature the size of a half palm appeared in front of Ivan.

It is like a combination of many creatures. It is a deer as a whole, but it has sturdy hooves like a bull. It has a silver-white fur covering the whole body. It has a pair of large, curved horns on the top of its head. It looks very smart and extremely flexible. Deterrence.

If there is a wizard who is proficient in magical species here, I am afraid that it is impossible to tell what it is, because it is a magical creature that has been imagined-the snoring beast!

(PS: Today is a change, I owe it first, I will make it up if I have time...)

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